How and what to paint their own bath. Master Class

April 5 Useful advice Views 2089 Comments How to write and how to paint a bath alone. Master Class No

Over time, any bath loses its original form - crack coating gets scratched or dim color. Even the most high-quality products are deteriorating with the active operation, so it is important to know how to paint a bath with his hands.

This applies mainly to iron and steel items, because acrylic and plastic products has its own specifics. TAyNDItNz

The first question arising from the appearance of defects remains a change of coverage. This applies to cast-iron products, because they are known for their practicality and operational characteristics. And with proper care, they do not lose durability, it is enough to update the appearance. Is it possible to paint the bath? Of course, in the proposed assortment of compositions on the market there are suitable, it remains to be understood in their properties to ensure the desired effect.

Selecting paint

It is clear that simply determine the color of the composition is not enough, when choosing how to paint the bath should be focused on specific conditions. After all, it will have to handle not a room with high humidity, but an object that is constantly in contact with water. For a successful result, it is necessary to consider the compositions with high adhesion - this will prevent the deposited material.

For painting baths use two types of enamels:

  1. epoxy, which has been successfully used for more than 20 years. In the process of staining, it is important to clearly adhere to technology providing for quite complex preparation and application. But when complying with all nuances, the finished coating is characterized by the service life;
  2. acrylic, which is compared as identical to the first composition according to the characteristics obtained. In this case, the process of preparation of the coloring composition is characterized by complexity due to the viscosity of the resin and the liquid solvent. But directly applying will not cause any difficulties. For consumers, one important disadvantage remains - the high cost of paint.

Employees specializing in painting recommend using three-component compositions. Their cooking does not take much time, mixed immediately before painting due to a short time of material activity. Such solutions in the composition have primer ingredients and coating.

From the proposed broad palette, consumers often choose white, salad or blue paint. Such colors are distinguished by practicality, they help hide many contaminants.

Preparation kak-otremontirovat-vannu

To obtain a qualitative result, it is important to properly prepare the surface of the bath. The event requires an integrated approach consisting of 5 stages:

  1. first, the surface is dengulated with cleaning and detergents, it is important to remove all sediments, including those lime. At the same time, it is not necessary to use chlorine-containing substances, they will further complicate the process. Verification of the quality of the stage is the absence of the remaining droplets on the surface after the direction of the jet of water;
  2. removing the glossy layer of enamel. Can be carried out using various tools - brushes, emery paper or drill with an abrasive nozzle. This will remove the top layer and reach the roughness of the bath. At the same time, a smooth surface without flaws should remain. At this stage it is important to take care of the means of individual protection, because a large amount of dust is formed, falling into respiratory tracts and eyes;
  3. removal of dust and drying the bathroom. At the same time, special tools should also be used, for example, electric heaters, vacuum cleaners or hair dryers. Various devices are largely reduced by the preparation;
  4. heating the bathroom for which hot water is gained - this allows you to open the pores on the surface. After 20 minutes, you can merge liquid and wipe all the bottom and walls dry;
  5. applying the primer composition.

The process of coloring

There are certain nuances, depending on the materials used, both applying and mixing paint differs. When buying immediately learn instructions and characteristics to determine the desired amount of the composition.

Painting epoxy enamel restavRaciya-Chugunnoj-Vanny-Svoimi-Rukami

Preparation of the solution depends on the manufacturer, so it is important to get acquainted with the instructions before starting work. Standard proportions for mixing does not exist, everything is calculated individually. It is very often necessary to heal to obtain a uniform composition, in which case temperature control is carried out along the water used for steam bath.

In order to paint the enamel bath, you will need:

  • solution;
  • flapse brush;
  • tweezers.

The brush is wetted into enamel and begin to lead the line from the bottom to the edge, it needs to be confused as best as possible on the sides. The next wetting and the strip lead half of the painted area at a distance. Gradually gets smooth coating. To limit the flows, the paint is applied neatly, thin layer. To avoid surface flaws, the fallen pile is removed by tweezers.

After 20 minutes after the decoration of all internal sections, the work continues, you need to apply a second coating layer. But it is important to continue from the initial section, then the layers will be uniform, and the coating is homogeneous. All nuances are carefully described by the manufacturer, so it is worth a clear instruction. After staining, the room is closed for several days, it is desirable for about a week that no one opened the door. So the surface does not stick anything and the coating will dry uniformly.

When working with epoxy enamel, all components are mixed with parts, because the prepared composition is quickly seized. And with unprofessional work, the process does not always fit into the time frame. For example, if you only need to be divided into portions of 250ml, so the finished layer will have the necessary characteristics.

Acryla application 1517

Color the acrylic bath will be slightly simpler due to material properties, more simple technology will be required. The solution also recommends portion, according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Application occurs in two layers, spirals in the direction from the edges to the water flow. At the same time, the paint is thoroughly smeared in order to avoid the appearance of bubbles and influx. When applied, the defects may be eliminated within 2-3 minutes. After the bath is painted paint, the coating is allowed to dry, only then the surplus in the drain area is cut with a painted knife.

Prices and manufacturers

Before choosing what paint cover the bath should be familiar with the assortment. The following manufacturers offer high-quality products on the market:

  1. the Penosil set consists of two components - primers and enamels, hardeners are going to them. It is convenient for the work, the price is available, the packaging cost is about 25 ya;
  2. Tikkurila offers epoxy effects reactive, which provides reliable protective coating of steel and cast-iron baths. The cost of 1 l paint is about 35 ya;
  3. Tub & Tile launches the optimal option for painting baths and tile, restores a protective coating for a long service life. For 1 liter will have to give about 20 y.
  4. "Stroyacryl" produces products for restoration and painting. At the same time, a set for 50 ya, consisting of a hardener and acrylic, is enough for a bath with a standard size of 170 cm. 19_2

There is a bulk painting method with which you can find from the video:

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