Biological means of protection of the plant

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All sorts of diseases and insect pests cause considerable damage to our gardens and gardens. Fighting with chemistry - a way effective, but not harmless to health. Biological means of protection are able to fight pests and plant diseases no less successfully. These funds, their benefits and benefits will be discussed in the article.

Plant protection methods

To save plants from pests and diseases, enjoy the following methods of protection of plants:

  • chemical. Insecticides and fungicides are used to combat;
  • mechanical. In view of the creation of all sorts of obstacles from the invasion of harmful insects in the form of adhesive rings on trees, barrier grooves. Using it on large areas is difficult;
  • biological. As assistants in the fight against pests, their natural enemies are involved;
  • agrotechnical. This method is used for prophylaxis. Conditions are created that exclude the development of pests and diseases;
  • physical. Used when the harvest is stored. Destroy pests living in the soil using steaming that is suitable for closed soil;
  • complete quarantine plants.

Benefits of biological plant protection products

The most effective method of combating pests is the chemical. The pests are indeed massively dying, but with them disappears and useful livestock, and about the usefulness of insecticides and fungicides for the human body does not have to speak. Another thing is biological means of protection of plants:

  • for a person, absolutely harmless;
  • the environment does not affect the environment;
  • destroys only pests;
  • you can always apply them, even when the harvest is suitable;
  • in plants, they do not accumulate and insects are not getting used to them.

In this case, the protection method, with pests fight with help:

  • predators and parasites in relation to insect. They are called entomophages. To the category of entomophages predators include bugs, ladybugs, dragonflies and others;
  • viruses and microorganisms;
  • beasts and birds eating insects.

Protection of plants from diseases

To understand what means to protect plants, we will understand in diseases caused by microorganisms, on the example of vegetable crops. It is them most often growing on their cottages.

What are the plants sick?

So, diseases are:

  • bacterial. Bacterial diseases include root rot, spotty, growths.


  • fungal. This is the most common type of disease when growing vegetables. These diseases arise due to pathogenic fungi. They infect primarily seeds, land, vegetable waste. The disease is transferred to neighboring plants. Durability, rust, and peridosporosis, and "black leg", and phytoofluorosis are also ranked with such diseases. To remove completely from the site source of infection is almost impossible, but reduce its strength with biological protection, quite real;


  • viral. This includes mosaic and jaundice of leaves.


How to protect plants from diseases?

Of course, to combat plant diseases, you do not need to engage in the breeding of beneficial microorganisms yourself, because biological products can be purchased in the finished form. For example, the Bacotofit preparation, manufactured by "Sibbiofarm". Has an international certificate.

"Bortophit". How to use it and for what



This drug is universal:

  • they are treated by planting material;
  • if plants need to transplant, then they are treated with roots. For seedlings also useful treatment with bakophyt roots;
  • bacotophyt spray and water the root plants;
  • in particularly launched cases, it can be used with herbicides.

The advantages of "bastophith":

  • it has everything you need to feed plants;
  • it is used as a prophylactic agent and as protection;
  • makes plants more resistant to diseases;
  • increases yield to 20%;
  • a large group of harmful microorganisms ceases growth and ceases to develop;
  • for humans, animals, birds and useful insects are safe;
  • already 1 day after its use, you can collect vegetables or fruits;
  • no accumulation in plants and soil;
  • when it is used, the useful microflora is developing in the ground.

"Phytosporin" in the fight against plant diseases


Many mushroom and bacterial diseases suppress Phytosporin's biological preparation. It contains natural bacteria in the canned form, which destroy pathogenic bacteria or prevent them from penetration. And besides this biofungicide:

  • stimulates the immunity of plants;
  • accelerates growth;
  • increases yield;
  • reduces the likelihood of re-infection.

"Phytosporin", manufactured by the LLC scientific and introduction enterprise "Bashinik", irreplaceable:

  • when soaking cuttings, seeds, bulbs - as a stimulator of growth;
  • when spraying potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, home and garden flowers;
  • to speed up the process of cooking compost;
  • for watering with a plot of plot, as it is also a good ground dressing. With a large frost, predatory bacterium dies, but fertilizer remains.

Biofungicide, stimulating growth - agate - 25k

This preparation carries out:

  • plant treatment;
  • feeding;
  • stimulates the growth of the roots, the germination of seeds.

Effective at:

  • root rot;
  • mildew;
  • septoriasis;
  • fusariosis and other diseases dangerous for plants.

It is advantageous from similar drugs by the fact that it is capable of significantly restraining the development of particularly harmful diseases:

  • pepper;
  • cucumbers;
  • potatoes;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrots.

Other advantages:

  • exhibited economically;
  • stored long;
  • retains properties at temperatures from -15 to +20 degrees C;
  • you can combine with chemotherapy and fertilizers.

Releases Agate - 25k LLC Bio-Biz.

Protection of plants from pests


Growing good harvest is accompanied by the struggle with hordes of pests. Stand in this struggle and not to poison plants, but at the same time with pesticides and nitrates, the biological protection of plants will help.


Protection of plants from pests involves the use of microorganisms that hit the enemy's body make it die. So for example: for all vegetable crops, there is a big danger of nematodes, but it has a natural enemy - the predatory mushroom Arthrobotris Oligospora. He was the basis of the preparation created to combat her.



The manufacturer "Nematofina" is LLC Center of Biotechnika. This drug operates in this way:

  • on the mycelium of the main active substance, i.e. mushroom, traps are formed in the form of numerous rings;
  • as soon as nematodes will touch these networks, it is captured by them;
  • after that, the predator mushroom absorbs the pest.

These predatory mushrooms live long in the soil and on the remains of plants.



In the spectrum of its action 20 species of pests, among them:

  • beetle Colorado;
  • aphid;
  • leafpers;
  • ticks web and fruit;
  • triples;
  • fruit, etc.

Produces this miracle preparation LLC NCB "Fabrometed". His advantages:

  • versatility;
  • high efficiency;
  • the presence of packages of various volumes. If it is required to get rid of the diseases of indoor flowers, then a small packaging "phytodemer" is provided for this in the form of glass ampoules.



Carries out the biological protection of plants, destroying many harmful insects. In this case, other insects do not suffer. Destroys:

  • the larvae of the beetle of Colorado
  • cabbage scoop;
  • fire;
  • cabbage mole;
  • close-up leaflet on grapes;
  • fruit mole, etc.


  • lack of phytotoxicity;
  • guaranteed to obtain environmentally friendly products;
  • the ability to handle plants 5 days before the expected collection of fruits.

The manufacturer is the production association "Sibbeofarm".


About other biological means of protecting plants you will learn, viewing this video:

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