Decorative shrubs for giving: varieties

January 28. Plot. Views 2129 1 comment To record decorative shrubs for giving: varieties

To make a cottage landscape beautiful, you need to make as much variety as possible. Groans with vegetables, greens and flower beds with flowers occupy the lower tier, fruit trees - the top, but something still does not have enough. Decorative shrubs are precisely the missing element of the composition, which is placed in the middle tier. Even if you own a very small plot, it does not mean that it is impossible to put a couple of shrubs in it. In this article we will tell you how to choose the right decorative trees and shrubs for your garden.

Selection of shrubs

Agree that the garden, where all plants are built on both the parade at least be bored and unnatural. The art of landscape design is just not to "exercise a stick" and create order with natural natural beauty and apparent chaos. To learn this is easy, the main thing is to know more varieties of plants and be able to combine them. The easiest way to transform the garden with decorative shrubs. These plants are different heights, therefore, they allow you to fill all three tiers by creating a harmonious and completed composition.

Decorative shrubs can serve not only seemingly condition, but also to perform useful functions. For example, if you put them along the lattice fence, you can create additional live protection against penetration and curious eyes. With the help of shrubs, you can carry out zoning of the territory, separating, for example, a vegetable garden with vegetables from a rest. Especially good with this task should be cope with flowering shrubs, bringing the recovery in the garden palette.


Classification of shrubs occurs in several principles: frost resistance, flowering time, height, solarness, etc. For the middle strip of Russia with its cold winters, many interesting crops are suitable, both endemic and brought from other countries.

The most popular shrubs for the middle strip:

  1. Hawthorn - it can often be found in the wild, but if you put a hawthorn in the country and care for it (trim off the twigs, ask the direction of growth), the bush will be not only beautiful, but useful - the fruits of the hawthorn are used in traditional medicine. It perfectly replaces the evergreen Samshat. It is very easy to care for the hawthorn, as well as to shape various figures from a bush.
  2. Weigela is a luxurious and unpretentious plant that is easily rooted on any soil. It can be planted both in the shade and in the open space. The advantages of Weigel can also be attributed to an infant watering, so if you do not have time to visit the summer cottages in the summer, and the season was rainy, you can not worry. The maximum height of the bush is 2-2.2 m. Blossoms begins for the second year (brightly pink flowers appear in May and keep up to July). But even after the end of flowering, the bush does not lose its decorativeness, while maintaining a bright juicy color of foliage. Weiglaless tolerates winter without any problems, but if there is little snow, it is better to cover with a sweetheart or reed. If the season is expected to snow, just hurt branches, so that under the weight of the snow they do not break.
  3. Hydrangea - this shrub is ideal for those cases if the garden is covered with a cool shadow and stands on a humid-fertilous hummous soil. The flowering of hydrangea is mentioned in the works of many poets and writers - large multicolored balls transform the garden in an incredible way. Hydrangea feels well in the neighborhood with large trees, so if you want to fill the space between the high apple trees or sweet cherries, it is better not to think of the option.
  4. Deren is easy to leaving a shrub, well-carrying snowy winter. It is suitable for absolutely any garden, because it does not occupy a lot of space, rooted on any soil and makes a noticeable variety in the landscape composition. The only condition for stable growth is sufficient soil moisturizing. It is possible to plant a dend in a half or outdoor field. The decorative properties of it are preserved year-round - bloom twice a year, the fall leaves acquire a burgundy-violet shade and effectively contrast against the background of fading nature. The maximum growth of green dend is 3 m, red - 5 m.
    Red dend takes more space, but it is distinguished by a completely fantastic coloring shoots: green, brown, burgundy, scarlet, brick colors. It blooms lugnut in early June, and in cloudy autumn days happy leaves of purple and purple shades.
  5. The honeysuckle is one of the most fragrant flowering shrubs. Usually it is sad along the hedge, creating a magnificent and beautiful barrier and lining butterflies and bees for pollination.
  6. Barbaris Tunberg is an excellent option to create a spectacular vibrant hedge. If you put a bush in an open place, the leaves under the influence of direct sunlight will get a purple-blue tint, if you plant Barbaris Tunberg in a half, the leaves will be dark green. The plant is perfectly molding, but it does not need regular trimming.

