Mattiola: landing and care

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Some varieties of mattiols seduce gardeners with their decorative characteristics, others - fragrance, amplifying at night. However, to grow one or another type of mattioles without the knowledge of certain nuances relating to planting and leaving the plant is not easy.

General view of Mattiol

Mattiola is a herbaceous plant of one-, two or many years of nature. Currently there are more than 20 species of mattiols, each of which has certain features of development and reproduction. At the same time, only 2 types are most popular:


1. Mattiola counya is characterized by small, unbroken flowers of pale shades, which are collected in private inflorescences. Depending on the variety, the height of the plant can be 20-50 cm. The cycle of the development of mattiols, counting from time to sowing before the start of flowering, varies within 2-2.5 months. A simple flower shape testifies to the possibility of collecting seeds at the end of the season, the formation of which occurs in a small pod. Ridden seeds have a grayish brown shade and retain a large percentage of germination for 3-4 years. At the same time, the seeds of mattioles are seeded either with the onset of spring, or in late autumn directly into the ground. Mattioles are better not to use the seaside method of cultivation, as the plant, having a rod root system, poorly transfers any transplant.


In general, Mattiola Curry is valued for the fragrance by flowers in the evening and, especially, at night. Decorative qualities during the light day of mattiol is no different, because by the morning the flowers of the plant closes and open only with the sunset.


2. Mattiola gray, unlike the previous species, is cultivated due to decorative characteristics. The height of some varieties of the Sedoy can reach 80-90 cm. Mattiola with a terry flower type represents the largest decorative value. However, get seeds from which terry individuals grow only from plants with simple flowers. Depending on the variety, the process of forming and aging seed takes about 80-100 days. Seed germination is preserved for 5-6 years.


A variety of varieties of Lewa gray, the number of which has already exceeded the mark of 600 units, differ not only to the shape, the size of the bush and inflorescence, the timing of flowering, coloring petals, but also the start of flowering.


Based on the duration of the development cycle, Mattiola seeds are divided into 3 types:

  • autumn Levka, if you put in the last decade of March, blooms only at the end of August or early September;
  • winter left, when evounced in June or July, the month of this year, blooms in the spring of next year;
  • summer left, relative to previous species, enjoys the greatest popularity, since seeding in March contributes to the blooming of the plant in June of the current year. When separating seeds in late autumn, it will be possible to enjoy bloom only in May-June next year.

Since the autumn and winter varieties of Levkoev do not tolerate the turbulent frosts, the use of the Promination method of growing these plants in the open ground is simply inexpedient. But for the surveillance in the greenhouses on the cut, or as a pot plant, these varieties are fit perfectly.

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Unlike winter and autumn varieties, summer mattiols are well developing in the open ground.

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Thus, the left seama, surpassing by the decorative characteristics of Mattioju, the counya is significantly inferior to it according to the degree of produced fragrance. However, the duration of flowering mattioles gray with terry flowers reaches 15-20 days, while Mattiola Curly, being the owner of only simple flowers, will decorate the garden in the evening and at night only 4-5 days. At the same time, the sign of the terrain of future plants can be defined at the stage of collecting seeds.

Criteria Selection of Machor Mattiola

Since plants with a terry flower type are the greatest decorative value, most of the gardeners are trying to get the maximum number of seeds with signs of terrain. In this case, the selection is made in 2 stages:


1. At the seed collection stage. Due to the sterility of terry varieties, Mattiolas, seeds are collected from plants with a simple type of flower. The signal to the seed collection is the yellowed pods and the coming frosts. Get plants with terry flowers with a great degree of probability, if:

  • cross seeds are in short pods, often irregular shape and a somewhat rounded top;
  • the blades of the stroke are closely pressed to each other, and the plants themselves have a dummonious appearance.

Mattiols with a longer pod having upstairs 2 small horns, and bent into different sides by the blades of the stall testify to obtaining seeds with a simple flower shape.


2. When shoots appear. Even with a thorough seed selection, 10-30% will be seedlings with a simple flower shape. A sign of the terrain of the emerging seedlings serve large leaflets of a pale green shade. At the same time, the bright green color of the leaves testifies to the absence of signs of terrain at the future plant.


Regardless of the type of flower, independently collected seeds are better to search only for the next year after their collection.

Sowing seeds in open ground

In relation to the coughogo mattiole, the cultivation of seeds is made by sowing them immediately into open ground, since the plant does not tolerate the transplant and often dies when using a seedlide.

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Selection of site

Mattiola prefers sunny areas protected from wind, although midday shading in no way damage the colors. Landing Mattiola on sites that most of the day are hidden from the rays of the sun, will result in poor blossom and stretching the stems.


For the full growth and development of the leather, a subwoader is suitable with a neutral acidity.


It is undesirable to suck seeds on the plot, where various representatives of the cross-color family have grown up to landing, since there is a high probability of infection of flowers with such diseases as keel, fungus and other ailments, affecting the roots of the plant. In addition, Mattiola does not carry the stagnation of moisture and the introduction as a fertilization of the ground, since these factors become the cause of the black leg in plants, leading to the subsequent death of flowers.

