The cheapest roof coating

September 10. Roof Views 8351 2 comments To record the cheapest roof covering

Any construction requires major capital investments, and when it comes to the roof, there is no money in the wallet. It is necessary to look for a budget, but quite reliable option. In such cases, many tend to look for the cheapest coating for the roof. What is it? Does he have drawbacks? We will deal with it in more detail.

Palette coatings

Roof coatings There is a lot, you can choose for every taste and color. Choose really have from what:

  • ondulin;
  • professor;
  • tile (ceramic, concrete, composite, metal tile);
  • ruberoid;
  • slate.

Each material has certain strength characteristics, reliability and durability. Some have higher waterproofing indicators, others won in terms of fire safety. Nevertheless, we are looking for something, the cheaper roof, which means, omit all the requirements regarding the design and external appeal.

Cheap roofing materials

Next, we consider how you can cover the roof inexpensively and at the same time quite reliable. Of course, I want the material to be still durable, but it should also be understood that in search of an option with a low cost without losses not to do.

Wave slate

He is familiar to us since childhood, because then the variety of roofing materials was not so big and excessive sizes were not observed. How to cover the roof of the house cheap? The answer is simple - to buy a wave slate and go to it yourself. Most often, the lion's share of the budget takes the price of the work, because no company will do this for a penny.


The tempting value of the gray wave slate is definitely attracts, but many may noticeably complain about the low reliability of the coating. Indeed, slate sheets sometimes do not pass with a hail, therefore it is worth carefully selecting this roofing material. Pay attention to the enamel or oil paint. Such a top layer significantly increases the frost resistance of slate and reduces its ability to absorb moisture.


The disadvantages of this roofing material are abused. However, if you think about how to cover the roof of the barn is cheap, Ondulin is what you need. For temporary buildings, this is the best option, but to make the roof of the cottage is no longer prestigious.


To other disadvantages of such a material include:

  1. It is made from recycling - waste paper. Accordingly, under any torrential rain, paper coverage will begin to deform.
  2. There are some difficulties in service - clean the roof, without leaving dents, almost impossible. Especially not recommended to step on the wet Ondulin.
  3. This material is very quickly discolored. And it is impossible to prevent any claims to the manufacturer, because the warranty in 10-12 years is given only to moisture resistance. Accordingly, it will not miss the water, but it will not be able to boast a beautiful appearance.
  4. Already making a purchase, at home you can detect bitumen spots on the coating. Replace the sheet, most likely you will not work.


Tile can not be called the most budgetary roofing material. It happens different species that differ significantly at the price. If you need a cheap roof, choose a soft tile, but your pocket will noticeably empty the beautiful refined coating. Indeed, the cost of such a roof can vary from fairly economical to indecently high.


I would also like to note the following tile advantages:

  • it is not terrible neither corrosion, neither rotting, nor rust;
  • it is waterproof;
  • it is not afraid of direct sunlight, does not fade (unlike the ondulin discussed above);
  • any disadvantage is easy to eliminate, replacing individual fragments.


Roofing material is best to cover the barns, woodsheds and temporary structures. The main task of the material - waterproofing. This coating is cheap, so it fully meets the requirements of the low cost. And if at the price of roofing materials ahead of competitors, in terms of reliability compete meaningless. That is why it lay in several layers (three and preferably four).


One of the main drawbacks of roofing material is considered to be its low fire safety. The material is flammable, which is a clear disadvantage. To get rid of the shortcomings of roofing material, when it is laying use mastic asphalt. Of course, these are additional costs, but if in the future cover the roof you're not going, it is better to fork out. The cheap to cover the roof, if not the roofing material? Household building this is probably the best option.

Budget Roof Roof: What to Look For

Budget rarely quality. Saving on material with a good waterproofing, first you praise yourself for a good choice. However, when the first rains, you will learn about one significant drawback - poor sound insulation. Every drop will be heard, that does not add to the dwelling comfort.

It is worth paying attention to, do not you slip a fake marriage or at reduced prices. Find out whether it is possible to do the installation yourself without the involvement of a construction company, how easy is it to get a small amount of material in the event of a breakdown, in what time frame you can pull it off. Remember: the roof - an important element of your home, so treated it with the utmost seriousness.


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2 responses to The cheapest cover for roof

  1. Ivan.:

    Roof to roof in the first place must be ordered in good company. Should pay attention to the manufacturer of materials for roofs and their price. Durable materials for roofing is better to buy in companies such as, so you save on repairs and maintenance of the roof.

  2. Alexander:

    Clarify. Replace sheets Ondulin still possible, if the defect is substantial. There is a special form on the site -

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