In the summer, you can enjoy the blooming of a set of shrubs: Barbaris, Chubuschnik, Roses, Rosehip, Weigela, etc. Some cultures are spectacular to look at the autumn time: Magonia, Rowan, Kisser, Becklets, Abelia. In winter, nature is resting, but even at this time you can enjoy the elegant forms of evergreen decorative coniferous shrubs. In more detail about the seasonal selection of plants, we will tell a little later.

"Lazy" Garden

If the cottage for you is a place of rest and renunciation from all pressing affairs, then you should not land at her whimsical cultures. There are a number of decorative shrubs names that are simply created for the design of the "lazy" garden. They are well evolving without excessive intervention from a person - it is enough only to occasionally water them and endure the secateurs.

To create a minimalistic landscape design in the country when plants and eyes are pleased, and careless care does not require, first of all, to abandon the magnificent garden flowers in favor of low decorative shrubs. They can also bloom beautifully and give an interesting form and color to foliage, but attention is required much less.


Follow the simple principle: the minimum of hassle at the maximum effect. For example, if the shrub is beautiful, but requires specific conditions (the special composition of the soil, frequent watering, loosening, climate), and you are not able to provide them, give up it. The same applies if the shrub is needed solar light, and your site is in the shade of crowns of perennial trees. If you, in spite of everything, put it, at best it will be weak and never blooms (for flowering you need sunlight).

Another thing is if the plant "loves" the shadow. Even if there are no trees on the site, it can be planted from the northern side of the house, fence, garage, shed, etc. Be sure to find out whether the plant is capable of transferring the winter, and which as low as possible the temperature can withstand. Of course, it is better to choose frost-resistant varieties, then they do not have to warm them up for the winter.


The most time-consuming work in the "lazy" garden is pruning. However, you can also be understood from these duties by choosing neatly developing cultures from nature. It is better if they are a little growth - such plants usually do not oppress their neighbors and do not overlap them the light, do not "sprawl" on the site and form a beautiful crown.

Flowering shrubs

If you like to care for plants and enjoy the fruits of our works, you have an almost limitless range of decorative flowering shrubs. During flowering, such cultures not only visually change the form of the site, but also create an indescribable festive mood, ease and joy. If you choose the right culture, you can enjoy such an atmosphere most of the year, starting with early spring and ending in late autumn.

Flowering shrubs can also perform useful features, focusing on strategically important points of the site: entrance to the house, gate, toilet, veranda, etc.


Useful advice: In the process of creating a plan plan, not only the maximum height of the shrub should be taken into account, but also its ability to develop stirre. If necessary, both of these factor can be adjusted using a secaterator.

If the garden square is small, pay attention not only to the size of the bushes, but also on the timing of their flowering. You can plant the whole area of \u200b\u200binconspicuous and small at first glance, but they will bloom at different times, in turns replacing each other and supporting the festive atmosphere. Force blooms one of the very first. When it comes down and the sun will just start to harvest, the small bush will break off bright yellow flowers, but even even leaves will not release. A very spectacular spectacle against the background of barely started waking up her plant nature. The second name of the plant is foresight.


Forming the bloom can be supplemented with a star magnolia with white fragrant flowers and a frost-resistant Japanese Rhododentron. And in the middle of May, Lilac will bloom. For a small garden, a Chinese lilac can not be better suitable, which gives lush borders, inclining them to the earth itself.

At the beginning of the summer, the relay takes a challenge with long branches, covered with flowers. And if you want to enjoy the violet of colors from July and until the very beginning of autumn, put the Syrian hibiscus of red, lilac, white and purple flowers.


Springlawing flowers for the garden

So, if you spend most of the warm season at the cottage, you must try to make that the pastime was enjoyable. To do this, you can plant special varieties of shrubs that will delight you with blossom from the beginning of spring to the most autumn.

