How to eliminate leaks in the roof

January 16. Roof Views 8184. Comments to record how to eliminate flow in the roof No

The roof flow is an emergency that may occur after melting snow or rain.
If you do not pay much attention to this in a timely basis, then chronic moisture stagnation can lead to the collapse of the ceiling, roofs, indoor formation fungus, closure in electrical wiring, etc.

Why the roof is flowing


The main causes of leakage are defects of the roofing surface carpet, the failure of the drainage system, moisturizing the thermal insulation layer and the disruption of the sealing of the coating adjacent to vertical structures (parapets, antennas, pipes, walls). Such damage may differ in scale. Accordingly, some will require a small repair, and others - interventions of masters and more complex activities, up to the replacement of the roof.

All leakage arising can be divided into 3 classes:

  • "Flickers" (formed in any season at large temperature differences);
  • associated with melting snow on the roof;
  • Creating immediately or a little bit after the next rain.

Thus, for high-quality elimination of leaks, it is necessary to properly localize the problem, i.e. Understand which element of the roof has ceased to function.

Causes of leakage:


  • Moisturizing the heat insulating layer in view of the violation of technology;
  • Not enough effective operation of the drainage system;
  • Mechanical damage to the integrity of the roof and geometry of the rafter system;
  • violation of installation technology;
  • Impact on the roof of biological and atmospheric factors that lead to its natural destruction;
  • Rock-quality fasteners and roofing building materials.

Cause of leakage - Mounting marriage

Violation of technology in the construction of the roof is unacceptable. Quite often to correct such errors, the roof has to be dismantled and installed with almost zero. The factors of successful installation are the following:

1. Projects created without errors

Incorrectly designed eaves, not the bias of the roof and parapels can aggravate the problem of water removal from the roof. At the same time, a large number of complex elements of architecture and inconsistency of their placement with ventilation can lead to the occurrence of non-refined areas.

2. Technological installation of the roof in compliance with all recommendations

Creating a roof device, it is important to ensure reliable hydro and vapor barrier, ventilation of the heat insulation layer by mounting the skate and cornice ventilation fluguards and blood. With incorrect laying of vaporizolation in the construction, condensate may form, which will provoke the ceiling humidity inside.

3. Proper selection of building materials and contractors

It is very important to use exclusively high-quality building materials and accessories. The manufacturer must provide a guarantee for its products. For installation, you need to attract masters with certificates and licenses.

What to do if the roof flows at home:


1. Initially, it is necessary to inspect the roof. If the flow is not very significant, then the roof can be tested independently. First you need to climb the attic and check the condition of waterproofing for mold, rot, wet places, rafters, floor and flooring. For example, moisture can discolor the coating or leave dark traces on the tree.

The next inspection object is the electrical wiring in the attic. Detected damage in it, you must immediately eliminate.

Olympus Digital Camera.

2. After you checked the roof from the inside, go to external studies. Inspect the horse for waterproofing and the integrity of its elements. Pay special attention to the fastenings of the aprons from the metal in the zone of the roof adjoining to vertical designs and the insulation state. Going down to the bottom of the roof, make sure that the Endov did not accumulate plant trash. Review the bottom layer of roofing and the cornice board - their integrity may suffer rain and strong wind. Specify whether the ventilation channels, funnels, gutters and water pipes and pipe pipes are not clogged with any garbage, whether lichens and mosses were forged, and on the roof - bubbles, chips, cracks, soles and dents.

3. If the external inspection did not find damage, but the leakage continues, the precipitation should be waited, climb the attic, to find the place of penetration of moisture and mark it with chalk. In dry weather it will be pushed.


Remember that repair work and inspection of the roofs are conjugate with great risk, as the skates are slippery and cool, high and suddenly can turn the head. All this is quite good reasons to seek help to professionals. The roof repair technique assumes not only the detailed diagnosis and selection of special building materials, but also the use of special equipment. Today, many firms explore the roof using an infrared chamber. It can quickly detect leakage and clearly present the technical condition of the roofing system. On the basis of the data obtained, the masters determine the nature and scope of work and constitute the estimate. Further, the owner and contractor conclude a contract that prescribes warranty obligations, the timing of payment, the rights and obligations of the parties.

