Garden figures do it yourself in the country

May 31. Useful advice, Plot. Views 1650. Comments To record Garden figures with their own hands on the country No

The aesthetic satisfaction of the gardener delivers the appearance of a beautiful and neat delicate area decorated with elegant shrubs, various colors and intricate garden figures. At this time, it became popular to decorate your garden with all sorts of statuette, miniature waterfalls or fountains, on a rustling of stones to install fairy-tale heroes, let the rubber swans in an artificial pond and make other design elements. Such an occupation is very fascinated and sets up a gardener for the further embodiment of his fantasy in the design of the garden with new figures.

How to choose garden figures: principles


Garden decorations in the form of decorative figures, which are made with their own hands - this is the soul of the site, its feature and charm. Consider the main features of the selection of garden figures for home plot.

  1. The easiest and fastest way is the acquisition of the ready figure in the store. But in this way there is one minus. It is expressed in the fact that there may be many such figures and you will not have an exclusive. In general, a wide variety of figures for decorating the site do not expect. Often they make them in small batches and this product is definitely inherent in the irregular release of products.
  2. At the moment when you decide to decorate your plot figures, it is important to decide how and where to install them. Whether they will be in the center of the giving, so that at the entrance immediately drawn at either it will be the figurines of surprises that look out due to bushes and trees at a certain angle. What mood will be heroes, for example, perky, sad or fun.
  3. In the choice of features for the garden, it is necessary to pay attention to their compatibility with your garden interior or at home. Mythological, refined sculptures of Zeus, Femids, Aphrodites or other fantastic heroes are suitable for the classic site.
  4. In a simple design, and a cozy landscaped site will ideally fit various fountains or an artificial pond with frogs and alive fish. In such angle, the use of mythology and extravagance will not be very appropriate.
  5. In gardens with a rustic style often use gnomes, birds, animals and fabulous characters. But it is not worth overdoing with the decoration, because a lot is not always good. Solded by diverse figures, the garden looks naryapily and rather not aesthetically, rather than with the desired effect of taste and style.
  6. When solving the question of which figures choose, it is necessary to focus on the size of your territory and personal financial capabilities. In the Great Garden, too little figurines can simply be lost, and large garden figures on a cozy small space will look cumbersome and inappropriate.
  7. Do not forget about the sense of measure. It is better to emphasize the natural beauty of the household site with the help of stumpy, flower beds, small lakes and natural stones. The children's zone is recommended to arrange fabulous figures.

Materials for garden figures


In the era of the rapid development of progress and fancy, even figures for household plots manage to do from completely unimaginable materials. Nevertheless, the classic consumables can be attributed to natural stone, plaster, of course, wood and modern plastic. Experienced gardeners and professionals are often used by the tires of various diameters, as well as the usual construction foam for detailing small elements. In addition, consumer plastic bottles can be considered a popular material for the manufacture of garden figures with their own hands. Let us dwell on all types of materials and their features.


  1. Exceptionally environmentally friendly and natural material for the manufacture of garden decor is wood. Naturalness, warm shades and a special structure gives fittings of the organity, which allows them to be perfectly combined with any landscape garden design. In this context, any, even the most frightening fabulous characters look more mild and fun.
  2. To create a truly beautiful figure from a tree, it is recommended to adversely to work with an unprocessed array, because in this particular decoration is charming some asymmetry and somewhere angularity of nature. Therefore, for work, you can prepare dry dye dyeing branches in advance, the remains of the stumps, logs and suitivated squigs.
  3. Also from the tree perfectly overlook the characters with an emphasis on hand of hand, for example, pianists with improvised tools in the form of shrubs and forest heroes decorated with evergreen soft moss.
  4. Pay attention to the night predator figure is a fairly popular scenery for garden decoration. Owls have a simple shape, which is fairly easy to repeat even inexperienced gardener from, for example, fir or pine logs. By adding beautiful swirling pods on the sides, you will get improvised feathers with wings, and then only stays trying to paint eyes with the beak and everything is ready.
  5. And do not forget about the classic and, perhaps the most common character, which gardeners are made of wood - this is a butarinka.

A natural stone

This material is great for decorating the landscape design of the household site. It is distinguished by its strength and durability, extremely resistant to external influences and retains his form under all weather conditions.

  1. Of course, make a stick from the stone of the unprepared gardener like this rightly it is unlikely to succeed. To the statuette turns out well enough to simply be able to work with a stone, you need to see the future figure in the block, which you select to work. To do this, it is necessary to evaluate not only the size, but also the form, the texture of the material for work.
  2. Someone in a cobblestone can see only a stone pile, this will remind the other cat, a fox or even ladybugs in the meadow.
  3. When the resource is defined, now it's about the paints and the edging of the future garden figure. Taking into the hands of a brush, you are able to outline on the stone any of your idea.
  4. Also original in the garden will look marine stones. The cobblestones treated by waves will ideally look at the garden design without unnecessary tinsel, but if you want to revive a little picture, open some details with varnish and add some paints.


Gypsum is a material that is one of the most supplied and simple for the manufacture of garden figures with your own hands. Not in vain, it is often used by architects and designers to embody his most bold ideas.

