Ventilation in the house or apartment. Choosing a shipping and exhaust installation

February 19. Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 2492. Comments To record ventilation in a house or apartment. Choosing a shipping and exhaust installation No

In the bedroom of the stuff, and in the kitchen the stable smell of recently cooked baking? The bathroom still keeps the "aroma" of bleaching for the bathroom? The problem is visible to the naked eye - the ventilation in the house gives a failure. It is worth opening the window and the unpleasant smell will retreat, but soon the guest comes to visit - from the burnt pies or sewage problems.

Classification of ventilation of residential buildings

There is natural and forced ventilation. They are fundamentally different, although the purpose of their use is the same. Both deliver oxygen to the residential premises. Of course, in the absence of ventilation and closed windows, we will not be able to suffocate, but the body will not be delighted. Remember yourself, in the stuffy room it is bad, it is hard to concentrate, there is quick fatigue and apathy.

Natural ventilation - good Ile bad?

It is easy to design, easy to build, make it with their own hands will not be difficult. It is not connected to the network. Consequently, any energy consumption is excluded, does not depend on the voltage drops on the network. She is silent.

Do not forget about minuses:
- dependence on weather conditions (performance is significantly reduced);
- in the cold season, "in the pipe" flies along with the stream of contaminated air and up to 40% of heat in the house;
- no possibility of regulating the intensity of ventilation;
- Well, the drafts are a dangerous enemy of small kids and people with a weak immunity.

And at this time, forced ventilation ...

... excludes all the shortcomings of natural. Indeed, you want to filter the air or even heated before it gets into the home - no problem. Outside the blizzard window, hail or recordable heat? This trouble is not terrible. But what really needs to be afraid, so these are online interruptions, as well as additional costs for maintenance and receipts for electricity.

Types of forced ventilation

Forced ventilation is called such an air exchange, in providing a bunch of aggregates: engines, fans, regulators, filters. Their coordinated work helps to recreate an acceptable microclimate in a closed room. And if in a private house with a stupid, it turns out to fight, then companies where dozens of people work, a large teaching of visitors, without such devices can not do.

What is the forced ventilation:
- inlet;
- exhaust;
- Supply-exhaust installations.

The principle of action of each is already understood from the name. The supply constructively consists of a fan with an electric drive, which pumps air. Ask where there is an unpleasant smell and carbon dioxide. Its hood is not provided, so all this goes through the slots in the window openings and when opening-closing the front door.

The exhaust ventilation system is usually installed at enterprises and industrial premises in which a significant amount of harmful substances are distinguished. It can also be pools, laundry, where the level of humidity is overestimated.


This is also correctly attributed to the office premises: there are many people there, everyone is sitting too close, run there and here. Well, without hoods, no dining room, a restaurant or a small cafeteria do not cost. Where there are kitchens, gas stoves, outflow of unpleasant odors and combustion products are simply necessary.

In the apartments of hoods put in the bathroom and above the stove.


Living room, bedroom in this type of ventilation is needed. And in the rest rooms in order to maintain the desired temperature of an air conditioner, which for many is a boon, especially in the summer months.

The golden mean, and just perfect for country houses and cottages - ventilation air handling units. Such systems simultaneously fed and removed from the room air. This, of course, pleases the homes of owners who have installed plastic windows. They are fully sealed, and ensure contaminated air outflow through the window slot will not succeed. Consider installing such detail.

Operating principle of supply and exhaust ventilation units

Air distribution is ensured in such systems in several ways:
1. Mixing.
For air supply diffusers meet high speed. Available indoor air is mixed with the received. For outflow exhaust air exhaust valve there.
2. Wipe.
This method involves the displacement of the exhaust supply air. This is true for rooms with high ceilings, industrial plants emitting harmful substances.

Types of air handling units

Choose the ventilation system as appropriate, based on the type of room and its purpose.
1. Air Handling units with heat recovery - a good option for saving fans. They are very effective in terms of energy consumption. They are called Air Handling units with heat recovery. The name has spread due to the device, disposing the heat.


The recuperator is a conventional heat exchanger of the "air-to-air". Heat contaminated air used to heat the incoming. If you want to install the system in a small room, it is best to fit a compact air handling units.

2. There are units with a cooling system. After all, in private homes need to save energy, to keep warm. But in refrigeration workshops also need ventilation, but the zero temperature it only goes to harm.

For these purposes, use of air-handling unit with cooling. In the winter time also will be very noticeable energy savings.

It is advisable to bring a different classification and ventilation systems:
- suspended;

- floor;
- wall.
It is also worth paying attention to this before buy a supplier-exhaust installation. If free space is plenty, then the dilemmas do not exist. If the places are not enough, and the units sometimes have enough dimensions, think about the acquisition of the suspension.


1. VENTS is a serious leader in the production of ventilation equipment. The product range is impressive. Equipment is made for ventilation and air conditioning systems of any complexity. Their products are easy to learn under trademarks domain, plavetle, alvetern, vents, x-vent, airvents.
2. Daikin climate equipment is also well known in the international market. The Japanese company releases supply-exhaust plants with recovery, cooling and moisture. Products easily find their customers in the Middle East, Africa and Europe. Air conditioning and ventilation systems are manufactured directly in the Czech Republic and Belgium. Politics The company is such: their main criterion in the development of new equipment is a decrease in energy costs during operation.

3. The Japanese manufacturer of Mitsubishi Electric in Europe appeared since 1969. Among the business areas, the manufacture of ventilation equipment takes not the last place. Mitsubishi Lossnay Recuperation Supply-exhaust installation not only serves clean air, but also can adjust the temperature and humidity level.
4. Among domestic manufacturers should be mentioned by Prana. They make a bias on the ecology, energy efficiency and the use of advanced technologies. Prana systems are adapted both under production facilities and under residential buildings. Despite the fact that in the production of products, no additives and other hazardous materials are used, the price of the supply and exhaust installations cannot be called high.

5. ELECTROLUX SUPPLIATED INSTALLATION Silent, can operate at low temperatures. Models with a recuperator allow you to control the humidity indoors. Manufacturers paid a lot of attention to air filtration. Another advantage of Electrolux installations is an integrated automation system that controls the degree of filter contamination and allows you to plan the work of the unit for the period of the whole week.
6. Systemair AB of Sweden is also ready to offer a wide range of ventilation equipment. The central idea of \u200b\u200bthe developers - to meet the requirements to ensure the lowest power consumption. The highlight of plants - the presence of «plug and play» function, ie ready for use immediately without additional infusions.

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