Features of furnace home heating

June 21 Interior decoration Views 3254 Comments recording Features stove heating home No

Today, the market is saturated with various number of new materials and technologies that relate to heating systems. Despite this, furnace heating remains as popular as in the past years. On the nuances of his devices in modern conditions we now describe.

Advantages and disadvantages of furnace heating

House with stove heating successfully built in our days. It's very profitable, convenient and easy way to space heating in the severe winter frosts. Especially popular he uses in areas where gas is not conducted.


Heating the kiln system appropriate to use in small houses. And you can use the stove not only one coal and firewood. Available are many types of boilers, designed for a specific type of fuel. Quite popular is the water-stove heating.

As with any heating system, heating the kiln has its "pros" and "cons." The advantages of its use are:

  • minimum investments;
  • quick and easy installation;
  • simplicity;
  • quite decent efficiency (at 60-65%);
  • compatibility with fireplace, which leads to an improvement of the interior;
  • creating a cozy atmosphere in the room, it is fundamentally different from other heating radiators;
  • implementation of the control of the combustion process.

The disadvantages of furnace heating are:

  • high fire hazard;
  • long-term heating furnace;
  • unevenness of heating at home;
  • reducing the area of \u200b\u200brooms.

Construction features

There are a number of mandatory requirements for furnace heating. If it is a traditional oven, they include:

  • placement of construction in the center of the house;
  • the location of the front part in the kitchen, and the rear wall - in the rest of the room;
  • the presence of the optimal size of the oven for heating (1 m² of the furnace is effectively heating 35 m² at home).

The usual oven is created from red brick. It consists of:

  • fires;
  • collector ash;
  • boilers;
  • chimney pipes.

Laying red bricks is performed using clay solution. The source of heat outlet is the fire (at the bottom of the design) and the hot smoke (passes through the boilers in the pipe).


When using furnace heating with a coolant, the efficiency increases. This is a consequence of the movement of hot water through pipes and batteries that can be installed at any point of the room. For the same reason, the heating system with water circuit is capable of taking a uniform distribution of heat throughout the rooms at home.

The main distinctive feature of the design of the coolant furnace is the presence of a heat exchanger. In this device, mounted in the furnace, water circulation occurs. It is to the heat exchanger that the elements of the usual water heating system are connected.

The design of the heat exchanger does not have a standard form. In most cases, it depends on the size of the furnace. The main purpose of the heat exchanger is the provision:

  • maximum water temperature;
  • uniform and constant movement of the coolant.

For the manufacture of the heat exchanger, you can use the sheet steel with a thickness of 3-5 mm or metal pipes. The design of sheet steel on one side is easy to operate and easily cleaned. But on the other, it has a small heating area.


Water furnace heating in the photo, and in reality more efficiently. The release of thermal energy is carried out as by heating the walls and chimney channels, and with the help of radiators and pipes.

Aspects of system design

But the furnace heating is also a rather dangerous system. In this regard, due attention should be paid to the proper design and accurate embodiment of the intended tasks in practice.

There are a number of mandatory requirements for a single-storey house with furnace heating. They affect both the layout of the premises and the creation of maximum fire safety conditions.

In particular, they include:

  • most heating elements are recommended to be located in the inside of the walls;
  • open access to the furnace;
  • the presence of an air layer between the stove and partitions of the tree;
  • facing the combustible structures with fire-resistant materials;
  • a special foundation device for furnaces whose weight exceeds 750 kg;
  • the presence of a gap in the amount of up to 1.5 cm between the heat exchanger and the wall of the furnace;
  • implementation of the design model, based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

As for the nuances of the installation work, they fall into direct dependence on the method of creating a water contour. Distinguish two types:

  • design laying from base;
  • installing the heat exchanger in the already existing furnace.

Naturally, the second option is more complicated because it provides:

  • dismantling furnace;
  • manufacture and installation of a suitable heat exchanger;
  • new building assembly;
  • replace the elements of the furnace, which served their time.

Regardless of the method of the device of the furnace, one condition is observed in obligatory. It concerns the size of the inner water shirt. The thickness of its walls should exceed 4 cm. Otherwise, as a result of circulation of the coolant it will boil. This rule can not be adhered to when installing the circulation pump.

The thickness of the heat exchanger walls can be seamless depending on the type of fuel used. When heating at home only with firewood, the walls can be thicker than when using coal.

