Artificial lawn. The main advantages and disadvantages compared to natural

March 9. Plot. Views 4352. 2 comments To the record of an artificial lawn. The main advantages and disadvantages compared to natural

The lawn is one of the main components of the landscape design. However, grow and, most importantly, ensure the perfect care for a natural lawn is not so easy. Therefore, many today are choosing an artificial lawn. What does it imagine and what is his advantages and disadvantages in comparison with natural?

Artificial lawn is a coating that consists of a polypropylene framework, to which strictly vertically synthetic green fibers are attached, coated with silicone.


Types of artificial lawns

Between them, as a rule, may be located or on the contrary, there is no so-called frustration from quartz sand and rubber granulant.
Hence the three vents of the lawn:

  • bending - such a type of lawn is used in cases where it is necessary to achieve maximum operating qualities of the coating and minimize injuries during drops and slide (football field, sports ground, etc.);


  • unswerpecified - as a rule, such a coating is used only in decorative purposes in landscape design, where the load is not so high as on a football field. Therefore, there are free space between the unswerpecked lawn vocabulary;


  • a semi-ray artificial lawn is a kind of golden middle between the first and second type of coatings. It is intended for styling on sports or children's playgrounds, tennis courts, where the loads are much less than on football fields, but, at the same time, more than just in a decorative landscape. In such lawns, only sand is used as a backfill.

Externally, artificial lawn completely resembles natural grass. Such a coating is sold in rolls with a width of 2-4 meters and most often used to lay in children's game, volleyball courts, football fields, tennis courts, as well as one of the elements of landscape design in the country area or near the private house, pools, greenhouses and etc.

Advantages of artificial lawn

Artificial grass, in contrast to genuine, has a lot of advantages, namely:

  • high strength, wear resistance and durability of such a lawn, which allows it to withstand any loads, both mechanical and static. Artificial grass is not pulled out and always has an excellent appearance;
  • ease of care and cost-effectiveness of artificial grass, due to the lack of need for water, breasting, fertilizer, the fight against weeds, etc.;
  • compensation of any irregularities of the earth's surface, regardless of the circumstances and the landscape, such a lawn will look very impressive;


  • the possibility of using a rolled lawn year-round, regardless of weather conditions, climate, season without losing its appearance. In addition, such a coating is used in those regions of the planet, where the grass growth is impossible;
  • absolute water permeability of the coating;
  • large selection of color gamut, density, rigidity and height of grass;
  • ease of laying and repairing such a lawn. If necessary, you can cut a separate piece of coating and put another place in its place;
  • artificial grass has the ability to withstand the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, therefore does not fade, the fire and sharp temperature drops are not afraid, and it is also very pleasant to the touch, so you can even walk with bare feet, etc.

In addition, such a lawn, laying on a football field, a volleyball court or any other place will prevent some injuries that can be obtained on ordinary grass. It has long been proven experienced specialists. Also, it is an artificial lawn Football can create optimal conditions for slipping legs and player pods, provide excellent rebound of the ball.

Disadvantages of artificial lawn

In addition to the above advantages, such a coating has its drawbacks, if compared with natural grass:

  • high heating rate of an artificial lawn on the Sun maximum up to 60 degrees Celsius, which can cause some discomfort;
  • the high probability of reproduction of various harmful microorganisms and bacteria, therefore, in the case of injury, somehow, the risk of infection and the development of infection increases;
  • the presence of latex, plasticizers and other components in the composition of this coating, which, when heated, contribute to the allocation of harmful and toxic substances to the surrounding space for humans and the environment;
  • although the service life of such a lawn is quite large (up to 10 years), however, by its expiration, the coating is not subject to restoration and it must be fully replaced with a new one;


  • the big value of the materials, so many buyers do not decide to make a choice towards an artificial lawn. However, today there is the possibility of renting an artificial lawn, thanks to which it is possible to save money to significantly;
  • handling coating;
  • the need for periodic cleaning and cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, brushes, detergents.

Thus, given all the advantages and disadvantages of the artificial lawn in comparison with natural grass, each personally can conclude about the feasibility of its use on a specific object.

To find out how the laying of an artificial lawn occurs, you can view the following video:

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2 answers to artificial lawn. The main advantages and disadvantages compared to natural

  1. Victor:

    Artificial grass C China is widely used in landscape design, when designing garden tracks, parks alleys, coastal areas of river and lakes. The coating has a pleasant and even color that does not fade in the sun. The lawn is made of synthetic polypropylene fibers, woven into the base of rubber. In such a way, water is not delayed, as it provides for drainage. This wear-resistant coating that can withstand high and low temperatures can be accumulated indoors and on the street.

    Tel: +86 13315950055

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