Learning how to crop apple trees: Rules, ways

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Growing fruit trees - the process is quite complex and requiring certain knowledge. So that the tree was not only the decoration of the garden, but also brought fruit, care should be permanent. One of the most important methods for improving fruits is trimming trees. Along with the struggle with pests, irrigation and feeding, the operation on trimming is only an integral part of the process of care of the fruit tree. The correct cutting of the apple tree will allow not only to form an aesthetic tree view, but also to increase yield. How to make this operation without errors - Next.

Why do you need trimming a tree


This operation pursues two main goals:

  1. Removal of dry, rotten branches, as well as "unnecessary shoots".
  2. Formation of the crown of a young tree in the 201 New Year's seedlings.

Crimping an apple tree in winter to remove branches spend annually after snow comes down. The fact is that in dead branches with a lot of probability, pests may begin, which will be a problem for the whole tree. Also, the apple tree will also make more efforts to maintain the dying branches that will go to the detriment of fruitless shoots. In addition, the dying branches will obscure a healthy and strain of the influx of sunlight, and this will not benefit the tree.

Trimming a tree for the formation of the crown is the most important operation at the initial stages of its development. It is from the first 2-3 trim that the future yield and the correct structure of the apple tree may depend on. Correctly formed krone tree looks attractive and allows the fruits to be placed evenly.

In some cases, pruning is carried out with resuscitation purposes. Quite often, untropy and drying tree proper trimming return to life. Having dropped off the "extra ballast", the apple tree can start giving a good harvest again.

Methods trimming apple trees


At the moment there are two ways to trim the apple tree:

  1. Relief. Such a trim is to remove old, rotten, spoiled branches, as well as those that grow with a violation of the structure. The cutting of the branches are carried out "on the ring", leaving hemps up to 1 cm long. Breaks of large diameter must be cut gradually from the end to the base. The fact is that having a lot of weight, it can progress and tear off part of the trunk cortex, which will inevitably lead to a disease of the tree. Strongly thickened crown thinned over several seasons. Otherwise, from a large number of wounds, a tree can get sick and die.
  2. Shortening. This technique is to reduce the length of the branch to form the desired shoots. At the same time, shorting is considered a kind of driver for fruiting shoots that begin to receive more nutrients from the trunk.

Procurement in the degree of work with escape is distinguished by three types:

  1. Weak when no more than 25% of escape is cut.
  2. Average - 30% escape.
  3. Strong, in which the Escape is shortening more than half.

Apple tree trimming tool

For normal operation in the garden you need a special tool. About its serviceability and readiness for work with wood must be taken in advance. For trimming and care of the apple tree, you will need:

  • The secret (small to work with young shoots, big - for medium branches).
  • Garden knife.
  • Wooden hacksaw.

When applying an acute tool, it is necessary to follow the safety regulations in order not to get injured and do not spoil the tree. Before working, the tool must be rinsed and disinfected so as not to incur a disease or pests through the cut. The saws should be sharpened so that during trimming they do not tear the bark of the tree.

Timing apple tree trimming


Contrary to the problem that the trees in winter do not live, but fall asleep, it is far from the wrong. The tree lives constantly, however, in a different period of the year, his activity changes. Therefore, in order for the operation to be successful, you need to know what time it is better to conduct it. If we are talking about a small cosmetic thinning, when an apple tree is not brought by a strong damage, then such works can be carried out yearly. However, it is worth remembering that in the summer, the trees show the greatest activity with increased slightness. That is why radical transformations at this point are undesirable. Also, the summer trimming of the apple tree can cause tree disease, as it will be susceptible to pathogenic bacteria or pests. Their activity in the summer reaches its peak, and they can easily get into the cut-off scene.

The ideal time for working in the garden is considered to be the end of March - the beginning of April. Trees only wake up from the winter, the shipping is not so intense as intense. In addition, the vegetable garden is not yet planted with cultural plants that may be damaged when the branch falls. Usually during this period, summer houses may have a lot of free time.

In winter, it is impossible to carry out work on pruning. Apple tree refers to thermal-loving trees and most of her varieties do not tolerate cold too well. Additional injury during this period can be for fatal wood.