Laying of a brick oven

The construction of the furnace from the very reason is not a challenging task. Its design consists of:

  • hobs;
  • frying plate of cast iron;
  • water Box;
  • exhaust channel;
  • oven.


A refractory and ordinary brick is used to create a furnace. Accordingly, refractory and standard solutions are used for masonry work. The laying on the ranks involves the implementation of the following actions:

  • 1 row: solid masonry and one embossed brick to create a slope in the ash bar;
  • 2 row: rebirth of seams and installation of the door for pondered;
  • 3 row: installation of a pensive door;
  • 4 row: support under the oven cabinet for the installation of grate gratings;
  • 5 row: cleaning holes and doors, installation of boiler equipment;
  • 6 row: fastening the heat door;
  • 7 row: overlapping cleaning doors;
  • 8 row: overlap of two chimneys located behind the boiler;
  • 9-12 row: Laying bricks with suturing bricks (the boiler should not touch the masonry);
  • 13-14 row: The laying of refractory brick begins;
  • 15-16 row: overlapping the heating chamber;
  • 17 row: horizontal channels are created at the top of the heating chamber, four cleaning doors are mounted;
  • 18 row: overlap the horizontal channel;
  • 19 row: closing the cleaning door;
  • 20 row: determining the size of the chimney;
  • 21-36 Row: Brickwork for coaches with sutures;
  • 37-38 Row: Installation of valves;
  • 39 row: smoke pipe device.

To achieve a better result, the water heating system should consist of two pipes. In addition, it must be equipped with an expansion tank, which is placed at the top point of the system. Its main purpose is compensation for the volume of coolant at temperature differences. The riser must have a maximum height, which will also improve the circulation properties of the heating system.

Two types of furnace heating with water contour

There are two main options for creating water stoves:

  • with water tank;
  • with a boiler heating.


The first option does not provide for the creation of a separate furnace. The manufacture of a water tank should be carried out from high-quality sheet steel. This material must possess:

  • excellent resistance to high temperatures and aggressive coolant medium;
  • the maximum conductivity of thermal energy (effectively transmitting it from the stove to the coolant).

For the fastest heating, the walls of the tank must have a thickness in the range of 3-4 mm. The size of the water tank can be completely different. Typically, the plate width is used. The width of the tank may vary in the range from 20 to 30 cm, and the height should exceed 40 cm.

To ensure efficient circulation in the upper and lower corners of the tank, two carvings pipes are welded. Installation of the water tank can be carried out in one of two places:

  • at the place of moving the products of burning into the chimney from the furnace;
  • in the extreme part of the plate located closer to the chimney.

After the final installation of the heating system, the heat exchanger is observed.

Heating furnace boilers are used in heating and cooking structures. Heating is made at the bottom of the furnace, although the boiler is installed at the top. The undoubted advantage of this heating system is the high efficiency. It is at the level of 80-85%. Even with severe frosts, it will be enough to protrude the furnace twice.

The principle of heat pumping boiler is as follows. Smoke gases that pass through it are distinguished by a large temperature. They dramatically heat the entire surface, including the walls of the lower part of the heating chamber. In the walls there is a thermal energy accumulation, thereby supporting the optimal temperature of the water boiler for the day.

A little more about circulating heating system

There are two types of circulation:

  • natural;
  • forced.

The creation of water heating with a natural type of circulation involves the installation of pipes with a slope, which exceeds 4-5º. The feed pipe that comes out of the furnace is equipped with the so-called coolant accelerator. It rises in a vertical position up to a height of 1.5 m, and then descends under the tilt to heating radiators. This is how natural water circulation is improved.


Thanks to the device forced circulation of the coolant, the efficiency of the system increases by 25-30%. The main element is the circulation pump. But there is one significant "minus" of such circulation. It lies in the fact that in the countryside, electricity is often disconnected. And this will entail a stop of the circulation pump, which will cause water boiling in the system.

For this reason, the best option for water chimnery will be the creation of a combined type of coolant circulation. Appropriate pipes with a slope are made, and at the same time the circulation pump is set, which is placed in parallel to the main highway. Forced circulation will work in the presence of electricity, and natural - in its absence.

Create stove heating in a country house will not be much difficulty. Properly installed design will be a guarantee of a long and impeccable service life, bringing a special atmosphere of comfort to the house.

Video on the device of furnace heating:

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