  1. Gypsum is one of the most popular materials for lovers of original landscape design. Creating a sculpture, it is easy for it to give the desired shape and correct the sizes.
  2. The only minus of the gypsum garden figures is its vulnerability and fragility. That is why plaster is more often used to create embossed elements on the ceiling and in hard-to-reach places.
  3. Using special workpieces, make a statuette for a garden from a gypsum with a detailed instruction much easier than to make it from the stone.
  4. The most popular heroine for a plot of plaster can be called a caterpillar. Photo of a variety of garden figures made by your own hands can be studied in landscape design gardener magazines and online. To do it, you need to form a certain number of circles and sleep them into pancakes, and then combine each other. So that the caterpillar is more realistic, the pancakes can be made of different diameters. The head needs to be issued by convex, shag-like and not forget to draw small eyes.

Construction cement

Instead of gypsum, such a fragile and cheap material, an ordinary building cement can be used to make garden figures with their own hands. Maybe you even have a little left after the construction of the house. By selecting this material, you can approach different decor.

  1. In the first case, the finished solution is poured into the infringeless material to create the desired form, for example, you can use the ball for round elements of the figures. So you can easily make a bun, burning through the expanses of your estate. Similarly, you can make a turtle or even a mushroom hat using a small diameter of a basin for linen.
  2. In the second version it will take some time to prepare. First you have to make an external frame of the future garden character, and then use the cement to outline the contours of the decor. However, in this case, do not forget to add some glue to a conventional solution, you can even PVA. Then the mass becomes more viscous and plastic, which in the literal sense the word will allow you to create, creating your home hero.

Hay and straw

To beautifully decorate the garden and do not drain the decorative component, gardeners often dilute massive figures from hard materials lighter, almost aerial characters.

For example, an intricate little hedgehog can be made from the pilots of the hay. To do this, it is enough to first twist a dense body from dry grass, and then carefully fix the needles. Do not forget to highlight the animal's muzzle and fix the spout with eyes. You can do this with black beads.

Screw materials

The fantasy of professional gardeners to predict is hard, for the manufacture of beautiful landscaped scenery they use the most seemingly unimaginable unnecessary things in everyday life. Garden figures with their own hands from girlfriend - it is hit the season in the design of household plots.

  1. The most popular material can, without a doubt, call the old car tires in which flower beds are planted, paint patterns, deform and distort into swans and various plants, such as palm trees and cacti.
  2. In addition, the tires from the wheels are also quite popular. With the help of such things of different diameters, it is easy to create a large animal torso, such as a forest bear and finish the design of a paw with small tires.
  3. Old veins barrels can also come in handy in the garden. With the desired approach, you can draw a round torso with improvised handles and eyes, putting a magic cap.

Make garden figures with your own hands

Everything seems not so difficult if you have already done this or you have a detailed instruction. How to make garden figures do it yourself? Consider several step-by-step schemes for performing a simple garden decor.

Miniature stone castle


Master class on the construction of their own hands this garden figurines like a medieval castle, start with materials. In order to do that you need to prepare a decoration on the site:

  • bleed pipe diameter of 7 - 10 cm;
  • tiles of any type, you can use the kitchen tiles or floor tiles in the flakes;
  • tiles can be replaced with unnecessary CD-disks, they will look beautiful small pieces;
  • 1.5 liter plastic bottles - 2 pcs .;
  • cement.
  1. Choosing a location for the mini-castle. It should not be deep in the vegetation, because the decor has to be seen, but also close to the aisle to install such decoration is not recommended. The ideal place would be a relaxation area, a little away from the benches or sun loungers, barbecue area. So you can enjoy your masterpiece and do not fear for its fragility.
  2. Take the tube and carefully dug them into the ground in an upright position, as if outlining the territory of the future structure. It will be improvised, and at the same time the foundation of the castle tower. Fossa pour a small amount of concrete and leave it to dry for 2 - 3 days.
  3. Now we proceed to the formation of the masonry with small stone pebbles. Spread the material with a solution of reinforcing concrete layer by layer, until we reach the level of improvised lock windows.
  4. To make a window, cut a plastic bottle along and we fix one part of the pipe. We continue to spread the wall.
  5. When the level of the building to reach the edge of the bottle and tube, proceed to the formation of the roof. It is done with a prepared pieces of tile fragments or CD-ROM drive. Beautifully will put everything in a mosaic-style pieces of different colors. Castle is ready!
  6. To add liveliness and realism of the picture, you can perform from the medieval hay ogradku gates and lay out of the stone path to the house.

Giraffe from car tires


Run a figure for the garden of the tires is quite simple, especially if it is a giraffe of such a plan as in the picture above.

we need to create this masterpiece:

  • bus - 1 pc .;
  • chock - 2 pcs .;
  • paints;
  • beads for eyes and mouth;
  • iron racks;
  • metal corners.
  1. Digging a pit digged and exactly half bus.
  2. Front tire, where y is the muzzle giraffe-Ground lumps in the form of the letter "L" so that the improvised neck was exactly 2 times longer than the body.
  3. Ears can be made from metal parts or cut from a plastic bottle, the choice is yours. Carefully attach them to the hero.
  4. Eyes, nose and mouth fastened by adhesive to the animal's muzzle PVA.
  5. The tail can be made from both iron rails and a slamming of the nose from the garden watering can, if it is unnecessary.
  6. It is now important to paint the garden exhibit beautifully, you can even attract children to this. Paints are better to use acrylic, they better tolerate heat and humidity, do not burn out and do not swell, tightly held on the basis. Our giraffe is ready!

Garden figures do it yourself: video

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