How to put brick

April 9. Useful advice, Construction Views 4107. Comments to record how to put brick No

Brick is one of the most sought-after universal materials. Using it, you can make any type of building as residential and industrial value. So that the result corresponds to the specified requirements and responded to all the strength characteristics, be sure to follow all the rules, very simple, at first glance, technology.

What brick take to work?

Clearly define the scope of work and the type of surface formable to solve this problem correctly. Please note the recommendations below:

Another criterion for classifying bricks is the material from which it is made. This indicator also directly affects the permissible scope:

  • Silicate. The cheapest material from this group. Recommended for use exclusively for cladding and internal masonry. Not suitable for operation in high humidity and temperature. In the process of manufacture uses quartz sand and lime.
  • Ceramic. The main type of material for the construction of structures of various types. The composition of such a brick is an exhymed clay. Among the features, we note a rough surface that provides good adhesion. korsun-Shevchenkovskiy-Kirpich-Ryadovoy-Polnoteyy
  • Hyper pressed. The composition of such brick is cement, limestone and dye. It has a very attractive appearance and high strength characteristics, so it is great for the facing of complex surfaces, the operating conditions of which suggest temperature loads and increased humidity - socles, facades, fireplaces. Use such a brick and for decorating. Take into account when choosing hypercasted products, that the cost is high enough.
  • Clinker. Another kind of dear brick. It is made of refractory clay according to the special thermal processing technology at a temperature of 100 ° C. Due to this, the advantages of technical indicators include frost resistance and heat resistance, which makes it possible to use for any external work, facing furnaces and fireplaces and sidewalks during landscape arrangement. klinker3.
  • Personal. Its base is clay and wood sawdust. It is very effective for creating warm rooms with minimal heating costs. A novelty on the market, which is also characterized by a high enough, but quite justified value. keramicheskij-Porizovannyj-Kirpich

Important! No matter what type of brick you give preference, be sure to pay attention to the quality of the products offered:

  • no defects in the form of chips, cracks
  • the correctness of the form
  • brick density
  • love line ribs.



What to choose technology?

Before laying the wall of the brick, select the appropriate technology, considering your skills and type of material used. Delive to this process very carefully, since it is precisely from the principle of laying bricks a wall thickness, and accordingly the strength of the entire structure, and the appearance of the appearance.


The main difference is the method of designing seams and their dressings between the ranks. The most frequently used technologies are described below.


Design of seam

  1. Powder. Use this method if you plan to turn the surface in the future. Externally, ready-made masonry looks like small gaps between adjacent bricks. That is, lay the solution so that it does not get to the edge of the brick. The finishing mixture of plastering is in the resulting slots, which increases the fastening.
  2. In a cut Apply this technology to create a smooth surface or forming chimneys and furnaces. In the finished laying, the slots will be expensive.
    There are several techniques:

    • In the presser, the most simple in the design
    • Iniquit
    • In principle with trimming.
  3. Convex or concave seam. Excellent option for decorative masonry. It combines well with clinker or facing bricks.


Dressing technology

The main condition for creating a high support ability of the structure is the correct load distribution. Therefore, when building a house from this material, define in advance how to put a brick. Choose one of the long-tested Dressing Schemes:

  1. Chain. The most ancient technology. To implement such a clutch in each row sequentially ligate vertical seams with alternate use of the binder and stretcher bricks. Be sure to expose the symmetry of the masonry.
  2. Phillips. Sutures close without a clearly matured parameters indentation in each subsequent row asymmetrically.
  3. Spoonful. The seams of each subsequent row shift exactly half the length of the brick or a quarter. Vidy-Licevoj-Kladki-Kirpicha

What tools are needed for laying?

To properly and quickly perform all the work, prepare the necessary tools in advance, focusing on the list below:

  • trowel
  • extending
  • melo cord
  • mop.
  • hammer Korchka
  • carpenter Galnik
  • level
  • roulette
  • buckets
  • shovel
  • capacity for solution. kAK-KLAST-KIRPICH-4

How to make the calculation of the number of bricks?

Before buying a brick, make a preliminary estimate. Determine the quantity you need, considering the parameters of the future design and focusing on the special brick consumption table below.