If working on trimming apple trees in the fall, you must make sure that in the near future until the tree adapts to new conditions is not expected to sharp cooling.

Many experienced gardeners advise novice to pay attention to the lunar calendar. There is a list of more favorable days for work on trimming and planting an apple tree.

Trimming young apple trees


Operation on trimming young apple trees are carried out in obligatory. This is done to form the correct shape of the crown. Works are carried out annually for 2 years until the tree begins to be fruit.

There are several forms of apple tree crowns that are most common. To achieve such a result, a certain scheme of cutting apple trees is provided in each case:

  • The simplest performed is a sparse-long form of an apple tree. To achieve it, all branches are cut on the saplings, except 4-6 skeletal. The distance between them should be at least 30-40 cm.
  • Also one of the popular forms of the crown is medium-straak. To make it such, it is necessary at the initial stage of the development of a seedling to cut all branches that are located at a height below 1.1 m from the surface of the Earth. Everything that remains above continues to develop without human intervention.

Trimming young spend only in spring. It is necessary to make it necessary to swelling the kidneys, that is, before the beginning of the growing season.

Rules Trimming:

  1. An annual seedling is trimmed in such a way that its height is not more than 1 m. If it already has lateral branches, each of them cuts up to a length of up to 40 cm, depending on the size of the escape. Branches that grow under an acute angle to the trunk must be removed.
  2. The branches that form a corner closer to straight, shorten in such a way that no more than 3-5 kidneys remain on them. Such branches will become the basis of a powerful crown. The sooner it is formed, the earlier the tree will begin to bear fruit.
  3. Two-year-old apple tree is trimmed in such a way that it remains 3-5 the strongest escapes that form an angle closer to the straight. Everything else is cleaned.
  4. The tree stack is shortened in such a way that its length exceeds the length of the remaining 4-5 kidney branches. The shoots are shortened in such a way that the tops are shorter than 20-30 cm. Thus, they all form the right rounded form of the crown.
  5. In the next 2-3 years, the apple tree can not be cut, which will reduce the time to the first fruit. However, some gardeners continue to do it further, achieving an ideal form.
  6. With the subsequent growth of the tree, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the crown in order to prevent its overgrow. If the branches begin rapid growth, they must be shortened, maintaining the right shape of the tree. Cutting colonum apple trees is performed on the same scheme.

Trimming old apple tree


The trimming of the old tree is designed to improve his fruitiness and get rid of diseases. As a rule, such an operation leads to the emergence of new shoots that will bring the best harvest. For this reason, the trimming of an old apple tree is often called rejuvenation.

Conduct the trimming of the old tree is usually autumn. First of all, the dry and sick branches are removed. Even if the branch is not dry and very big, but does not be fruit, it must be removed. Radicalism does not interfere with this business. Next, not properly growing branches that prevent the illumination of the crown are removed. The last step is cut off the top of the barrel at a height of about 3.5 m to discharge the crown.

Why is an apple tree in the country area?

It is worth growing an apple tree in the country area, first of all, in order to evaluate the one with all the beneficial properties of its fruits. They contain easily digestible iron, which makes apples useful not only for adults, but also for children. Moreover, the most iron is contained in green apples. They are very useful for the treatment of many ailments. Thanks to the tissue, apples become an effective product with gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, when using them, the operation of the digestive system is becoming. This improves the intestinal peristalsis and the metabolism is activated. The fiber still helps to bring extra cholesterol out of the liver.

Adding apples to various dishes, they turn out to be dietary and more useful. On these fruits, you can even carry out unloading days. Apples help in the fight against overweight. Only for this it is best to use green fruits. If the apples are tasty taste, and they quickly darken after the supervision, it means that they are high iron content. Such apples are especially useful for pregnant women in order to raise a low hemoglobin level. In the fruits of the apple, there are still tubyl substances that are useful as the prevention of urolithiasis. It is the useful properties of apples that are not allowed to accumulate the harmful salts of uric acid. If you drink fresh apple juice for 25 minutes. Before meals, you can prevent gallstone disease and at the same time you can increase acidity.

Trimming Apple: Photo



Cruising apple trees: video

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