Electrograms in the interior

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The fireplace has always been not only a source of heat obtaining, but also a popular interior item. But to install a natural focus it will be necessary to equip the chimney and get permission. In addition, the process itself is time consuming and will entail considerable expenses. An alternative to the wood focus is an electric fireplace. This device is an ideal option for an urban apartment where it is impossible to install the traditional design. According to external signs, electrocamine is not much different from the present, while it does not only perform the task of decorating the premises, but also is a full-fledged heating device.

Advantages of using electrocamines

The first fireplaces appeared in England. This element was the mandatory component of each English home. But the exploitation of traditional foci was conjugged with certain difficulties. Over time, the chimneys required over time required labor-intensive care. This was the reason for finding an alternative version, as a result of which an electrical analogue of the traditional fireplace appeared. He soon gained popularity as it became obvious advantages of this device. Let us examine them in more detail:

  1. Electrograms in the interior have a significant advantage in the form of ease of installation. To add the design by this aristocratic element, you do not need to equip chimney or foundation. The use of bricks and a solution will also be required. Installation is carried out in such a way that it will not be necessary to repair the premises.
  2. The power source for this equipment is electricity. It eliminates the need to harvest coal or firewood, and will also allow to avoid smoke indoors.
  3. The operation of the electrocamine in the interior of the living room, in contrast to its wood counterpart, is characterized by minimum fire hazard. The risk of fire from the operation of the electrocamine is the same as from the functioning of any other electrical appliance.
  4. In addition to decoking the interior, such a device also additionally heats the room. With regard to the effectiveness of energy indicators, firewood are inferior to their electrical counterparts.
  5. Electricity fireplaces successfully compete in value with their traditional counterparts, as they have a lower price. Exception can be electrical appliances that have a finish of expensive materials, such as marble.
  6. Dimensions and weight of electrocamines are small, which makes them transporting more convenient.
  7. The installation of such equipment will not be associated with any difficulties, since this does not require permits.
  8. If the heating room is not needed, and the fireplace requires only the execution of a decorative function, for this, the device is equipped with an autonomous mode.


Disadvantages of electric fireplaces

Along with such a number of positive characteristics, this device is not deprived of the shortcomings:

  • electrocamine can not be called economical equipment, it consumes a large amount of electricity;
  • if, in addition to the electrical focus, there are still many other devices to the network, wiring failure may occur;
  • due to the presence of a fan, the work of such a fireplace is accompanied by a certain noise.

With a certain similarity, electrocamine still can not simulate the flame that would be maximally reminded by the present.

Electrocamine in the interior photo:


Varieties of electrocamines

  1. Electrocamine, made in a classic style, has maximum realistic. This is the most suitable option to create classic interiors.
  2. Fireplace in the style of high-tech. External signs resembles a plasma TV. Suitable for modern interiors of the urbanistic direction.
  3. Mobile models that can be fluent in house or transport to another place.
  4. The device embedded in the wall. Built-in electrocamine in the interior is a complex device having a significant cost. For their installation, the niche with the frame from expensive materials is pre-prepared.
  5. Wall-mounted devices. They are fixed on the wall or embedded in a niche. Such fireplaces are distinguished by a small depth, so much space is not required to place them. This is a suitable option for apartments. They can also be installed in the kitchen room.


Parameters of selecting electrocamines

Electrograms in the interior of the apartment this is a practical solution that will give the design of the room by a note of aristocracy. When choosing an electric fireplace, such factors should be taken into account:

  1. Device power. The optimal option is an indicator of 1 kW of 10 m 2 Rooms.
  2. It is necessary to take into account the cost of the device. In the equipment of the lower price category, there may be no flame brightness control function, also a relay that supports a constant temperature. And portals can be made by their MDF.
  3. As the most optimal selection, you can recommend the devices of the average price segment. They are equipped with all the necessary features.
  4. Fireplaces related to the highest price category differ, as a rule, designer research. At the same time, the quality and functionality does not exceed the electrocheamines of the average cost.
  5. Next to pay attention to this presence of a guarantee. The best option will be the acquisition of a fireplace whose manufacturer has service items in the region.


The principle of operation of electrocamines

The fireplace consists of two elements:

  • focus or electrical firebox;
  • portal, that is, framing.

On the front of the device there is a panel with keys by which the equipment is managed. With their help, heating power is adjusted.

The functioning of the device provides a tubular electric heater. Also, in the presence of a thermostat, the fireplace can maintain the specified temperature mode. Outgoing heat is evenly distributed throughout the room. You can also increase the heating rate by further installing the fan.

Electrocine corner in the interior is equipped with a function of turning off the heater, while the flame is stored in the focus. The imitation of firewood covered by the flame is achieved with the help of a stamped plastic plate, the painting of which resembles the burning firewood. Also from the inside with the help of orange or red light, the glowing anthracite is highlighted.


Interior design with electrocamine

Effectively and at the same time organically place the room using a fireplace and without the help of a designer. To do this, consider some subtleties:

  1. A well-selected portal is the main point on which the overall interior concept depends. Pick this design in exact compliance with the stylistics of your room. Modern electric fireplaces are made in a wide variety of styles, which makes it possible to choose such an element to almost any design.
  2. Equipment should be placed in the room in such a way that its firebox is directed to the center. At the same time, the equipment should be unimpeded access.
  3. Before the fireplace, if you wish, put the table and chairs or chairs and create, thus, the recreation area.
  4. When choosing a place for a fireplace, you should consider the illumination of the room. It is recommended to place it in such a way as to avoid direct flow of artificial or natural light.
  5. Also, you should not install a fireplace near the door, since its location should contribute to relaxation and create a relaxing atmosphere.
  6. It is possible to give the completed view of the design of the room by adding the fireplace with various accessories. It can be sets of fireplace tools, such as scoop, tip, tongs for fuel, a kocherga.
  7. It can also be a decorative screen, which is placed in front of the furnace or bench for inflating on the wall. And next to the electrocamine you can put a bucket for coal.
  8. Electrocine favorably complement the design of any room, regardless of its functional purpose. This subject of the interior is equally profitable to look in the living room, bedroom, kitchen, and even in the bathroom.



Wall-mounted electrocamine in the interior is a multifunctional and aesthetic addition of any interior. It is also a convenient alternative for urban apartments, where it is not possible to establish a traditional fireplace. At the moment, the market offers electrocamines made in various styles, which allows you to choose a device for any design room. The electric fireplace is not only an exquisite decoration of the house or apartment, but also a full heater.
Recommendations for the choice of electrocamine are presented on video:

Electrocamine in the interior - Photo

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