Children's gazebo do it yourself

June 27. Construction Views 4437. Comments to record children's arbor do it yourself No

Children's gazebo - an integral attribute of the playground, where kids can spend a fun time in hot and rainy weather. Such structures located on the country area can be divided into short-term and long-term.


For example, those gazebos that are planned to use not one season are created by their team-collapsible and interchangeable elements. Accordingly, they can easily mounted and understand the winter period. As for the stationary design, it assumes the presence of a foundation that provides its stability and resistance to the wind. In addition, the summer gazebo is equipped with tables and benches that are pre-covered by an antiseptic and another protective layer.




Types of children's aroutons



Kindergartens Arbor are usually built with simple building materials, but their layout must be thought out in detail. So it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  • hobbies and habits of children;
  • age;
  • regular ventilation;
  • degree of illumination;
  • proximity to the residential house;
  • excellent visibility from the window of the house, etc.


Street gazebos for children



Such children's structures may have the following form:

  • pavilion, located in the shade of trees;
  • domika Shalash;
  • cutting agents;
  • wigwam from Prurtikov;
  • gazons-fungus, etc.

In addition, the gazebo is possible to protect the decorative wall with vertical gardening, bright paint, is located inside the interesting decor in the form of lamps and toys. Also, it is recommended to install windows, porch and door to make it look natural. On windows it is desirable to hang the curtains, and window sills to put flowers.

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All this, of course, the perfect design, but because not everyone is willing to much bother, you can do the usual wooden structure.


Installation Recommendations Babe gazebo


  • give preference bright and saturated colors;
  • be sure to take care of the presence of chairs and tables;


  • used building material should be durable and environmentally friendly;
  • do not do a gazebo made of metal, which can cause frostbite baby;
  • design surface must be smooth and well-treated;
  • give preference to tree species such as cedar, beech and oak.


Features of some embodiments of arbors


1. Garden furniture, awning.

This design is lightweight, so it is not difficult to move to another area of \u200b\u200bthe garden cottage. At the same time, the tent can be used in the fall to remove and store until the next season.

2. Bench in the shade of a tree.

Creating a recreation area for your child, not necessarily to build a gazebo-pavilion. Sometimes it is enough to arrange a circular bench in the shade of trees. You can also make a bench around a tree trunk, which will serve both the backrest and exclusive decor.

3. Arbor-fungus.

Gazebo in a canopy-hood looks very aesthetically pleasing. In the process of its construction can be used most simple and accessible building material.

4. gazebo canopy.

Chatter-overhang normally consists of 3 columns, interconnected wooden or metal ties, subsequently fixed awning canvas. As for the site, then this design is best to decorate ceramic brick, concrete tiles pave stone or flagstone.


Children's gazebo do it yourself



Today we look at the construction of their own hands a structure such as a gazebo, canopy, which will be designed for children 6-8. It is remarkable to protect from sun and rain, and also a great place to relax.


1. Mounting of support pillars.

We need a long timber 2 to 3 m and a cross section of 10x10 cm:

  • 2 dig a pit depth of 80 cm at a distance of 4 m from each other;
  • pit width must exceed the minimum cross section of the pillars 20 cm;
  • at the bottom, we lay 15 cm layer of small rubble or bricks and tamper it;
  • put in pans pillars, hitting the end of the bottom several times;
  • let's grab the stones, tightly tamping them to the very top;
  • we produce pillars alignment;
  • fix the last on both sides with the help of backups;
  • pour the holes with a solution of concrete, trambam;
  • at the base of the poles, we create a concrete cone for water drain.

2. Fixing transverse stretch marks.

To do this, we need 5 4 m long boards:

  • we apply the 1st board on the top ends of the pillars and secure it with nails;
  • retreat from the top edge of the column 50 cm and fix the horizan-filling board to it;
  • using self-tapping screws, bopping boards, which connect the ends of the transverse stretch.

3. Fixing diagonal screeds.

To do this, we need 4 boards with a length of 2.5 m:

  • we apply the board diagonally from the top edge of the post to the edge of the transverse stretch;
  • at the bottom edge of the board we make marking for a drink;
  • with the help of a saw or an electric bissing spire excess;
  • fresh diagonal screed to a pole and cross-stretch;
  • fix the screed on the other side of the poles.

4. Roof covering.

  • pre-creating cutting PVC, polypropylene, polyester cloth or tarpaulin;
  • stretch the material on the frame;
  • fix it with the help of finish nails or thin rails.


Baby gazebos, photo:














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