Roof repair and elimination of roof leaks with their own hands. Instruction

January 19. Roof Views 2531. Comments To write roof repair and eliminate roof leaks with their own hands. Instruction No

The leakage of the roof is an emergency. The presence of wet spots on the ceilings and walls after heavy rain or melting snow does not add comfort in the house. In addition, it is very dangerous because it can lead to closing the electrical circuit or overlap collaboration.

The main causes of defects and leakage of the roof

To avoid this, it is necessary to carry out a thorough inspection of the roof. On how to eliminate the flowing of the roof, and it will be discussed in this article. The occurrence of roof defects is due to the following reasons:

  • using low quality roofing material;
  • its wear over time;
  • violation of the technology of creating a roof;
  • mechanical damage to the roof and drainage;
  • the destruction of the roof due to the appearance of moss or fungus.


The main causes of leakage are:

  • roof defects;
  • floting heat insulation material;
  • the ineffective work of the drainage system;
  • lack of hermetic roof adjustment to walls and pipes;
  • fit precipitation under the roof with wind gusts.

Theoretically, reveal the causes of leakage can be relatively easy. It is quite another thing - to eliminate them. Sometimes you have to fully disassemble and reinstate the roofing coating. But it is difficult to do during the precipitation period, since the deadlines for the removal of the roof leaks should be minimal.

The implementation of the repair of the roof leaks with their own hands depends on the type of material covered with the design. Nowadays, in demand coatings are:

  • tiled products: ceramic, metal and bituminous;
  • metal sheet metal;
  • slate.


Tiled roofing nuances

The main causes of leakage in the ceramic tile are:

  • cracks on the tiles;
  • gap waterproofing material.


The appearance of cracks can be caused by a sharp change in weather, when various expansion and compression of certain parts of the roof is observed. Also, the defects of the ceramic roof may appear as a result of cement cropping in the joints between the rafters.

Eliminating these roof leaks is carried out by:

  • enhancing the roof by paving the boards 3-4 next to standing rafting legs;
  • removing the old and applying a new cement mortar (you can add to it to the pass).

When the waterproofing breaks in between Rakes and rafyles should:

  • remove tiles on the repaired area;
  • under the top row to bother wooden wedges;
  • pull out nails holding rails;
  • under the rails insert cardboard;
  • cut damaged waterproofing material;
  • make a pay and smear it with mastic at the edges;
  • navigate the rails;
  • reinstall tiled plates;
  • cove the tiles with a special moisture resistant solution.

The appearance of leaks in the metal tile is a consequence of poor-quality installation, loosening the screws and the appearance of scratches and dents as a result of mechanical damage.


Incorrect roof device is the most serious problem. It is often solved only by implementing a new overlap with roofing material. The main reason for poor-quality installation lies in the use of an inexpensive waterproofing material, which ill displays moisture from insulation. If so, then it must be replaced with a superdiffusion membrane. Its laying is going straight on the insulation.

When scratching or dents on metal tile, it is necessary:

  • coat them with anti-corrosion paint;
  • make sealing of all gaps with adhesive tape or silicone sealant;
  • close through holes with steel patch;
  • replace the sheet in the presence of several through holes.

The failure of the self-mains is due to the destruction of the rubber washer under them. They should be replaced with new fasteners.

The damaged bitumen tile tile is subject to replacement without applying special efforts. The main condition is the presence of air temperature + 5ºС M above. In the cold season, the bitumen material cracks. If there is small cracks on the tile, it is lifted and lubricated inside with glue. After the tight pressed, the facial part is covered to the base with glue.


If there are more serious damage to the bituminous tile, it should be replaced. This process provides for such consecutive actions:

  • over the defective tile rises tiles in the top row;
  • nails are removed by the nails;
  • a defective tile is removed;
  • the new tile is covered with glue from the inside;
  • tile is inserted under the top row;
  • all edges of the new tiles are lubricated with glue.

Stages of the repair of galvanized roof and slate roof

Repair of leakage of the roof of galvanized metallic coating must be carried out:

  • in disruption of sealing of seams, which fasten the sheets of roofing material;
  • with corrosion and mechanical damage.

Closeing of holes occurs in the following order:

  • the metal brushing is cleaned by a damaged area;
  • cut is cut from the same material (its size is 8-10 cm more than the opening);
  • a payout is carried out;
  • using a file, surplus solder are removed;
  • the roof is painted.


When repairing the roof with a slate, you need to take advantage of a special staircase, similar to the ladder. Thanks to it, the weight of a person is evenly distributed over the surface of the roof, and the slate is broken.

Repair of this roofing material involves sealing small chips and cracks. To do this, you can use:

  • concrete solution (1 hour cement, 2 hours. shallow sand and water);
  • adhesive tape from butyl rubber.

Sealing the damaged area using the ribbon suggests:

  • his wrapping White Spirit;
  • removal from the tape of the protective layer;
  • sticker it on a crack with a 3-centimeter margin.


To reliably protect any roof from leaks on it, it is recommended to install snowstanders. In winter, they restrain the snow. In the spring, when melting the snow, the ice will not shine with all the power and damage the coating.

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