How to choose a heat generator

June 21. Useful advice Views 2445. Comments to record how to choose a heat generator No

In modern conditions, when the rates for energy resources and utilities are growing every day, the question of choosing an effective and main, economical heating agent is particularly acute before each of us.


One of the most sought-after heating devices in the market from this point of view is a heat generator, which is used to provide the necessary comfort in industrial, trade and storage facilities of a large area. So, you decided to purchase a heat generator for your production. How to choose it? - Here is the question for which we continue to answer.


Before you buy a particular heat generator model, it is important to decide in advance with the basic parameters to which it should respond. From the correctness of the choice of such a device, it depends not much not enough - its effectiveness in the work and economical consumption of energy resources. Therefore, we consider the main criteria for choosing a heat generator.

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Type of fuel

The heat generators, which are presented today on the market, are distinguished between them, first of all, the type of fuel they consume. From here it is customary to allocate:

  • gas heat generators - devices that work on natural gas. They have a lot of advantages, among which are relative cheap of fuel, reliability in operation, the ability to use such equipment not only for heating, but also for water heating. The main disadvantage of gas generators, is the need to obtain permits for their installation and ventilation arrangement. Gas heat generators are wall-mounted or floor, depending on the method of their installation, as well as with a remote or built-in burner;


  • diesel heat generators are working on liquid fuel, no less effective and reliable in operation. However, they are much more expensive than gas due to the complexity of the equipment. In addition, such devices create significantly more noise and with all automation require constant presence of a person;
  • electric heat generators, in contrast to gas or diesel, are simple in installation and operation. They do not require the arrangement of complex ventilation and permits. However, not as often used, since the cost of electricity is quite high. Therefore, they are not suitable for constant heating, but only as an additional source of heat and only in cases where there is no possibility to use other energy resources;


  • combined or special heat generators working on fuel oil or spent oil allow you to use different types of fuel based on the situation. However, their cost is many times more than ordinary diesel. At the same time, not every spent oil can come for them. In addition, during operation, such equipment requires constant care. In particular, it is necessary to regularly clean the nozzles and the filtering system, which is not very convenient.

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This indicator is one of the fundamental when choosing any heating equipment, including the heat generator. Since it depends on how effectively it will cope with its task.

  1. Power determines the amount of heat that is necessary to maintain the desired temperature in a particular room. To calculate this indicator, you need to know in advance the size of the room, as well as the heat-saving properties of walls, ceiling, floor, windows, take into account ventilation and much more.
  2. The more accurate the calculation of this indicator, the less likely to spend extra funds for overheating of the room or vice versa to get underwritten in winter.


Size and method of installation of heat generator


This is an equally important criterion for choosing such a device as a heat generator. Since some models have rather impressive sizes, which means that they can pick up some part of the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

  • Such heat generators with high power are most often used in enterprises and in production. For example, for heating large warehouses, trading halls, shops, greenhouses, etc. For them there is an opportunity for street installation.
  • They are not afraid of the negative impact of external factors, in particular the various precipitation in the form of snow and rain. The burner compartment is reliably protected by the so-called casing, which ensures the necessary heat insulation.


  • Heat generators, characterized by compact sizes, are installed indoors on the floor or fasten on the wall or ceiling. At the same time, it is important to consider the system of ducts and ventilation well, especially when choosing a gas or diesel device, which is required by security standards.

Company manufacturer

Consider the most popular manufacturers of heat generators who are in great demand in the market among consumers.


The German brand, which is engaged in the production of heating equipment for more than 30 years and is one of the leaders in this area.

  1. Kroll heat generators are distinguished by reliability and durability, ease of operation and with full equipment automation.
  2. Kroll uses only high-temperature and stainless steel of canceled quality, as well as modern electric motors.
  3. The product range of this company includes diesel, gas heat generators, as well as devices on spent oil.
  4. In addition, some models are equipped with universal burners, which make it possible to use different types of fuel, very convenient.
  5. Kroll heating equipment is widely used to ensure comfort and heat in various premises such as bus station, workshops, shopping grounds, greenhouses and greenhouses.


Swiss company that specializes in the production of air conditioning, ventilation and air heating systems, namely heat generators.

  1. Its products are distinguished by excellent quality and reliability, as well as reasonable prices, which attracts buyers all over the world.
  2. The range of products Aerotek includes gas, diesel and electrical heat generators of different power.
  3. Despite the fact that the company exists only 9 years, it occupies a leading position in the European market through a wide model range, continuous improvement of technologies and products, as well as modern design of heating equipment produced by it.


An American company that produces heat generators on spent oil.

  1. Thanks to its own developments, in particular, the special fuel pump, EnergyLogic specialists managed to provide a permanent fuel current, and therefore make their products as safe as possible and efficient.
  2. Thermal generators of this brand, among other things, have a stylish design and differ in a compact size.
  3. They can be mounted under the ceiling, thereby saving the surrounding space in a small room.

More vividly about the operation of the heat generator can be found in the video:

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