How to choose the finished greenhouse

June 26. Useful advice Views 2554. 4 comments to record how to choose the finished greenhouse

Each dachank, when solving, put a greenhouse on the plot involves various tasks for it, someone want to use fresh vegetables before the season, others need fruits for sale, and others plan to grow seedlings.


Depending on the goals set and choose the desired design. Finished greenhouses are offered on the market, there are a lot of versions and materials used. Therefore, it is important to know the highlights that you should pay attention to when choosing purchased products.

Basic selection criteria


In order to know which greenhouse to choose, you need to decide on its purpose and sizes. It is important to put a design that will not be overflowed, because each plant needs space. It takes into account not only the width and length of the greenhouse, the height also matters.

Ready greenhouses differ not only by price and manufacturer, the main points to which you need to pay attention to:

  • frame material;
  • construction coating.

1. The first item is responsible for the reliability and integrity of the entire greenhouse, the frame may consist of wood, metal or plastic. Wood does not differ in durability due to environmental action, therefore it is urgent rarely.

Plastic is used quite often, with good durability it has an affordable cost. Low thermal conductivity is ideal for the construction of greenhouses, but insufficient rigidity involves the use of metalplastic in some cases. Among the dachensors is popular with a frame of plastic pipe framework due to its practicality and economic benefits.

The metal is characterized by high cost, but also durability under the condition of high-quality anti-corrosion protection. As a rule, a profile pipe 20x20 is used to embody such a design with a thickness of the wall of 1.5 mm.


Polycarbonate greenhouse frameworks are made of:

  • galvanized profiles that differ available to the cost. Among the advantages can be called compactness and good anti-corrosion resistance. This material is quite suitable for the manufacture of greenhouses, however, such disadvantages as low strength and strong blackness from the frequent location of the elements in the finished design overlap these advantages. Also, the installation of the greenhouse is pretty troublesome due to the large number of parts;
  • the profile pipe and collapsible arches, such a system is mounted much faster. But for strength it is worth using additional supports, especially in regions with strong winds and plenty of precipitation;
  • profile pipe and allotted arches. Due to them, good strength indicators are ensured, however, in the winter period, the backups are still required. Construction transportation is possible only in trucks, the assembly is carried out in the shortest possible time;
  • all-shaped arches using a dual profile pipe. Due to this gain, additional strength appears, so no additional elements are required. But due to gravity and dimensions, transportation is carried out exclusively by freight transport.

Each type of system has its drawbacks and positive parties, it is worth choosing separately in each case.


2. The greenhouse coating can be a film, glass or polycarbonate. For self-making of the greenhouse, the first option is suitable, but it does not differ practicality. Therefore, products made of glass or polycarbonate are available on sale. 91437126_1199042405_20052007164

Glasses are much more complicated in the installation, it is necessary to obtain high-quality designs. For plants, such a coating is not entirely suitable due to condensate formation, it is necessary to further organize the ventilation. Also, the glass is considered fragile, often does not withstand the severity of snow.

The optimal option is to use polycarbonate, on the Internet there are many proposals to buy a ready-made greenhouse from this material. It is suitable for making structures due to high strength, reliability, ultraviolet resistance and ease of installation. But for such advantages there is a corresponding price.


Depending on the structure, cellular and monolithic polycarbonate are distinguished, the first view is used for greenhouses. Thanks to the cellular structure, the material contributes to the preservation of the heat in the room, the presence of COP allows you to protect direct sunlight on the plants. The sheets used are distinguished by the thickness and degree of protection against ultraviolet.

It is very important to know how to choose the right polycarbonate for the greenhouse, because to reduce the cost of the design, poor-quality material can be used. For example, there is a Chinese production polycarbonate that is not intended for outdoor use. It will last a short time, a maximum of a couple of seasons. To check the quality of the products offered, it is enough to try to sell the sheet, naturally, that he must withstand the pressure. The ribs of rigidity should not be deformed, in this case, the greenhouse will serve for a long time.

Possible troubles


Among the many existing options are everywhere, ready-made greenhouses from polycarbonate are considered. Serious purchases should be made only in proven companies, now there are a lot of offers on the Internet of structures at affordable prices. However, you need to immediately check the quality of the products offered, otherwise a person can lose money without the desired result.

The so-called fakes will serve no more than a year, then the framework is delayed or the coating is completely crackled. In winter, low-quality components will generally lead to the collapse of the greenhouse - the burrcas will not stand under the weight. Small breakdowns also require repair, respectively, additional funds.

A lot of photographs of deceived buyers are found on the Internet, which at best did not put all the details of the design. After a couple of months, under the influence of the environment and microorganisms, it can begin corroding metal-based due to insufficient processing.



It is very easy to distinguish the design made in the factory or basement - everything is seen in the quality of the metal used. In the first case, the solid and durable material is chosen, which will endure the burden of snow. And amateurants make a metal frame that resembles a tin can. It is easily lightning, accordingly, it will not even withstand minimal load. The fake will have to independently upgrade, use the backups and invest additional funds, so it is better to immediately choose a good product.

There are so-called economy options, designed for purchase with further upgrades. Such proposals can be established exclusively in areas with a warm climate. They are not suitable for use in winter, so every season they have to dismantle. The instructions for the product always indicates information about the elements of the configuration and purpose of the greenhouse.

As for the cost of the greenhouse - it all depends on the materials, for example, the design of solid wood with double glazing will cost an expensive buyer. And taking into account the costs, for heating in the winter period, it is worth a preference to an aluminum carcass with a polycarbonate coating - this will become the best solution.

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4 replies on how to choose the right greenhouse

  1. Boris.:

    Thank you very much new learned!

  2. Inwer.:

    Very good article! What do you think here Can you choose a good greenhouse for tomatoes?

  3. Katerina:

    Thank you, helped with the choice of greenhouse. I bought it here)) delivered quickly, season 1 has already stood.

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