2014-04-09 01_04_03-masonry technologies_ How to put a brick brick, brick house, construction, kg

When counting the number as defining parameters, use:

  • the length of the outer wall
  • planned wall thickness
  • square outdoor walls
  • method of laying.

    Important! In addition to these criteria, consider the planned facing work. Do not forget about the permissible 10-15% of recalculation due to the fight or other difficulties arising when laying.


How to prepare a solution for brickwork?

Preparation of a solution for laying bricks is a very simple process, but take care carefully to the compliance of the proportions.


To perform this work, do the following:

  1. Measure 1 part of the cement to 4 equivalent sand parts.
  2. Perform measurements with one bucket.
  3. Put all the components in the prepared container.
  4. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Dilute a dry mixture with water before obtaining the desired consistency.

    Important! The plasticity of the solution is determined, based on the chosen type of brick and the laying method.

  6. Check the compliance of the plasticity using the reference cone.
  7. Focus on the following indicators - 7-9 cm correspond to the hard solution, over 10 - movable.

    Important! Prepare in small portions to prepare a high-quality solution as quickly as possible and convenient.

  8. Add lime or clay to increase the plasticity of the solution and frost-resistant plasticizers when performing work in the cold season.


How to put a brick?

Adhere to the following recommendations to make a strong brick wall correctly:

  1. Make the marking of the territory.
  2. First, complete the corners. 1381811818_018_14

    Important! To make the maximum stability of the formed columns at the corners of the future building and ensure the smooth masonry, use aluminum corners.

  3. Consistently check the direction of the level in the process of connecting the angles to exclude the overcast of the line or use the taught pre-cord. Brick wall device
  4. Observe the suturing ligation parameters in each subsequent row exactly with the selected technology.

Pay attention to the distinguishing nuances of seams of laying technologies below.



Masonry design method:

  1. Apply a solution directly to the surface of the previous series at the calculation of laying 3-4 bricks.
  2. Cross the culma by setting the correct thickness and indent from the edge along the length of the brick.
  3. Check by level.
  4. Make consistent bricks, slightly pressed, but, not allowing the spreading of the solution.
  5. Check the surface evenness.


In preshance

Principles of technology:

  1. Place the brick on the solution.
  2. Contribute part of the solution by the edge of the Kelma.
  3. Click it to the vertical brick face.
  4. Press a new brick tightly to the base of the canvas.
  5. Coldly remove it.
  6. Assess the brick on the masonry.
  7. Fix the solution between vertical edges of adjacent parts.
  8. Excessive solution Cut the edge of the Cell.

    Important! All bricks are placed extremely closely with a rigid solution. kladka_kirpicha_vprizhim1


Principle of laying:

  1. Stroke with one facet brick solution via the previous one.
  2. Do it at a distance of 8-10 cm.
  3. Press the brick to the masonry.
  4. Hope it.
  5. Fill the vertical seam with the collected solution.
  6. Do not squeeze the solution outward.

    Vjust! To perform work on this technology, use a movable solution. Construction of walls_page3_image2.

White with undergrowth

This technology is a combination of two previous ones.

Method of laying:

  1. Dissell the solution using technology into clamps.
  2. Lock the brick in accordance with the rules of the method of the method. Brickwork for cement mortar

How to put a decorative brick?

Laying of decorative bricks is somewhat different from the design of walls with further finish.

Adhere to the following recommendations when performing decorative cladding:

  1. Perform all work neatly.
  2. Do not hurry.
  3. Use only hard mortar for external work.
  4. Prepare special glue for decorative bricks during inner cladding.
  5. When performing interior wall decoration, pre-apply primer to increase the adhesion.
  6. Keep the face of the facial surface, applying the solution.
  7. Use a special color solution of a suitable shade for grouting of the seams after the final pouring of the solution in the created brick wall.



To more clearly imagine the construction process from facing material, browse the video as laying a brick.


The whole process of independent construction of the brick house does not differ in difficulty, but requires care and accuracy at all stages. Pay the desired amount of time to correctly select the most appropriate type of masonry for the design of various parts of the house design and the view of the material itself. Before you start to stack bricks on the site of the future building, pre-work-out, creating a small wall in the chosen technology in another territory. This approach will ensure the maximum quality work done without any visible defects, and construction of the building will meet the specified strength requirements.

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