How to paint the fence with your own hands

May 21. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 2500. Comments to write how to paint the fence with your own hands No

As a rule, the fence performs not only the protective, but also decorative function on the site. It is important to contain it in a neat state, for which you take various measures.


The main way to maintain the integrity of the design and give an aesthetic species is painting, so it is worth knowing how to paint the fence.

Providing protection


The necessary protective and decorative activities depend on the material from which the fence was completed. Separate staining examples show process differences. In any case, everything starts with the choice of coverage and tools.

Long life wooden fence


One of the traditional types of fence remains wooden structures that are distinguished by practicality, durability and most importantly available. There are two main situations:

  • painting a new fence;
  • restoration of the long-term construction.

In the first case, all work should be carried out before installing the fence, because the individual elements in the horizontal position is easier to process. Poles, runs and boards paint from four sides, high attention is paid to the ends, because these are the most vulnerable parts of the wood.

The second case implies a whole range of activities that ensure uniform wood coating for its protection. It includes:

  • preparation;
  • cleansing previous layers;
  • paint.

The first item involves collecting the necessary tool and selection of the coating. In order to determine how to paint the wooden fence, it is worth considering the proposed range of the market. Solutions designed to work with wood have in the components that protect the material from the spread of fungus and the effects of ultraviolet.

Antiseptics for wood produce two types - coated and translucent lesing, they give coloring surfaces and leave natural color, respectively. Each owner decides on its own, although the appearance of the texture of the tree always looks aesthetic. Oil paints are actively used, which, thanks to good absorption and a wide color scheme, retain the design for a long time. The best protection ensures acrylate compositions, it is enough to cover the fence once in 10 years.

Cleaning wooden surfaces is carried out with a knife and metal brush, be sure to use personal protective equipment. Dust, dirt and cobwebs are also removed, a broom and a wet rag can be performed with this task. It is important to replace damaged boards with new ones, so the general view of the fence will be preserved.

Directly for dyeing will need tassels and selected composition. The boards are coated in the direction from top to bottom, to protect against the adhesion of garbage on the brush at the base of the hedge laid the bar. Due to the toxicity of solutions, experts are not recommended to conduct a process in a hot clock of the day.

Rabita Grid - Practical Option

Another budget option is considered mesh fences that are durable and universal. Of course, there is galvanized or with a rabian polymer coating, but its value is significantly different from the usual species. There are several options for painting such a design, but the optimal method chooses each individual for itself.

Even before mounting the grid, you can dip a whole roll in the container with paint - it will be a fairly effective result. Those who wish to quickly cope with the process, it is recommended to stock large amount of composition and paintopult, so not only the design is painted, but also sufficient area around. The second option remains the usual brush - long and tedious staining is provided. In the presence of an assistant, you can organize bilateral painting with rollers - it is much faster and more productive than proposals with a tassel. Directly on the site choose the optimal solution, considering all the nuances of each method.

Work with metal


The main purpose of the coating of the metal fence is to prevent the appearance of rust and corrosion. Then the design will serve for a long time without being rotting. In order to decide which paint to paint a metal fence, it is enough to examine the instructions carefully. There, the manufacturer indicates for what type of surfaces can be used under what conditions. The absence of toxic elements is important, because during staining they will be allocated to the environment.

Previously, purification of rust was required for painting, priming surfaces, only then applied the finishing composition. Today, so-called transducers are offered, which, when coating a metal with rust, stop the destruction process. As a rule, oil, alkyd and polyvinyl formulations are used for painting metal fences. Aluminum and galvanized designs are coated with dispersion solutions, they provide protection for the material for 5 years.

Before staining, the surfaces from the previous layer are necessarily cleansed and washed away with a non-aggressive detergent. After complete drying of the elements of the fence, paint is applied with a brush or spray gun.

Concrete structures or eurosis


Thanks to a solid appearance and impressivity, many people prefer concrete fences, Evosabors are distinguished by the rapid construction and aesthetics. However, this option is not characterized by durability, under the action of the environment, concrete loses its indicators. In the pores of the material gets moisture, which at low temperatures expands - it gives microcracks. Subsequently, the thorough destruction of the design begins to the wind and sunlight. Therefore, you need to know what to paint the concrete fence, which will give an additional decorative effect.

There is a certain order of work, because the plates manufacturer have their defects:

  1. Initially, the seams are sweeping, for this, the usual cement-sandy solution is quite suitable, it is not necessary to buy plaster for outdoor use.
  2. Next, all surfaces are processed by primer deep penetration. The composition is perfectly applied with a wide brush, but it is better to carry out the paintopult, it is so evenly filled with all the pores and sinks in concrete.
  3. After complete drying of the surfaces, you can cover the design of the facade paint. Which color to paint the fence solves the owner of the site, the combination of bright tones is originally.

High-quality staining is obtained only when the following conditions are met:

  • the air temperature should not be below + 5̊ C;
  • humidity no more than 80%.

Then the greatest adhesion of compositions with concrete is achieved, respectively, as a result, they get beautiful and protected from the atmospheric influence of the structure.

Market offers


For wood, leaders are considered to be companies: Tikkurila, Alpina, Teknos, Sadolin.
Over the years in the market, Tikkurila has received recognition of many consumers due to the consistent quality of products and a wide range. For example, the perosil semi-union oil paint from Tikkurila costs about 10u.e. / l. Acrylate paint from this manufacturer has the same price range.

Alpina and Teknos offers a sufficient choice of compounds for outdoor work with wood, some go in white color with the possibility of tinting. The cost of colors about 12u.e. / l.

The Sadolin manufacturer produces water-repellent compositions providing wood strength. For example, the cost of 1 liter Sadolin Domus Aqua 10 USD

In the design of the chain grid and metal fences, various types of paints help. Manufacturers produce compositions in one price category with solutions for wood. The same Tikkurila offers to work with galvanized and aluminum Panssari AKVA worth 12 USD / l.

Alkyd paint master is considered universal, suitable for internal and external work with various types of surfaces. The cost of guaranteed quality from Sadolin is 15 USD / l.

97437580_LARGE_ZAB8.Concrete surfaces are suitable for paint Syloxan Colors Fasade Siloxan worth about 6 cu. / L. It is based on an acrylate dispersion, which provides readiness for re-staining after 6 hours, and to the designs of the structure after 3 days.

The German company PROMA offers the composition based on acrylic to work with concrete in just 5 cu / l, while the quality protection of the material for a long time is achieved.

If desired, it is beautiful to paint the fence, you can spit ideas on the Internet, you can find many photos of original solutions. In addition to painting a fence:

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