We choose plants for living hedges: useful tips

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Livestore in the country site performs an important role, not only in aesthetic, but also in the functional plan. So, first of all, the elevation is a great way to embellish and revive the country area. In addition, it can serve as a fence and fence made of aesthetically clean materials. Next, we will tell you how to make a living fence from plants with your own hands, as well as what kind of country cultures are suitable for this.

The role of alive hedges on the site


As mentioned above, a live fence on the site performs several functions. Most often for its construction, gardeners prefer the curly plants that grow in a short time. Such hedge has many advantages:

  1. Curly plants for live swelling fast-growing grows in a short time, fattened supports and walls of the house. Thanks to which you can hide all the available flaws of buildings on the country site.
  2. Such hedges become a real decoration of the country area, the original "notice", the "highlight" of the plant landscape.

However, such fences have one drawback. So, in all curly plants in the cold season fall out of the leaves, so such hedges lose their appeal.

The living fence can be grown in various ways:

  1. Figured trim. The beautiful form of hedge can be given with the help of garden scissors, they cut the crown of plants. In this way, you can create a composition of any geometric shape. However, in order for the hedge for a long time not lost its attractive form, the plants are not sluggish and not tuck, some rules should be followed. So, the lower part of the figure in the composition should be made a little thicker to the top so that all the leaves can evenly get the sunlight necessary for healthy growth.
  2. Natural way. In this case, the cropping is not carried out. However, plants for creating hedges are selected so that they naturally fit harmoniously into the landscape design of the country area. Often this method of creating an elevation is applied by the gardeners who wish to equip a plot in a natural, natural or rustic style.

Plant Selection: General Tips

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Consider how to choose the best plants for living inges. Initially, decide what you want to see in my site. So, there are several varieties of alive hedges:

  1. Borders. Usually the height of such fences is not more than 1 m. To create their creation, various kinds of shrubs are applied.
  2. Fences. The height of such hedges varies from 1 to 3 meters. For this, various types of decorative garden (deciduous or coniferous) trees will be suitable.
  3. Walls. The height of such gardens compositions is more than 3 meters. In some cases, such fences reaches 5-6 meters. Plants for high living hedge - spruce, cypress, whale, etc.

After you have decided on what size should be a fence, consider all available plants. For example, blooming garden compositions or evergreen can be created.

In order for the hedge all year round, it retains its attractive look, should be careful for the plants. In hot time, they need a systematic watering, and in the cold period - in defense against snow.

Large plants for living hedges


Quite often, the gardeners prefer the creation of living hedges from deciduous crops. Consider all possible options.

Willow. This plant has many advantages:

  1. So, it is unpretentious in care and can grow large sizes. From it you can create high living walls, the size of which reaches 5-7 meters.
  2. The branches of the plant have the property to intertwine. Therefore, with proper care from Willow, you can create beautiful intertwing garden compositions.
  3. Willow is growing well in almost any climatic latitudes, almost any soil fit for it.
  4. A tree can be cut without any problems, as a result of which the shape and dimensions of the hedge are adjusted.
  5. Willow's roots are quite strong, so the hedge created from these trees is quite reliable and durable.

However, this tree needs abundant irrigation in the hot season. It should be remembered when leaving you.

There are many varieties of this tree, for example, ostolist whale, French, purple, etc. In order for a live fence with a special originality, it is possible when planting trees alternate their varieties.

Honeysuckle. It has similarly quite a lot of advantages, among which:

  1. Attractive appearance.
  2. Beautiful blossom. In the spring, these are white tone flowers, the plant is decorated with red berries in the winter.
  3. Some varieties of honeysuckle are used in the manufacture of therapeutic drugs in traditional medicine.

In order to properly grow a tree, some recommendations should be followed:

  • Space the honeysuckle on open glades, where sunlight penetrates well.
  • Water the trees in a timely manner. However, note that excess moisture they do not like.

