Garden bench for giving with your own hands: drawings, sizes, photos

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Garden bench is one of the important elements of the comfort and comfort of the manor. It can be used to relax with friends or dedication to a small amount of time to read alone. The main thing is that it was comfortable and harmoniously looked against the background of the general design of the site. To do this, you can think over and make a garden bench personnel.

Garden bench do it yourself


Before moving to the very arrangement of a cozy place on the site, it is necessary to properly choose its deployment, consider the nuances and choose the design.

Rules for placement benches

  1. At the very beginning, even before creating a drawing bench, you need to choose a place in the garden for its location. Not only the subsequent comfort, but also the selection of the required material depends on this factor.
  2. On the plot where there are growing enough trees, it is conceptually better to put a wooden bench with the framing. For the small area, a small shop in openwork decoration will be suitable.
  3. When placing a bench in a quiet place surrounded by clubs with flowers, or not far from the reservoir, a great place for a secluded rest will be created.
  4. Also benches are often installed on the verandas, in arbors or on the platforms for a picnic. In this case, for convenience, several identical benches in a row or around the site are usually placed. A variant of the combination of tables and several shops is possible. It is best suited for family tea drinking and watching board games with friends.
  5. The most optimal option for installing benches will be their placement in a place from which flower beds can be seen, panorama or water. It is not necessary to install a bench in such a place so that the neighbors' fence can be viewed from it or a deaf wall of the house.
  6. It is a relevant placement of the bench is considered to be its installation on the playground for children's games, not far from the entrance to the house or near the summer pool.
  7. Another good place is not far from the bed or among the plantings in the garden. It is advisable to find a place under branchy trees in the shade. If this is not found, then you can arrange a bench and under the canopy.
  8. Beautifully look at the bench, performed by itself, in the frame of flowering bushes or flower, on a stone area, on a small elevation.
  9. The design of the manufactured product is best combined with the place in which it will stand.

Variety of materials

  1. To construct benches, you can use different materials:
  • wood;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • stone.
  1. The most simple models in the manufacture can be called options from the wood array. From this militant and, importantly, natural material, you can make many different benches in shape and style design.
  2. Stone benches also look quite aesthetically, but are less functional than wooden. In winter, you don't want to sit at such a shop at all, but take a look at her beautiful design, there is always a desire.
  3. Forged options are quite complex in the production part, but they look very impressive. For the design of such shops, only the master of a blacksmithing business can take place - a specialist in this area.
  4. Plastic options are quite simple, costs will be minimal, but such products will not serve for a long time.
  5. There are various options for combining benches and benches. Enchanted them are made of wood and stone. Often they are decorated with textile pillows, warm plaid and cape.
  6. You can also construct a bench from unusual materials. Among them, the most interesting options can be called:
  • solid log;
  • wheel rims in combination with uncircumboards.

Options for designing garden benches


The manufactured product can have both a completely classic and unusual form. The bench can repeat the silhouette of the animal, the ship, cars, as well as other items and images, or just be decorated with separate decor elements. To the bench does not look boring, it can be painted in different colors. Creating a pattern and pattern here is sufficiently appropriate, especially if the country's country plots are visited by children.

Design design requirements

Please note that the benches made with their own hands must comply with the following parameters.


Since the benches are designed for a comfortable stay, therefore it is important to consider such a construction that will allow you to comfortably sit down all family members, relax and relax. Of course, it is best to choose options with backs.


To avoid injury, the bench needs to be made strong and durable. It must carry quite large loads. Collect design need carefully, use only high-quality materials and fastening elements.

Moisture resistance and portability of temperature fluctuations

For our region, it is important that climatic conditions do not influence the bench that will be on the street all year round. Then she will last long.

Garden benches do it yourself: drawings and photos


Before the start of the construction of the bench itself, it is necessary to make or choose a correct drawing. Before this it is necessary to determine the appearance and materials for its manufacture. This will help you with numerous photo materials of garden magazines and resources for landscape design.

Today on the Internet you can find a huge number of options for the design of benches. All of them have their own nuances, but are called upon to perform one function. After a careful selection, you can think over the independent design of the bench or take advantage of the option. It is not necessary to make it exactly the same as in the photo, you can combine several original options and add something to your own.

Garden bench do it yourself: drawings

  1. After making the selection of the structure of the bench, you can start working on the drawing. For this we need:
  • paper sheet;
  • pencil;
  • ruler.
  1. At this stage, it is necessary to resolve the selection of the optimal height, the number of legs, the depth of the seat and other important nuances. Therefore, there are several general rules for creating a bench scheme. During the drawing up drawing, it is important to use:
  • the height of the seating should not exceed 40 - 50 cm;
  • the seating width on average should be about 50 - 55 cm.
  1. These values \u200b\u200bare standard, but they can be applied during the construction of any kind of bench. The main thing is to preserve the proportions, otherwise the finished product will not be very convenient to relax.

Bench garden with back: Recommendations for drawing


  1. If the bench is assumed to have a back, then for its manufacture, you can use the standard height value, which is at least 35 cm, but not more than 50 cm.
  2. It is important to determine the appearance of the back to the bench. It will be based on the possibility of transferring the design from place to place. An intolerable bench involves fastening the legs firmly into the ground, in this case, anyone can be selected.
  3. Making it with your own hands a garden bench made of wood, according to the drawing it is possible to calculate the amount of material that will be required in the manufacture of a particular design. If wood is used, then several important marks are made in the drawing. One of them is a beep of the inner surface of the legs, which prevents water accumulation from the bottom of the structure and its subsequent destruction. Also, the diagram indicates the dimensions of each of the parts separately, in addition, the magnitude of the angles of the addition of all elements are indicated exactly, taking into account all the nuances of the bench design.
  4. Natural array is better suitable for the manufacture of benches, because it is easy to handle it, it looks noble and absorbs heat.
  5. When selecting the material, it is important that there are no flaws on the tree. The array must be well succeeded before starting work on the product.

