How to make an Abyssinian well do it yourself

May 9. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 4454. Comments to record how to make an Abyssinian well do it yourself No

The Abyssinian Well is a well located in water, which is formed by drilling. Specialists sometimes refer to the design of the well, scoring well and an Abyssinian well.


In this article we will tell how to build an Abyssinian well personally, using quite a bit of workforce and time.

Completion of the Abyssinian Well


The classic system of this type of well is a pipe that has 1 inches in diameter and length up to 15 m. At the lower end, a filter is located with a fine grid and perforation, and on the top - the pump. The creation of the well takes quite a bit of time and is equipped for a day. In this case, the used technique does not assume the presence of a large space, so the design can be installed even in the basement room.

The main restriction for the use of the well well is the depth of piezometric water level. That is, the water surface should be located at least eight meters. At the same time, the depth of the well itself can be much larger, for example, from 10 to 15 m. If this type of level in the system will be less than 8 m, then the installation will have to deepen.

As for the influx of water in such equipment, it almost does not depend on the diameter of the concrete rings and the pipes used.

Benefits of creating an Abyssinian well


  • installation work occupy from 3-5 hours (it all depends on the type of soil);
  • such an installation has a relatively low cost;
  • abyssinian needle well provides a high water supply rate;
  • the water obtained in this way is characterized by good quality;
  • the well well needed in conditions of sufficiently limited space, including in the kitchen, in the bath, garage, basements;
  • abyssinian Well does not require certain access to access roads, since all the equipment is easily accommodated in the car trailer;
  • the connection of the outer pump and the pumping station involves sufficient simplicity;
  • the tightness of all compounds eliminates the dirt into the well;
  • the life of the well is up to 30 years, and the capacity is 1-3 cubic meters. m / h.

Cables for creating a scoring well


  1. The main disadvantage of this type of well is that water is swinging with the help of pumps and creating a vacuum, that is, hydraulic losses and a decrease in the efficiency occur in the process of functioning. However, competent specialists can solve this problem with the deepening of the pump to the water mirror, but at the same time the coppe around the besson's well will rise in price.
  2. Another disadvantage is the impossibility of small-sized technology to pass the breed of increased strength and lime rocks, which also makes it difficult to install the well in some areas.

Water and its quality in the Abyssinian Well - Well

Water from the scoring well passes soil natural filtration and is taken from depth to 15 m. And since all water characteristics are equal to the spring, it can be used for cooking, as well as for economic purposes.

At the same time, the highest quality, purity and mineral composition of such water does not contain harmful bacteria and impurities, so no additional cleaning is required.

If the depth of the water horizon is more than 15 m, then it is better to apply a well to the sand.

well in the sand

How to make an Abyssinian well

abissinskiy-kolodec-1 (1)

A simplified version of the creation of the tubular pile Abyssinian wells is as follows:

1. Initially, you need to dig a pit the size 1h0,8h0,8 m.
2. Then, the filter with the pipe to be rigidly coupled.
3. On the pipe to spread the goods (Babu) to 30 kg, which will move freely along it downwards and upwards.
4. At a distance of 1 meter from the filter, you need to secure steel clamp - rebabok.
5. Above it at a distance of 100-150 cm mount the second clamp with 2 blocks.
6. Next, a pipe with a valve, tip and filter is installed in the center of the finished mine, which is subsequently covered with soil.
7. At the end of the earth around the posterior pipe, it will be trambed, which will provide its vertical stable position.

Abyssinian Well Drilling


Instead of the first option, namely the mines of the mine in a depth of about 1 m, it is possible, applying the usual drill, drill a special barrel of 15.0-20.0 cm in diameter, which will also create a stable position of the pipe. It is driven into the ground with the help of shots of the incident cargo on the rebabble until the latter reaches the surface of the Earth. Next, it is re-moved up to 1 m and produce fixation. Such an activity must be continued until water appears. Then the pipe is clogged into the aquifer to immerse the filter, while the water level should be slightly higher than its upper edge (about 0.5-1 m). At the end of the work, the water should be pump out to full clarification, which will take about 15-30 minutes.

Water Verification in Pipe

well well

The presence of water in the tube of the Abyssinian Well can be checked by lowering a small tube on the lace. When contacting with water, it should publish specific cotton.

Thus, with the help of a small-sized or manual electric pump, the Abyssinian well will provide your home with water in an amount of from 10 to 15 l / min.

Abyssinian well do it yourself video:

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