How to fix flow in the roof?

Elimination of the roof leaks:

1. If the roof of metal tile


Metal tile - Durable and high-quality building materials. Its flowing is almost impossible due to wear. However, sometimes unforeseen circumstances occur:

  • An error occurred during installation;
  • There was a breaking of fasteners;
  • Mechanical damage was formed, etc.

With minor damage, the surface can be sealing a sealant or put patchwork from steel on it. With great damage, the sheet is completely changing, and the gaps are removed with a special adhesive tape.

If scratches were discovered, they need to be covered with special paint to warn corrosion.

The most serious repair is required in case of incorrect installation of the roof. Most often, the cause of leakage in insulated pitched roofs, including those eliminated by metal tile, is the use of cheap polyethylene perforated films as a pair and waterproofing, which are not well removed by moisture from the insulation. It is best to change them on a superdiffusion membrane, stacked directly to the insulating material. However, this method involves a complete dismantling of the roof.

In order to protect the roof from leaks, it is recommended to install snow designers on it. In winter, they will restrain the flow of snow, and in the spring between the waves, the metal tiles will be dragged with melt water.

2. If the metal roof flows


Causes of leakage in the roof, which is covered with galvanized iron:

  • mechanical damage;
  • corrosion;
  • Disorders of sealing of seams that fix cover sheets.

Most often, openings and holes are eliminated as follows:

  • Initially, it is necessary to clean the damaged place with a metal brush;
  • then cut the patch from the roofing system, which will be 50-100 mm more damaged area;
  • Next, the edges of the patch and the damaged place are covered with flux and solder them with a soldering iron;
  • After the solder cooled, its excess is eliminated with a file;
  • At the end of the work, the roof is painted in whole or in part.

With a lot of damage to the roof of metal, steel sheets are completely replaced by applying electromechanical special devices to order quantities.

3. If a slate roof flows


Repair the roof from slate is simple enough. However, it is necessary to move on it carefully, since this material is very fragile. In this case, it is better to use the ladder-ladder, which evenly distributes the mass of the person on the surface.

The repair of a slate roof is reduced to the sealing of not very large chips and cracks. For this, a special solution is used, which contains cement and fine sand in a 1: 2 ratio. Another method of sealing is the adhesive repair belt based on butyl rubber:

  • The damaged place is wiped with a x / b to the tissue, which is first wetted in gasoline or Whitespit;
  • Next, the protective paper is removed from the tape, and its piece passes on damage, overlapping by 30-50 mm.

These tapes from above are covered with nonwoven material, so they can later be easily painted in the desired shade.

In order for steel nails that fix slate sheets, they are not covered with corrosion, they are covered with oil paint or olphoua.

If the size of the slot is quite significant, it is recommended to change the entire sheet, or put a slate piece under it, which has the same wave width.

4. If the roof is flowing from corrugated


The roof, which is covered by a professional flooring can serve as a reliable protection of the structure for a long period, but subject to all regulatory requirements. Only natural disasters can be served for repair work. In this case, the repair is reduced to the removal of damaged sheets and replace them with new ones. Sometimes, with poor-quality masters, over time, it may be formed in places in the field of building a building materials with a crate. It arises in view of the fact that the self-tapping screw was screwed at the corner to the sheet plane. Thus, the rubber laying is deformed and loses waterproof. In such places, it is possible to eliminate the flow, replacing the self-tapping screw to the new and smearing the hole with a sealant.

5. If the roof flows in the apartment


Most often, when building a roof in high-rise buildings, a rolled construction material is used.
It is this species that is most prone to leakage, as it is a budget option with rather low quality. What to close in the roof?

Repair of a soft roof is created only after its complete drying. Initially visually determined the place of leakage and, depending on the nature, a certain solution is made.
If the rubberoid bloating was discovered - it means that water leaked under it. To remove a defect, you should cover the discarded plot, dry it, from the inside to wash with mastic, and then press it back. When breakdowns or cracks occur in the material, a patch is used, which is superimposed on top of a damaged area. On both sides it needs to be labeled with mastic.



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