Garden benches made of wood with their own hands

Necessary materials:

  • screwdriver;
  • wooden boards - 3 pcs. On the seat, 2 pcs on the back, parameters: 150x15 cm, thickness - from 3.5 to 4 cm;
  • boards for legs protruding backrest holders: dimensions of 90 x 15 x 4 cm;
  • sandpaper;
  • front-arrangement leg boards: Parameters: 36 x 15 x 4 cm;
  • lobzik - cutting board;
  • primer;
  • bruses - Strengthening the strength of the structure, dimensions: 4 x 4 cm;
  • electrolake - grinding of wood details;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • varnish for tree coating.

Step-by-step instruction

Consider the sequence of manufacturing a wooden bench.

  1. For the manufacture of a bench, you can buy boards of the desired size already in the finished form. If there is no such, then the jigsion will need to carve out the necessary blanks.
  2. After cutting the tree to the required length, its processing is carried out. Seating and backrest blanks are polished. Each of the ends is processed by the electrolabank. With it, they also need to round a little.
  3. The rear legs are attached strictly under the correct angle, as they perform the role of the frame to which the back is attached. To do this, the markup is applied on 2 billets from the wood with a length of 90 cm.
  4. First on the longest board marks the value of the length of the product. This material is not yet necessary to be processed. From the beginning of the mark on the full length of this board there is a small cut. Its value should be not more than 20 ° C, since it is in the future that will form an angle under which the back of the bench will be tilted.
  5. On the 2-legs behind the back sections are made of the same size not only by the magnitude of the angle of inclination, but also by the meaning of the height. This will avoid creating a peaned bench.
  6. Collection of design begins with legs. It is important to observe the selected gap between the legs, which are located in front and rear. Between themselves, they are connected using a bar. It passes through the entire width of the bench. It is best to make a double strapping that will take place from below, as well as on top.
  7. After collecting lateral parts, proceed to the collection of the main parts of the seating and the back, which are connected in advance with the prepared boards. The fastening takes place to the bars from above with the help of self-tapping screws. Between the blanks you need to leave the gaps of 1 to 2 cm. They are needed to ensure air passage and will continue to prevent the deposit of moisture in the details of the bench.
  8. It is necessary to consider that the bench needs to be stable so that it can serve for a long time. To do this, it must be strengthened by strapping with bars from below. To do this, screw 2 blanks to the legs. Of course, it is not necessary to use 2 boards, it will be enough and one transverse, attached to the strapping from the bars, but it will be more reliable.
  9. Next, the backing set is made using 2 boards. One of them is attached at a distance of 20 cm from the seating, and the second is 38 cm.
  10. The last stage is the coating of the finished product. It is necessary to protect the bench from environmental influences. The best lacquer is suitable, as well as impregnation. It will cope with the protection of the product from the occurrence of plots with mold and the effects of insects. After treatment with varnish, the furniture will become even more beautiful, it will look more elegant. To give it gloss, polished is made, and the lacquer coating layer is applied at least 2 times.

Garden bench with backrest do it yourself: instruction


This design is made quite simply and does not take much time.

  1. You will need:
  • support bars - 6 pcs. (3 small and 3 more);
  • boards for seating and backing.
  1. The assembly is carried out after creating the drawing, on which all the sizes and values \u200b\u200bof the corners are precisely indicated.

3. It is necessary to monitor the details in the design of the construction. The slightest inconsistency will lead to a doss of the bench.

  1. Typically, the designs with backs are manufactured by portable. Therefore, it is necessary to make it in such a way that it stood smoothly. At the same time, more attention should be paid to the design of the legs. The sustainability of the structure depends on them.

Garden bench Hands: Successful homemade


There are many different options for making benches with their own hands. Consider some of the easiest and most successful options:

Classic bench

This type of shop has a seat and a rectangular back. For its assembly, the same materials will be required as for the usual bench. During the connection, parts can be slightly minted and replaced by vertically spaced planks on those that will be located cross. You can decorate the top plank of the back of a beautiful carving. When creating armrests, billets can be given a figured look. The same applies to the legs.

Table and benches

The design of shops and the table is appropriate on any country site. However, its assembly has several nuances. Each of the major parts is collected separately from each other. Their connection is made in the very end. For this use 4 lower bar. On each side they are attached 2 of them. The table consists of a tabletop and legs, which are located crosswise. Breaks to collect quite simple. We need boards whose length is calculated when creating a drawing. First, the part of the seating is bonded, while it is important to give the stability design, and then the table is already fixed in the middle.

Metal bench.

This shop make a little more complicated than the two previous options. In this embodiment, the scene frame is first made, and then the legs that are welded to the corners of the seating. Between the legs, which are in front and rear, are welded ribs. Next is made the frame of the back, which is subsequently welded to the seat. The angle of inclination should be about 15 - 20 ° C. The last step is polished, stripping and coating with the primer of the manufactured product. Only after that, boards in the seating and back area are attached to the metal frame. For fastening, bolts and nuts are used.

In the network you can find a lot of photos of successful homemade garden benches made by your own hands. All these options for holiday designs look very beautiful. It may seem to many that their manufacture will be difficult, but in fact any wizard can make such benches if it makes a little effort and stuck with patience.

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