Drazena: landing, growing, care

September 12. Plot. Views 4586. Comments To records DRATSEN: landing, growing, care No

Landscaping of the interior - an integral process in creating an additional coziness, which makes it possible not only to provide its room with fresh and clean air, even in the largest city itself, but also bring originality in the design. Selecting and combining a variety of plants, you can create an amazing, unique mini-garden right in your apartment. Even a very strict room acquires a warm and friendly look when there is a live tree or bush. Green residents of the house positively affect the mood, relieve stress and help to focus on the most important thing. For some time, connoisseurs of exotic crops began to actively breed drazes for landscaping their premises. These perennial semi-stars resemble miniature palm trees, for which they are often called "false palm trees." How to organize the cultivation of drazes, you will learn from this article.

Plant Features

Drazena has peculiar blunders along the entire length of the trunk (in fact it is sleeping kidneys), for which it is often called a "happy bamboo". In fact, it is a low semi-staple with a thin, spectacular barrel and bright green leaves.

Important! To more clearly imagine the appearance of this plant, browse the photo of the drazes. It will also help you faster to navigate among the variety of ideas of interior decoration with such an original palm tree.

The classification of Drazen was a long way, during which it was attributed to bamboo and agave families. Separate class - dragene, installed relatively recently. This contributed to the relief of the choice of a suitable type of shrub to modern landscaping lovers, since one of the main factors of good growth of drazes is the correct care for it.


Drazen varieties

Plants of this species are divided into several varieties, the most popular of which are the following:

  1. Bordered. Her feature is a creamy-red border on thin leaves.
  2. Bending. The trunk is significantly branched, the foliage has light stripes.
  3. Derman. It has wide leaves with a motley white and green color.
  4. Fascinous. It has a bright green grace of foliage with a golden or silver strip in the middle.
  5. Sander. Compact bush with twisted gray-green leaves, edged with yellow stripes.
  6. Godsef. A low-spirited plant with dense spotted semicircular leaves.

Important! You can often find lightless drazes that are grown artificially in the form of a spiral. They take such an intricate look due to the fact that the young escape is placed in a spiral flask. It looks very unusual and stylish, therefore, it is especially harmonious such drazenafits In modern design destinations - High-tech, modern and even fusion.


When to transplanted the dragon?

Culture transplant is performed in spring:

  • once every two years, if it grows moderately;
  • every year, in the case of its intensive growth.

Important! Be sure to follow these conditions to achieve the maximum attractiveness of the shrub.


Methods of breeding

Drazenen multiplies in several ways:

  • stalling;
  • tanks from the top;
  • seeds.

Important! Each of these methods has its own characteristics. By choosing one of them, follow the dilution instructions. For the first type, a prerequisite is to warm the soil to +25 ° C.


  1. Strong stem cut on 3-5 centimeter parts. Each segment must have a minimum of 2 kidneys.
  2. Take up on the one hand Course Stem and place it in the soil.
  3. Cover the film by creating a mini greenhouse.
  4. Put in a warm dark place.
  5. Support high humidity. Shoots will appear in 1-2 months.



  1. Remove the top from the bush.
  2. Put it in a container with warm water.
  3. Add activated carbon to water.
  4. After 3 months, the tank will stop the roots.
  5. Pereure it into a warm primer for a permanent basis.


Features of breeding seeds

  1. Soak seeds in the solution to stimulate germination.
  2. Hold them there at a temperature of 28-30 ° C one day.
  3. Calm the seeds in the soil for palm plants.
  4. Pour the soil and cover the tank with the film.
  5. Place the seedlings in a warm, darkened place. Seeds will warm in 1-2 months.
  6. Feed germs 1 time per month.
  7. Sprouts 5-6 cm long transplanted into constant soil.


