How to make a well for water with your own hands

March 4. Useful advice, Plot. Views 5502. Comments to record how to make a well for water with your own hands No

Having a personal source of clean water on the household site is very important, since the central water supply is not always available. A good solution is drilling wells for water. Specialists and industrial drilling rig should not be involved - drilling wells to water available to each. We will try to figure out how can be drilled well for water with your own hands.

What are the wells

Two types are the most common: filter and artesian. The first is closed to a depth of 30 m and reaches the upper aquifer. The diameter of the pipe is selected about 130 mm. Water from it is usually used for watering flower and garden plantings. Due to the high probability of catching the life of such a well, relatively small.

Artesian closes to a depth of 20 to 200 m: the purpose of such drilling is to achieve a limestone water layer. The diameter of the pipe is selected slightly large - up to 160 mm. Expenditures increase significantly, but the life of the well increases to 50 years.

Artesian well

About existing drilling methods

You can drill well in various ways.


  1. A screw method is used to drill a shallow (up to 30 m) wells in soft, loose soils.
  2. Rotary - the method is based on the rotation of the bora.
  3. Shock-rope - Such drilling involves the penetration of the soil by the bit, lifted and descended on the rope.
  4. Colummer - used by the Borrow in the form of a ring that rotates, destroys the soil.

The screw method is the simplest for manual drilling.

Necessary equipment and tools

The water well can be obtained using various equipment, the choice of which depends on the type of soil and drilling method. The tool must be made of carbon steel solid varieties.
The arrangement of the water well can be performed using the drilling heads of the following types:

  1. Spiral bobber - applied to clay soils. Length of the borax - 260-290 mm, diameter - 45-85 mm.
  2. The bitched boring: its tip can be flat, have a view of a cross or peaks. Used when drilling in solid rocks by shock method.
  3. Bur in the form of a spoon - is an eccentric metal cylinder with a spiral or longitudinal slot. It has proven itself when drilling in sandy-clay soils and loam. The length of the borax is about 700 mm, the diameter of the lower part is from 70 to 200 mm. Allows you to increase the well depth to 400 mm in one reception.
  4. The urchinee is designed to work in loose soils by a shock way. The usual ventilation is made of metal pipe up to three meters long. The outer diameter is from 95 to 220 mm, internal - in the range of 25-95 mm. There are also piston type ulutes.

Drill (auger) can be made of ordinary fishing ice ax. It is necessary to welcome additional cutters made of sharpened parts of the files.

You must also have:


  • metal pipes to eliminate tripod knees;
  • tool for landwork: shovels, garden trolleys;
  • water hose pump;
  • goats;
  • bruse guides for centering in the well pipe;
  • gas key number 3;
  • grid for sifting gravel and gravel shallow fraction.

Drilling rods

Manual Drilling: Preparatory Stage

To find out which depth should be a well to water on the site, you should not apply to the geodetic enterprise: it is easier to ask wellhold owners near the neighboring houses. The aquifer is in the same level, and the deviation can be not more than two or three meters. If the water is not deep - the task can be solved without a rig: for this you need short-range rods with a length of 1.5 m. For deep drilling, the tower is needed.
Phased preparation for drilling with a tower can be presented as follows:

  1. It is necessary to dug a shurt, the depth of which is 2m or more, dimensions - 1.5 × 1.5 m. It is necessary so that the upper loose layer does not face and disappear.
  2. The soil should be strengthened with wooden shields shot down from the board.
  3. If the top layer of the soil consists of dense breeds - the shurt is not needed. It is enough to clear and dissolve the execution site, after which make a recess of about 500 mm for the installation of the bora.
  4. In the absence of industrialized equipment, the tower can be constructed independently: for this there are logs, metal chawliers, pipes or corners.
  5. The drilling rig is installed in the drilling site, the column is put in the center of the well to the tower, which is a set of extended (with the help of muft-adapters) during the operation of the rod. At its end, a drilling head is installed.
  6. We prepare casing tubes: in their walls drills perforations with a diameter of 5 mm above 500 mm from the lower edge, evenly distributing them along the pipe for 2m.

Prepared place for drilling

Water Drilling Technology

Drilling is a cyclic process at which the auger needs to be periodically cleaned from the soil, for which it must be fully removed from the well. Gradually moving, reach the aquifer, as a result, a well for water is formed.

The technology of stages can be painted as follows.

  1. After installing the bora, it is starting to rotate. Gradually deepening, it creates greater resistance and to overcome it, it is necessary to use enough assistants. You can soften the movement of the borax with water: it must be pouring into small portions.
  2. Making several revolutions, the boring is removed and cleaned. Soil, as they accumulate, export.
  3. Gradually deepening, it is necessary to build a car with the help of additional knees. The handle should be rearranged above after it drops to the ground. In order to start working with a highly fortified handle, you need to use goats. Instead of handles, in some cases, gas key number 3 is used.
  4. Work continues and after the first aquifer will be achieved. This can be seen on the wet soil extracted from the well. To prevent the auger to prevent, at this stage, wet sludge should be removed in small portions.
  5. The well should be deeper than the upper layer of clay, otherwise not to avoid penetration into the well surface groundwater.
  6. Before starting the screw rotation, the drill rods must be moved to-down several times, so the well.
  7. A polyethylene rigid thick-walled pipe is lowered into the finished well, and the gap between it and the soil wall should be filled with small gravel. You can use a metal welded pipe, but it is not resistant to corrosion.

Manually drilling

Another way implies the use of tripod: with the help of a winch to the casing, a glass is lowered to the bottom of the well. Making reciprocating movements, he gains a soil, which is then extracted out. Gradually, the well deepens to the required level.

Rush well

In order for the well to the water to be clean, you need to use a powerful centrifugal or vibration pump for the "roll". During this process, small gravel will be compacted and agreed, so it is necessary to gradually plunder.
The squabble lasts for a long time, while consuming a lot of water, for which the ditch should be removed towards the slope or natural reservoir.
After the water level in the well is sufficient for its normal operation, a permanent, less powerful pump is lowered into the pipe. Before each inclusion, the pump is recommended to raise and lower several times: while the solid precipitate is captured and removed from the well. This will slow down the grain process. Drilling wells for water, as practice shows, can serve more than 15 years. To increase this period, periodic well cleaning is carried out.

Rush well
To determine whether it is possible to use the resulting water as a drinking, it is necessary to analyze in the sanitary and epidemiological laboratory.

The arrangement of the above-ground part of the well is possible as a well, in which the necessary equipment is installed, or in the form of an overhead column.

Well arrangement

At the end, the video showing one of the options for the end of work and water into the house.

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