How to properly tapping raspberry bushes

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Malina is considered an echoed shrub whose stalks are reached up to 2 m in length. At the same time, its rhizomes are perennial, and the shoots of domestic. As for the bloom of raspberries, it falls at the end of the spring - the beginning of summer. The main advantage of its advantage is an excellent antipyretic effect and strengthening immunity.


Landing raspberry


This plant is recommended to land in autumn, namely a month before the onset of cold. In the event that landing occurs in the spring, then this should be done before the renal dissolve.

Most often, the seedling is in the pit, evenly by placing the root system, then it is neatly sprinkled with its ground and soil compacts. After landing in the well, up to 6 liters of water are poured, and the soil around is mounted with a humus, peat and dry ground. At the same time, the stalks need to be cropped immediately, namely at the surface of the Earth. In dry weather, shrub 2 times a month.

How to achieve a good harvest


Depending on the quality of the care and grade of the plant, the raspberry can give from 4 to 9 kg of berries. However, to obtain an excellent crop, certain actions should be performed:

1. It is necessary to produce raspberry falling on rows, every 1.8 m and at a distance of 0.7 m in the row. There are 2 seedlings in the hole. Then the wire is stretched along the row at an altitude of 1.2 m and shoots to it.

Each in the spring it is necessary to create a clipping of thin and broken shoots, so that there are 7 pieces in the bush.

When shoots grow up, the stalks are cut at an altitude of 1.2-1.5 m.

2. In the fall under each raspberry bush, it should be made by 3-4 buckets of humus.

3. Be sure to loosen the soil under the bushes, but not deeper 10 cm.

4. In order for the future harvest is good, it is necessary to perform the autumn watering. For this, Malinik is simply poured with water.

5. It is recommended to protect the raspberry bushes from various diseases and pests. For this plant is treated with special chemicals, carefully observing the multiplicity and spray time.


Whitage bushes


Malina is a rather unpretentious plant that can calmly grow even on an abandoned area. However, if it does not care for her, the shrub can be wild and give a large amount of piglets. At the same time, after the winter it must be tied up.

Advantages of raspberry garter:


  • with this location, it is much easier to collect a crop;
  • berries are tied and ripen evenly;
  • the branches have a chance not to break as a result of winds, rains and under the severity of berries;
  • fruit-fighting young shoots that grow in the middle of a number, I get the most favorable conditions for your development;
  • rightly adjusted raspberry bushes are much less susceptible to pests and various fungal diseases.

How to touch raspberry


Methods of porch

Today there are several methods for garter of raspberry bushes:

1. Faful.


In this case, between adjacent bushes should be knocked out a height of 2 m and tie the shoots to it. At the same time, it is necessary to do so that one part is from the right bush, and the other part from the left. As a result, fan should form.

This method creates all the conditions for the growth of vertical young shoots and improves air and light access to them.

2. Slear.


Such a method of garter is considered the most efficient and very often used in gardening.

Initially, along the row, set pillars with a height of 1.2 m and stretch the wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm.

Types of steller:

  • flat-inclined (in this case, near or with a difference in an altitude of about 1 m, 2 wires are stretched with a slight bias and shoots are tested);
  • flat vertical (2 wires are stretched at different heights: 1st - 60-90 cm from the ground, 2nd - 1.2 m from the Earth);
  • vertical (tensioning 2 wires are not less than 1.2 from the ground, and shoots are tested).


Using any of these structures, the shoots should be placed in such a way that 7 shoots were placed 0.7 m.


Unlike the first method, the amount is driven into the middle of the bush and they create a binding of all shoots. Ribbons from Cappon, polyethylene or twine are used as a garter material.

This method is considered ineffective and practically not used in gardening. There are several reasons for this:

  • during such a garter, shoots can break;
  • there is a limitation of air flow, which leads to various diseases of the plant;
  • inside the beam practically does not fall light.

Growing raspberry bushes without garter



Yellow and red raspberries are sometimes grown without using garter. In this case, a reprehension of varieties with thick shoots and moderate height from 1.5-1.8 m are selected (white, coral, modest, ruby, Bulgarian, balsam).

In the first year, siblings are not recommended. They are provided with a complete opportunity to grow freely. As a result, a solid strip of stems of 50-70 cm wide occurs.

The following year shoots that go beyond this strip should be removed. It should be prevented internal excessive thickening. For this, they are thinned in such a way that they are located at a distance of 20 cm from each other.

Although such a system gives a fairly high harvest, it still has a number of flaws:

  • on stems there are fungal diseases;
  • located in the center of the band, the shoots are very thickened and, accordingly, many of them are prematurely die away.

How to tie raspberries video:

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