How to choose the boarding material

April 8. Useful advice, Plot. Views 935. Comments to record how to choose the right planting material No

With the onset of the first warm days, most dacms rushes to specialized markets to acquire high-quality planting material for the garden and the garden. Among the widest range is very easy to get confused and buy not what you need, succumbing to advertising promises and arguments of sellers. In this article you will learn how to buy a landmark material and get a rich harvest.

Basic selection criteria

The first thing you should know about the seedlings of fruit trees - they are two types: with an open root system and container. In the first case, the cost will delight any economical owner, but the appearance can embarrass - the plants sell "bare", with sticking roots, sometimes bought in packages. Container seedlings look much more aesthetic, but also cost much more. But the price in this case does not hint at the best quality.

Useful information: In containers, it is best to buy seedlings of various flower plants, decorative bushes, berries like strawberries. But the fruit varieties and raspberries are recommended to take with open roots.


An important feature of fruit plants is the fact that their seedlings should be from the same terrain where you plan to grow it in the future. Another indicative detail is the time of year when selling seedlings. Next six months neither dackets nor nurseries had the opportunity to grow something under the open-air in vivo, it means it is logical to assume that all the products offered last year's products. In other words, the plants were kept somewhere, and their further fate depends on the conditions of conservation for the winter. The material with an open root system is designed much easier than the container. Sometimes thin trees can only be loosen in loose land and provide protection against rodents. But bulky containers and pots for wintering should be tightly moved together, then pour out the impressive peat layer for thermal insulation. And then this option will save the plants only in a fairly snowy winter without serious freezers.

If you choose seedlings with an open root system, carefully inspect the roots - they should naturally branch in all directions, there should not be extraneous formations and mechanical damage. Clean roots of a light uniform shade and slightly wet. There should be no leaves on the branches of seedlings, otherwise the plant will be too quickly lose moisture.


The cost of planting material plants can still say about its quality. If you are offered impeccable in all respects the goods at an too low price, be sure that something is wrong here. Do not chase as cheap, since any gardener, respecting your work and selling truly high-quality material, will not give it to cheaply. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that one or another plant variety has its price, and there are initially expensive views, for example, lilies, irises, clematis and other flowers. Feel free to learn from the seller any details: the variety and characteristics of the plant, various agrotechnical moments, etc. At the seedlings, the corresponding label with information on grade market information, reproductive abilities, standard, the number of pieces in the beam. To finally be convinced of the product acquired, demand from the seller a certificate of varietal identification and quality (pay attention to the validity of documents defined by autumn and spring implementation), a quarantine certificate, as well as the conclusion of an examination confirming that the plant is not infected and not subjected to pathogenic attacks organisms. If for some reason you do not provide these documents, it is better to buy a seating material elsewhere.

Container saplings

Landing material with a closed root system can be two types: originally grown in a container or placed in a container after germing in the ground (container and contained, respectively). Professional gardeners are recommended to acquire container seedlings, as they practically painlessly transfer landing into open ground. The contained plants can already be damaged, because when digging them from the ground for the premises in a pot, there is always a risk of damage to the roots. In addition, put a seedling into the container, without trimming the roots, it is almost unrealistic, that is, the plant is already injured to some extent and takes time to restore.


When buying container plants it is impossible to see and evaluate the state of the root system, as in the case of the above-described options described above. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to determine the state of the product on external signs, to check the manufacturer's reputation in advance and the availability of all required documents.

The age of such a "cat in the bag" is also difficult to determine, especially if you are not an experienced gardener. The crown can be in perfect condition, but the volume of the container limits the intensity of the development of fruit crops and raspberries. For this reason, the pear, apple tree, plum, cherry and raspberry is better to buy with an open root system and without green leaves to be confident in rapid development after landing.

Finally, if you bought a container plant with an earthy substrate, there is a risk to settle on the site pathogenic microorganisms and flora. In the previous conditions, they could be suppressed by various chemicals, which were processed, and in vivo there may be an outbreak of the disease. It is worth noting that such cases are quite rare, but probability still exists.

Outdoor inspection

So, determining the type of planting material, it is necessary to go to its outdoor inspection. For example, a two-year-old apple seedling in the slaboroscale, the laying simply cannot be small - its normal height under such conditions should be at least 1.2 m and a maximum of 1.8-2 m. If the seedling grew on the seed in the seed, it should be even more Developed and big.

A good sign of high-quality products is the branched system of roots, which at the same time look slightly moistened. For fruit trees, about 4-5 medium roots are characterized.

Saplings-fruit crops.

