How to make an artificial stream with your own hands

May 22. Plot. Views 3781. Comments to record how to make an artificial stream with your own hands No

When decorating the local area, a number of difficulties occur still at the design stage. Many forms of modern landscape design, although impressive with their effectiveness, but clearly looks through their artificial origin. The owners of the same cottage and country sites seek to reproduce attractive, but the most natural picture of nature. The easiest way to emphasize the naturalness of the landscape is to create a stream.

How to plan the location of the stream?


The first task with which you have to cope - choose the location of the stream and its shape. When creating a project, be sure to consider the following criteria:

To make a decision faster, take into account the following recommendations:

  • For visual expansion of the site, create a narrow, slightly winding stream.
  • If the entire territory is common to give preference to the meadow type of stream with frequent bends along the entire length.
  • Prefer the mountain type with a cascading principle of the device, if a natural relief with a slope. 014

    Important! To choose the most interesting idea of \u200b\u200ba combination with other forms of decoration of the green zone, such as stairs, reservoirs or alpine slides, preview the photo of the artificial stream of finished projects. ruchey6.

Sizes of the stream

Determine the length, width and depth of the stream alone, taking into account the personal vision of the artistic picture of the landscape. 8_83

But consider the standard indicators used when creating an artificial stream at the cottage:

  • Plan a width in the range from 0.4 to 1.5m.

    Important! Note that the stream, the width of which will be less than 40 cm, will become invisible among green plantings. With a large exceeding the upper boundary, the artificial source will turn into a full-fledged reservoir. 216

  • Suitable depth for the stream - 0.3-0.5m.

    Important! When complying with standard solutions, the risk of improper functioning of the direction of the water flow system is significantly lower. Artificial Creek in Landscape Design

What is the feature of the stream device?

Unlike the remaining types of artificial reservoirs, when arranged an artificial stream on the site, it is necessary to purchase and install the pump. With it, the constant circulation of water will occur. 27(33)

What pump to choose?

For this form of landscape design, apply the submersible pump, as such equipment will provide the necessary result with minor costs. 1355805430_USTROYSTVO-RUCHYA-6

Among the advantages of such an installation, we highlight the following points:

  • silent
  • high performance
  • size compactness. ustanovka_pogruzhnogo_glubinnogo_nasosa_v_kolodec.

    Important! Given the small size of the source, the use of this type of equipment will become the most rational solution.

Suitable type of pump system Select based on the features of the artificial stream created:

  • for the murmur, a more powerful installation will be required.
  • for mining, prefer to a large unit to provide a high-quality jet.
  • for a dimly current source, a small power pump and lower other technical characteristics are quite suitable. Creek

    Important! Smaller technical criteria indicators do not mean lower quality. Therefore, that the pump system is uninterrupted for a long time, make the equipment purchase of only a proven manufacturer. 4

What material to choose to cover the bottom?

To form a stream of stream, the following types of materials are most often used:

  • butyl rubber or PVC film
  • concrete
  • fiberglass. vodopad-V-Sadu

    Important! Prefer the most appropriate, given its financial capabilities, work skills and the structure of the stream. lD_180_LARGE.

How to correctly calculate the required volume of water?

To properly determine the required volume for the stable functioning of the artificial stream, make a simple miscalculation, moving all its parameters.


We give a visual example for the following sizes:

  • length 10m
  • width - 50 cm
  • the depth of the current stream is 2 cm. 80

Computational formula

  1. Translate all the values \u200b\u200binto one plane, for example, equate all the indicators to meters.
  2. The length of the scheme corresponds to 10m, but be sure to consider all the bends and turns of the line - due to this it is lengthened. For example, in our task, the difference was 2M, that is, the length of the entire stream is not 10, and 12 meters.
  3. Outcome: 12 * 0.5 * 0.02 \u003d 0.12 cubic meters. or 120 liters. 47573543_1250430388_U31

How to make an artificial stream?

Depending on the type of material chosen for the lining of the material, the construction technology will be slightly different. But the general rules remain unchanged. Carefully read the sequence of the course of work to fulfill the entire volume maximum correctly. wsmorscreek1600x1200jpg.

What materials to prepare for the construction of an artificial stream?

  • crushed
  • priming
  • bugged brick
  • sand
  • ropes, Reiki
  • wooden or Metal Rods
  • concrete solution, film or fiberglass
  • polyethylene pipes
  • pump system
  • hoses
  • decorative materials
  • plants. How-to make a stream-in-garden

Artificial Creek Building Technology

Performing an artificial stream, follow the following recommendations:

  1. Mark the stream of the stream.
  2. Use for this rope, pegs and rails.
  3. Drop the trench by forming a channel according to the project. work.824.

    Important! Constore a bias of 30-40%. If natural relief does not allow it to do, make a mound from the broken brick and rubble.

  4. Subscribe to the flow of an artificial source every 0.5-1m.
  5. Clean the bottom of the roots and stones.
  6. Match well.

    Important! Drop the pit of a larger area than expected in the plan, taking into account the parameters of the materials for the design of the bed. shema Ruch'ya

  7. Stretch over the entire length of the chalcot.
  8. Attach one end to the pump, the second fasten the reservoir in the place where the stream flows into the lake.

    Important! Check that the system connection is correctly connected, overcoming the scheme applied by the manufacturer of the equipment in the instructions.

  9. Make a sand pillow throughout the bottom of a layer of 3-5 cm.
  10. Thoroughly confuse.

    Important! To quickly cope with this task, moisten the sandy mass.

  11. Place the film or concrete the bottom by performing a formwork from plywood. 4(36)

    Important! When pouring a concrete solution, form a layer thickness of 10-15 cm, after having extended the bottom of the waterproofing ribbon.

  12. When using the film, thoroughly stripping the canvas. work.938.
  13. Disadvantaged the place of installation of the hose with a flat tumor or other stones.
  14. Carefully fasten the edges under the twin screwdriver.
  15. Spread the selected stones along the bottom of the stream. Olympus Digital Camera.
  16. Let the water and check the stability of the pump system. 02112011187
  17. Decorate with a stream with plants. ruchei.

What plants reorganize the coastal zone?

To decorate the coastal zone of the stream, plant plants for which the conditions of high humidity are preferred. lAND-DIZ61.

Among all available species, especially popular with landscape designers use the following:

  • Fern
  • Rhoze
  • Sedge
  • Iris Kepersm
  • Spiraea
  • Bathing
  • Coin boiler
  • Meadowsweet
  • Kalina
  • Astilba
  • Deren.
  • Bolotnaya violet
  • Barwin
  • Jasmine
  • Lilac
  • Geranium
  • Moss
  • Low-minded conifers. 202

When choosing stones, focus on the style of the source. To improve the mining rapid stream, give preference to granite fragmentation elements of the average size or place of pebbles. Meadow Creek Calculate large blocks, boulders or small sandstone particles. nEW09.


Browse the video in which the entire process of creating an artificial stream is clearly shown to more clearly imagine the scope of work.


The entire process of creating an artificial stream on the site does not take a lot of time and strength. At the same time, with properly performed works, he will certainly make a special flavor in the entire landscape and will attract attention to its effectiveness. Therefore, carefully take advantage of all the rules and recommendations, give preference only to high-quality materials to get the result you expect.

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