Rules for landing and growing drazes

Planting drazes has its own requirements. They are simple, but mandatory to execute:

  1. Pot chosen big and deep. The roots of the culture are very voluminous and develop quickly, therefore, for a 40-centimeter plant, a pot is a diameter of at least 15 cm.
  2. Place the drainage from the shards or pebbles on the bottom.
  3. Fill the pot peat-earth soil. The perfect mixture for drazes is a ferry, leaf land, humid, sand, peat - in equal proportions.
  4. Replane young plants in 2 years. Adults are demanding transplant in 3 years. Large plants do not need to replant, it is enough to replace the top layer of the soil annually.
  5. To stimulate root growth, make small cuts at the bottom of the trunk.
  6. When the roots become too much and the plant will be closely, be sure to transfer it to a large container.


Drazena - how to care?

Good and competent caring for drazes is five points:

  1. Temperature. The optimal temperature for the growth of drazes should not be lower than 15 ° C. In winter, the plant prefers to go to the "hibernation" at a temperature of 8-10 ° C.
  2. Lighting. Drazen must be in a half. Do not allow direct sunlight. However, in a completely dark place this culture will not develop. Rearrange the bush closer to the window for the winter period.
  3. Watering. In summer, watering should be abundant, and in winter - moderate. Take into account the temperature and humidity of the room indoors. During the heating period, the air can be overwhelmed, then watering produce as the upper layers of soil drying.
  4. Fertilizer. Fertilize the dragera only during the period of active growth. Most often, he falls for April-August. Use special comprehensive feeding for home plants 1 time in 2 weeks.
  5. Air humidity. Despite the fact that such shrubs can easily carry dry air, they should be regularly sprayed to leave the leaves not the cheers and did not breathe along the edges. Periodically make a warm shower for drazes to clean it from dust, which prevents the absorption of light.

Important! A separate stage that can not be lost - trimming, all the rules of which are viewed in the section below.


How to trim the dragera?

Protecting drazes - an important stage in the formation of a beautiful shape of a plant hat. This allows you to make it a worthy subject of interior, as well as a favorite green family member.

Important! The draping in principle can not trim. But this procedure qualitatively stimulates the side kidneys and contributes to the branch process. In addition, trimming can be successfully used for breeding.

Process features:

  • cut the dragerate in the spring or early summer;
  • plant height - not lower than 30 cm;
  • if the stem is bare - the cut slicer should be 5 cm below the extreme leaves;
  • fully covered with greenery stalk stuffed to his taste.

Important! Remember that the sliced \u200b\u200bstalk will no longer grow.

If you decide to crop the plant, prepare such materials and tools:

  • well sharpened knife;
  • activated carbon, coal, powder;
  • treatment "Zircon".


Cut off the plant, holding the following rules:

  • in the process, try not to break down yet until the end of the remote part of the stem;
  • process the location of the cut by activated carbon;
  • following the coal, use "Zircon";
  • put the cropped parts into a glass with warm water;
  • place the dragon itself in a warm place.


What is the drazes and how to treat?

Drazen is considered not a very picky plant relative to her care. However, violation of the requirements of content can lead to the defeat of your bush with different parasites that are capable not only to spoil the external aesthetics of the drasens, but also to destroy it. The most common culture pests are described below.

Cobbled tick

This pest affects the leaves with a huge speed. Because of him they turn yellow and dry. The tick is developing where very dry air. To effectively deal with it, it is necessary:

  • maintain high humidity;
  • flush all pollution from leaves and trunk;
  • process plant with a chemical preparation.



These small black insects settle on the leaves and, moving along them, leave the brilliant stripes behind them. It is fraught with a slowdown in the growth of drazes, and the leaves are covered with ugly spots. The way to combat is simple:

  • treat with soap solution;
  • leave for a day;
  • rock soap from leaves.



The shield is perhaps the most dangerous pest for your plant. She rabbid fresh and green foliage, making her yellow. Lives both on branches and on the leaves. If you do not eliminate this problem on time - the plant will perish.

Important! The only way to effectively combat the shield is the processing "AcTellik". This drug has a sharp smell, carry out the outdoor procedure.



Now you know how to choose a dragerate, how to care for her and how to multiply. Thanks to simple advice and rules, you can grow a plant at home. And it, in turn, gratitude for the spent work, will delight you with its beauty and unpretentiousness.

Browse the video from which you will learn not only all the rules for growing drazes, but also ways of design of its appearance:

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