Living fence from evergreen plants


Livestore from coniferous plants - the choice of many gardeners, as it retains a beautiful appearance all year round. Your plot will be framed by a beautiful evergreen fence and hidden from prying eyes. In addition, coniferous trees have a pleasant aroma, which is an additional "highlight" in the country area.


The most suitable plants to create a hedge:

  1. Spiny fir tree. Great for creating fences and fences. Her krona piety to the haircut, thanks to which you can create a garden composition of any kind and shape. Usually similar plants are planted at a distance of 90 cm from each other. They grow slowly. Good coming up in any types of soil.
  2. Spruce ordinary. Croon of this tree, like a barbed ate, is cut off without special difficulties. It grows this variety ate slowly. Differs high branchiness, thanks to which hedges from it are pretty thick and impenetrable for someone else's gaze. Planting this variety of trees should be 50 cm from each other.
  3. Juniper ordinary. Beautiful plant for live swelling in the country. Unpretentious to the type of soil. Suitable for the formation of low hedges. Height reaches 0.9 m. It grows very slowly.
  4. Red cedar. His krone piety to the haircut, keeps a predetermined form well, so suitable for the formation of garden compositions and hedges. Unpretentious to the type of soil. Resistant to different types of climate. It rarely affects various pests. The only disease to which this variety of juniper is subject to parasitic fungus is a rust.
  5. Juniper Cossack. Suitable for the formation of low hedges or borders. The plant is planted with a step of 50 cm. As the crown increases, the juniper is cut, thereby giving the shape of the hedge. Resistant to droughts. Breeds seeds and gag. Height reaches no more than 1 meter.
  6. Tuya Western. Perfectly suitable for creating alive hedges. Her crown can be given any form. Plant 50 cm apart from each other. Tuya grows very slowly. Unpretentious to the soil.
  7. Yew. His krona piety to the haircut. Therefore, this plant has often participated in the formation of the Garden Arrangements of the Renaissance. From it you can form both borders and low fences. Grows slowly. Resistant to various pests.
  8. Kiparisovik. Very popular in countries Evropy. Extremely fuel to the haircut. Exquisite figures can be obtained from his crown.
  9. Fir Siberian. This variety of trees is suitable for the formation of natural freely growing hedges. It grows best in moderately wet soils.
  10. Mountain Pine. Suitable for forming freely growing borders. Sit down at a distance of 50 cm from each other. This kind of pine is unpretentious to climatic conditions and soil types. Especially beautiful appearance in the living ingreders, formed from the mountain pines, during flowering period. Flowers with pink and yellow gate.

Low live hedge


Shrubs are perfectly suitable for creating low living hedges. They can not only decorate a country area with their foliage and blossom, but also to please the harvest of delicious fruits. These shrubs include:

  1. Barberry. Fast growing shrub. His crown perfectly suits the haircut. From the fruits of this plant you can cook jams and jams.
  2. Turn. We all know that these bushes have long spikes. They will be able to protect the country plot from the unborn guests. Turn is resistant to various climatic conditions. It grows almost in all soils. Bushes have a compact and neat form, so that they do not always need trimming.
  3. Rose hip. From this plant will be a beautiful hedge. It pleases with its flowering and healthy fruits.
  4. Tea rose. This shrub is an integral part of the garden composition. Combines favor and beauty. Flowers with bright colors, which, besides, healing and rich in vitamin C.
  5. Hawthorn. Suitable for creating decorative and useful hedge. It is often alternate when landing with black rowan rowan bushes.
  6. Reprelectric. Pleases the gardeners with the beauty of their leaves. They really have bright and at the same time contrasting color.
  7. Lilac. Great for creating beautiful alive hedges. In addition, it is capable of filling the garden with a charming aroma.
  8. Black currant bushes. Quite often apply to gardeners for creating beautiful natural hedges. In the summer period, Smorodin pleases its useful and delicious fruits.

Live hedges, plants: photo

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