Frost-resistant decorative shrubs blooming in spring:

  • spirea;
  • daphne;
  • japonica;
  • almond;
  • iRGA Canadian;
  • forzition;
  • keria.


The wolper year blooms with the first warm rays of the Sun and gives a saturated fragrance. However, it is necessary to handle the plant, since it is poisonous. Too strong fragrance of the wolves year can cause headaches. Canadian Irga begins to bloom in May, the blurred small flowers collected in the brush (very similar to the cherry). This plant is noteworthy and the fact that in the fall again attracts attention, changing the green color of foliage on purple.


Buzin, Rowan and Kalina look great in a rustic garden. Traditionally, they were planted at the entrance to the plot, at the porch or well. Late autumn and winter on shrubs remain bright fruits, effectively contrasting on a snow-white background.


In the late spring-early summer, lilac color, filling the air with a sweet aroma. The advantage of lilac in its diversity - you can pick up a bush of any sizes with flowers of any color. It happens white, pink, bagg, purple and lilac. Few people know, but lilac absolutely hypoallergenne, so you can not be afraid of the spring exacerbation. For regions with a mild climate, close to Mediterranean, magnolia and rhododendrons are suitable.


Tristwater flowers for the garden

The peak of flowering shrubs falls at the end of the spring and the beginning of summer. Among the summerturing varieties in the middle lane, the most popular Barbaris, Skumpia, Hydrangea, Chubuschik and Weigla. Also, many love to grow honeysuckle - it gives lush color and healthy berries.


The leather skirmism blooms very interesting - the bush covers small flowers collected in the pan. From afar, such a spectacle resembles a slim haze around the bush.


Dating blooms in June-July, decorating the countryside with pink and white flowers. Another remarkable shrub is Syrian Hibiscus. He appeared not so long ago, but immediately gained extraordinary popularity due to the wide color palette and blossoms.


Ossennunuting flowers for the garden

At the beginning of autumn, luxury hydrangea flowers begin to appear. If you put it in the form of a living hedge, you can create a very spectacular composition.


Place an ordinary heather on the site and get not only autumn landscape decoration, but also useful medicinal raw materials. Heather has soothing, sleeping pills, antiseptic and campphic effects. The term of his life can reach 45 years, so that the plant will be beneficial for a long time.


And so that your garden continue to delight and in winter, put in it. European, tees berry, hawthorn or rowan.

How to plant shrubs: general recommendations

Even the most unpretentious decorative shrubs for the giving, you need to be able to put together correctly so that they grow rapidly and develop. As well as all decorative cultures to engage and transplantation follows at the beginning of autumn, when the plant has already blew and began to cross the rest mode (so it is more likely to suffer stress). The most important thing is to make the plant root to the onset of frosts.

Rules landing shrubs:

  1. Be sure to take into account the sort of shrub, its frost resistance and demand requirements, soil, watering.
  2. Before boarding, remove all weeds with the root and remove the top layer of the soil.
  3. The pit under the bush should be 2-3 times more than the root system of the plant. To do this, try the seedling and dig the appropriate pit.
  4. The walls and bottom of the pits are bursting with a pitchfork so that more oxygen falls into the soil. Also, for speedy rooting, it is recommended to add peat into the soil, compost or fertilizer with a prolonged action.
  5. In the very center of the pit it is better to immediately knock the peg for further garter of the plant. If you do this after disembarking, you can damage the root.
  6. Lower the roots of the seedling in the pit, straighten them and pour into the soil, then carefully wrap it.
  7. So that when watering the water does not spread through the rammed soil, but seeping into it, form an earthen barrier throughout the perimeter of the bush. After that, you can pour a plant and tie it to a peg of 25-40 cm from the ground.

So all the troubles sufficient for successful rooting and growth. Beautiful decorative low frost-resistant shrubs can be planted without pegs, but the technology is mostly the same. Now it remains only to keep track of the rustling growth of your new pet and wait for his flowering.

Decorative shrubs: photo






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One answer to decorative shrubs for giving: varieties

  1. Zhanna Gorokhova:

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