Turkish Banya Hamam: Installation Instructions

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From a long time, Turkish baths are known for their unique healing properties. With the help of them, you can clean your body and improve well-being. A visit to the parley has its own chancers, which practically do not change throughout the several centuries. Even during the construction of such a room there are their traditions. The construction of Turkish baths are engaged in various settlements. Therefore, knowledgeable people in this business today is not so difficult to find as it may seem. Moreover, many of them have a fairly high experience in construction. However, you can try to build a bath and own it. Tell me further.

Characteristics of the building


In the Turkish bath, a very comfortable thermal mode. Even better than in Finnish and Russian. At the same time, there is a fairly large air humidity. So, this indicator is often close to 98%. In such a bath there is always wet steam. Thanks to this person, which is here is, it is easier to withstand an increased temperature. In the steam room itself, the air temperature on average reaches 40-48 degrees.

There are some benefits from such a bath:

  • So, regularly visiting the steam room can normalize blood circulation and temperature regulation.
  • In addition, under these conditions, you can well relax the muscles of the whole body. For people who prefer a stronger healing effect, steam in the bath are saturated with etheric oil couples.
  • The advantages of such a bath should be attributed to the fact that a person is cleansing the body from harmful substances and slags. Steam has a positive effect on the skin, namely, cleanses and contributes to the opening of the pores.
  • The Turkish Banya Hamam is one of the best to remove fatigue. It allows you to put the system of cleansing our organism to the norm and stabilize the respiratory system.
  • In addition, the stay in the bath removes pain, and also helps to reduce the heat and symptoms of colds. However, this item should be careful. It is not recommended to visit the bath at elevated body temperature and during acute diseases.
  • In addition, the Turkish bath is a great remedy for problems with sleep and to stabilize the weight. It is also worth noting that the stay in it has a positive effect on the human digestive system.

Construction of Bani Hamam

Basic moments


Without a doubt, Turkish baths that build today differ from those that were erected in ancient times. Quite often you can meet in the country areas a low-size accommodated steam room next to the house. Nevertheless, there are some important nuances in the technology of the construction of Turkish baths that do not change under the influence of time. These subtleties and secrets who came to us from the ancient masters apply to this day. In general, the construction process of such a bath is quite complicated. Therefore, it is recommended to entrust this work to professionals, especially if you have little experience in such work.

Before starting the construction of the bath, it is advisable to find out from which zones and parts it consists. Unlike private baths that build today, in the classic version of the steam room there are more separate rooms. Moreover, they are located so that the person passing around them warmer his body gradually, by passing different procedures. At home, most owners cannot realize this due to lack of living space. Therefore, the private Turkish Banya Hamam usually has a much less room (no more than 2-3).

There are some factors that affect the final result when erecting a bath:

  1. The presence of a suitable place to build. Not everyone can allocate a large square under the construction of the bath. After all, then besides the construction of the building will need to pave communications, as well as create the necessary conditions for hydro and thermal insulation.
  2. Duration of construction. Work on the construction of this building is really done independently, but the larger area, the more you will need for this time. Therefore, most often refuse to the classic design of the Turkish bath.
  3. The purpose of using future buildings. Such baths are undoubtedly one of the best places to relax. But to build buildings of a classic design, which, as a rule, occupy a lot of space, is unprofitable from an economic point of view.
  4. Not every owner can allow themselves to lay out a large amount for such pleasure. Therefore, it is more often by the construction of several small rooms. As a result, the Turkish Bath project is becoming easier. Two-three rooms are usually enough for a private wage. After all, most often they are visited alone or 2-3 people. The first room usually have sun beds or couches, where there are massage, and the second room serves as a steam room.

Choosing a place for building

Choose a place - this is the first thing to do in order to build a Turkish bath. In general, it does not require a separate platform. Almost any types of buildings can be used to accommodate the Turkish bath. The most important thing is that one condition was carried out: water pipe was supplied, ventilation and power grid.

You must not forget that you will need to equip at least two rooms. At the same time, it should be equipped with everything compact to save maximum useful area. Therefore, it can be placed even in a small house. Dimensions of the steam room depend only on the wishes of the owner. The technical department can be made even from a slight storage room. It is recommended that this room is not far from the steam room. If there is no possibility to do so, then at least, you should position this room not further than 15 meters from the steam room. When the place is selected under the bath, it should be noted that the internal finish of such a room reduces its dimensions by about 12 cm.

Selection of material


Next, consider how to make Hamam, and what tools will be required for this. Today there are quite a large selection of materials that are needed to build a Turkish bath. But if it is basically wood for Russian steam steam steam, then for the Turkish design it is metal and stone.

For the construction of the bath can be used any similar materials. The most important thing is that they are durable and at the same time possessed moisture and heat resistance. Most often, probably natural marble is used. By the way, this material as a facing coating is already actively used by any age. In the bath they are separated by walls and seats for visitors. It has a lot of advantages. For example, pleasant to the touch is capable of holding heat for a long time and allows you to reduce sharp drops of temperature. In addition, it is longer enough and looks great. From the "weaknesses" you can allocate a high price. Almost at the same cost, you can buy talco chloride, while this material is more heat engine. As an alternative to natural stone use ceramic tiles.