To make sure that you actually offer to buy a high-quality variety plant, look at the bottom of the stem, remaining from vaccinations. He already has to heal, but at the same time clearly allocated on the general background of the bark. The barrel itself should be smooth and beautiful with a uniform texture without any defects like an ulcer, cracks and scaling. The bark should not be flawed, there should not be small holes (input or outlet holes of the treasury beetles). Also, you should not buy a tree with the branches of the branches.

Bulbous cultures

Lukovichny cultures are called a group of plants with sparkling and wintering bodies, representing bulbs, tubers, cornflowers, thickened rhizomes or intermediate options. These include tulips, ripples, begonias, asparagus, crocuses, mint, dahlia, daffodils, snowdrops, lilies, hyacinths, etc. Often these accumulating nutrients organs are modified shoots, with the exception of dahlias whose tubers are modified roots. For this reason, if the Tea Georgin does not have on the tip of the kidney, it will not develop.


The bulbous plants are recommended to purchase from large sellers with a good reputation, and not at random "one-time" suppliers in the market so that in case of marriage you can make a claim and compensate. Considering the cultivation of such cultures, it should be understood that in most cases the appearance of the flower is not so luxurious as on the package, and the reason for this is mainly the inability: temperature, humidity, soil composition, water chemistry, etc.


Plant bulbs are usually sold in bags themselves or with a filler from peat or chips. The prerequisite is the presence of holes (perforations) in the package so that the planting material can "breathe" and not banned. Also on the package should be information about the plant or marking, which can be found in the name of the variety in the company catalog.

What to pay attention to when buying a bulbous planting material:

  • perforated packaging;
  • intact live roots;
  • dense bulb structure;
  • the absence of defects on the surface of the bulbs (wet spots, whitic plaque, etc.);
  • the small size of the sprout, otherwise it can easily break.

Some mistakenly believe that the larger the bully, the better. However, if you buy Asian hybrids, then small sizes are completely natural for them. But the eastern and tubular will already be slightly larger, but even for them gigantism is unavigated. Large bulbs are suitable except for pastures, while the small chances are more likely to take root and flourish.


The lower part of the gladiolus tuber should be completely tiny, and the clubnelukovitsa itself should be high. This is a clear sign of her youth and good quality - the plant will be abundantly blossoming for several years in a row.

If you buy dahlia, make sure that there are several "woken up" kidneys. If you got a dry lifeless tuber, place it in a warm wet room and hold 7-10 days there. If even after that the kidneys did not come to life, then the plant will not help anything, and you should not spend time on it.


Useful advice: When buying a planting material in a nursery or by private traders, pay attention to the presence of spots. The bulbs should be clean and moderately humid. But not all spots indicate a low quality product. So, for example, green spots do not carry threats. They are formed by Penicillum fungus - Healing Penodilator. But even an externally, a healthy bulb may be infected, so require the seller's conclusion of a quarantine inspection. If you are lucky to buy clean and healthy bulbs, then place them in a weak mortar for a couple of hours.

Potato planting material

To get a rich potato harvest, it is necessary to prepare high-quality planting material. Where to buy such raw materials known to every gardener, but in this case, all the difficulty lies in proper preparation. For most, this work comes down to landscaping and coloring tubers.

You need to start preparatory work since autumn, when only the harvest is assembled. If you plan to use potatoes as a planting material, grown handy, choose only healthy bushes that have not been subjected to diseases or pest attacks. In addition, it is necessary that the tubers have a geometry characteristic of the grade and have been endowed with its properties.


Prepare material for landing need at the beginning of spring. First of all, override the tubers, dropping all small and damaged. Carefully check each potato for diseases and sort the size. The optimal weight of planting potatoes is 30-100 g. Do not use too small, because they will interfere with developing larger. And a tiny size may indicate the presence of a mutation that subsequently can lead to complete degeneration. Divide the entire mass into three categories: 80-100 g, 50-80 g, 30-50 g. For landing it is better to use the average category, and large and small potatoes can be added if necessary, if not enough average. Do not mix different categories, otherwise the shoots will be uneven, and some plants will begin to suppress others.

If you have noticed at least minor signs of the presence of nematodes, relent the tubers immediately. Do the same with a fused, affected by a pair and unpleasant smelling material. If you cut the tubers, place pieces into a weak solution of manganese to prevent the development of diseases.


As a result of a good material, at least 85% of the total amount of seed should be obtained. If such a ratio is not respected, all seeds of planting material should be discarded. After the selection, decompose potatoes in the sun in a well-ventilated room with air temperature 10-12c. Periodically turning over, wait 20-30 days until the tubers acquire a characteristic green color.

The purchase of a poor-quality planting material threatens not only wasted by money spent, but also a missed time. It is especially offended in the case of fruit trees, when only a few years later it can find out that the plant will not be fruit. Buy goods only from proven sellers of private traders or in large certified suppliers.

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