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The soil preparation is desirable to engage in late autumn for six months or a year before seed sowing, since the microbic devices made with fertilizers die under the influence of winter frosts. For this you need:

  • to switch the ground to a depth of 30-40 cm and mix it with a humus (7 kg humidia by 1 m2 of the site);
  • make a liquid complex fertilizer or a neutral floral substrate (3 tbsp. per 1 m2 of land).

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Considering the periodic loss of decorative characteristics of the counnogo mattiol, the landing of the seed is better to produce on the flower beds with other beautiful-flowing plants, which in the afternoon will give a dedicated site more aesthetic appearance.

Seeding seeds

Depending on the variety and type of Mattiol, seeds are made in spring or in autumn as follows:


  • break the previously prepared soil;
  • make a groove to a depth of about 0.5 cm and slightly moisten them;
  • mix the seeds with sand in the ratio of 1:10 and distribute the furrocks;
  • not tamping, sprinkle the earth and moisten again.


In the spring crop, the appearance of shoots should be expected after 1.5-2 weeks after landing, and with the autumn - only next spring.

Survey care

With the appearance of 2-3 leaves, future plants need to be broken, leaving the distance between them 15-35 cm, depending on the variety and the degree of smallement of the bush, since excessive degree of plants contributes to the development of fungal diseases.


You can not allow the soil drying, since Mattiola is a moisture-loving plant.

Systematically remove weeds, pulling the supply of nutrients from the soil, which is so necessary for growing colors.


In compliance with all events and seeds in the spring, Mattiola will delight the owner by the appearance of flowers after 2.5-3.5 months.

Seeding seeds to seedlings

To get a flowering plant in June, many gardeners use plenty of mattiol growing method. At the same time, seeding seeds is carried out at the end of March or early April.

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Preparation of seeds and soil

Earth and drawers must begin to cook 2 days before the upcoming landing, following the next priority of the work:

  • putting containers are rinsed with water with the addition of a small amount of manganese and carefully dry;
  • we put several pebbles on the bottom of the box, which will replace the drainage system;
  • fill out the boxes of the ground consisting of sand and the turf in the proportion of 1: 3;
  • sing the land prepared in the boxes, again, with a small addition of mangalls before the appearance of pinkish color.


To accelerate germination, the seeds must be soaked for 24 hours in boiled water temperature, and then wrap in a wet cloth and move another day to the refrigerator, highlighting the place on the bottom shelf.

Seeding seeds

After all preparatory activities, proceed to the direct seed seed:

  • making grooves at a distance of 4 cm from each other;
  • output with the help of tweezers seeds, observing the distance between them in 3 cm;
  • sprinkle the earth and moisturize;
  • cover with glass, after which we remove into the dark, but rather warm place.


After the appearance of germs (after 5-8 days), we move the boxes into a bright place and reduce the temperature to 12-14 degrees. Reducing the temperature is a forced measure, since at a higher temperature, the formation of the kidneys, along with flowering, is delayed. For example, if the air temperature is 25 degrees, the beginning of flowering is late for 10-30 days, depending on the varietal indicators.

Picking plants

The appearance of 2-3 leaves does not indicate the need to transplant future plants. As containers, separate peat pots, paper cups or other containers can be used, allowing to reduce the likelihood of damage to the root during the transflection into the ground.

Konica Minolta Digital Camera

Prepared containers are filled with land consisting of:

  • sheet land - 2 parts;
  • turf Earth -1 part;
  • sand - 1 part.


Before transplanting, shoots must be ached abundantly. Transplant Mattiolov is made with a lore land. At the same time, future plants deepen into the soil under the seedlies, leaving the distance between the seedlings, equal to 4 cm, and the ground around the seedling is compacted and abundantly watered.


At the permanent place of seedlings landed in the middle or late May, at a distance of 15-30 cm from each other. However, the first 2-3 days after planting a plant is better to diaten, especially in hot weather so that they are better to take in a new place.

Adult Mattio

Despite the unpretentiousness of Mattiol, the care of these plants is still required and is it as follows:


  1. Moderate watering. With excessive dryness of the soil, the flowers begin to fine and fond quickly.
  2. Ruffle soil after rain and irrigation.
  3. The fight against weeds, degrading moisture and nutrients.
  4. Timely removal of flashing flowers, contributing to the maintenance of the decorative species of Mattiol.
  5. Systematic introduction of mineral, but not organic fertilizers every 3 weeks after disembarking the plant for a permanent place. Special attention to making fertilizers should be given during the formation of buds and after fading flowers.
  6. Conducting measures aimed at prevention and timely detection of diseases in the plant, for example:

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  • to prevent the appearance of the black leg in mattioles, the photo of which is shown below, can be using a fungicidal solution, watering a plant 1 time per month;
  • overweight of plants with wood ash heavy rains - prophylactic measure relative to cruciferous flew;
  • credit with whitefish butterflies will help the processing of mattioles with a weak solution of Valerian;
  • if the lesions occurs on the leaves and other signs of lesion, the leaves must be removed and burned to prevent the dissemination of the disease throughout the plant.

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Thus, the observance of all the nuances when sowing mattiols, landing and care, it is possible to enjoy the decorativeness of this plant throughout the summer or inhaling the flavor source.

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