In addition to marble for interior decoration, Bani applies. Externally, this material is quite attractive and is a glass mosaic of a variety of shades of a small size. Original and beautiful paintings are harvested from it, most often, made in oriental style. This material is capable of creating color overflows than appreciated for decorative purposes. Smalt is mainly released in two variations - in the form of plates or shallow tiles. It can be transparent, rough, matte or smooth.

This decorative material can be laid not only on flat, but also on the wall curves. Smalta is a dense coating that almost does not absorb moisture. In addition, it is worth noting the heat resistance and frost resistance of this material. Italian smalt made from Venetian glass is especially valued. Before you choose this stuff, it is worth knowing that the laid out of the drawings with separate tiles is quite painstaking work, but nevertheless, the result is worth it. In addition, today there are layers of material in the form of a ready-made mosaic, which greatly simplifies the finish.

It is impossible to go around the ceramic tile, which is the most affordable material not only at cost, but also by the complexity of finishing works. It can be safely called a worthy alternative for the two above-described expensive materials, i.e. Natural marble and smalt. It is important that laying the tile is somewhat simpler. After all, it is actively used not only in Turkish parilots, but also in other rooms with high humidity, such as in the bathrooms. Due to the variety of sizes and tile design, it is possible to create a fairly beautiful and unique interior from it. The main thing is to apply fantasy when facing the room. As a result, you can build an inexpensive, and at the same time working the Turkish bath.

Procedure for performing work


When building a Turkish bath Hamam, an important stage is the decoration of the room. It should provide the necessary waterproofing and thermal insulation. The finish begins with the installation of thermal insulation. Then the waterproofing is installed and reflective vaporizolation is paired. Next, the necessary communications are placed, the walls are separated by plaster and the screed is styled. After that, the finishing waterproofing coating is lifted, then the floor, walls, tables and sun beds are lined with the selected material.

When finishing on the wall, lay a layer of insulation, thermal insulation, waterproofing, as well as starting plaster or screed. In addition, a layer of selected finishing material is mounted. The total thickness of the Wall of the Turkish bath after the end of the finishing work is usually no more than 9-11 cm.

In front of the finishes, the plaster should be applied to the working surface. Without it, it will not be possible to ensure the necessary waterproofing. High-quality thermal insulation is very important for the bath. Therefore, it is necessary to approach its arrangement very responsibly, in particular, to the selection of material. One of the most appropriate variants is the bleaming of the walls with an adhesive basis. After that, the reinforcement frame is mounted, and the grid is stacked on it with compliance with the required step. In force frame, you need to make a floor heating, walls and benches. Therefore, thermal insulation must be installed.

There are other options for the construction of the steam. For example, the frame may consist of special rigid panels that provide full insulation from moisture and sound for the steam room. In addition, they have some thermal insulation properties. These panels can be used for a variety of purposes. At the same time there is no need to flicker by finishing materials. So, in addition to the walls, there are still seats for visitors and the ceiling in the form of a dome. With this method of finishing, the air in the Turkish bath is quickly heated. In addition, it reduces the load on the overlap and reduces the construction time. However, the cost of assembly works increases. The fact is that the material used is quite expensive in itself.

Power supply in the Turkish bath

To increase the reliability of power supply in the Turkish bath, the cable should only be taking the heat-resistant. After all, there is quite a large temperature. Lighting should be reliable and safe. People who are here should not worry about it. Therefore, it is desirable to use moisture protective lamps with a voltage of no more than 24 V. Lighting devices vary according to the degree of protection. It is for the bath that the indicator of which at least IP 65 will be suitable. By the way, such lamps are used, for example, to illuminate the pool. A successful solution will be placed the ceiling in the form of a starry sky. To do this, we need lamps on fiber.

Choosing Accessories for Hamama


In Turkish baths, a marble curren is usually located. Moreover, it is used not only as a decorative element. For example, it will be needed if you want to make a massage in the bath. After all, it is in Kurni that a soap solution is prepared, which is used during the procedure. In addition, in Turkish baths, you can often see beautiful cranes made in oriental style.

It is important to install the door in the bath, from heat-resistant materials, for example, from heat-resistant glass. Moreover, the door must have a small gap under glass, as well as a seal that will ensure hermetic closure, and thereby reducing the heat loss.

It is advisable to think in advance about the installation of the aromatherapy system running automatically. Usually, such devices spray essence based on various herbs. As is known, herbs are actively used to treat various colds, and the Turkish bath only enhances their therapeutic properties. In addition, it will enjoy the unique aroma of essential oils. This device is a simple flavor. Its design has a stainless steel compartment, wick, fan and control panel. If you wish, the vials with aromomaslam can always be replaced with those who like more personally to you. In the Turkish bath, rest will be better, if you turn on the music. Therefore, here provide for the installation of columns. They, in turn, are connected to the stereo system.

The construction of the Turkish bath on average takes from 2 to 4 months. If you place the Bani project from specialists, you can speed up this process.

Banya Hamam: Photo




Turkish Banya Hamam: Video

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