Options for finishing the ceiling

October 4. Repair and construction work Views 2956. Comments to record options for finishing the ceiling No

Today, many are wondering: what's the best way to separate the ceiling? And it is not surprising. After all, finishing materials are presented in a wide range. To choose a specific option, it is necessary to carefully understand the features of the use of each material. We will tell about the most popular types of ceiling finishes.


Plastic panels

Thanks to the use of plastic panels:

  • a perfectly smooth surface is created;
  • all ceiling defects are hidden;
  • it is possible to hide wiring.

This facing material is especially in demand when finishing the premises, which are characterized by high humidity: kitchen, bathroom, sauna, pool. Also, plastic panels are very stylish looking in glazed logs, where the facing material is used not only for the ceiling covering, but also walls.


The ceiling decoration by plastic panels involves a framework of wooden ridges or metal profiles. Panels have different sizes. It is most convenient to use products with a length of 2.7-3 m and a width of 0.25 m. Due to the presence of cavity with rigidity ribs, the facing material is durable and easy.

By purchasing PVC panels, you need to pay attention to their thickness. High-quality products are characterized by the fact that when they hover on them, solar rays or electrical lighting, they do not shine.

For mounting a frame, it is better to use a metal profile. The same wooden slats find it harder. In addition, they are susceptible to rotting, which will significantly reduce the operational period of the material in rooms with high humidity.

For plane markup, a laser or water level is used. The walls are drawn on the walls that denote the boundaries of the new ceiling. The drawn lines are a benchmark for mounting the starting profile, which is attached to the wall by self-drawing with a step of 40-60 cm. So that the metal profiles do not resist, they are fixed to the suspension.

Plastic panels are perpendicular to the crate. The ceiling decoration with plastic clapboard involves accurate cut panels. And this is done, taking into account the creation of a compensation gap in 5 mm.

PVC panel ceiling finishes assumes the following actions:

  • the first panel is placed in the starting profile;
  • the panel is moved close to the wall so that there are in the profile from three sides;
  • the extreme part of the panel by self-drawing is fixed to the crate;
  • subsequent panels are connected to the already installed panels.

In the process of assembly work, you should pay attention to the absence of cracks and on the basis that should not be shifted.

When attaching lighting devices, holes are immediately made in the trim. It is necessary to use only those lamps whose work will not lead to overheating of PVC panels. Lighting elements are attached to the old ceiling or cruising profiles. It is forbidden to screw the lighting devices directly to the plastic.

Wooden ceiling

Popular methods of finishing the ceiling include wood surface facing. This natural material "breathes" is characterized by an impeccable appearance and the ability to maintain heat.

Any breed of wood brings the atmosphere of comfort and calm into the room. Often, wooden ceilings are covered with transparent varnish, due to which the unique patterns of the tree are emphasized.


At the heart of the selection of wood for the ceiling cladding lies the size of the room. If the rooms are small, then it is better to purchase bright colors wood. For spacious premises, a tree with dark shades is the best option.

The ceiling decoration with wood also involves creating a crate. Only in this case are wooden slats of 20 * 40 mm. The distance between them is 30-35 cm. In the perimeter and the middle of the ceiling stretches, which serves as a guide for fastening wooden lining.

The cladding technology of the ceiling by clapboard from wood is largely similar to the installation of plastic panels:

  • the first plank is located in principle to the wall;
  • the lining is placed perpendicular to the crate;
  • the indentation between the wall and facing material is created;
  • if necessary, electrical wiring and lighting devices are stacked.

To achieve high-quality trim, in some places the frame will have to put small pieces of slats. The lining itself is mounted using selflessness. They are better fed into the grooves of facing material. So the screws will be invisible.

Installation work is completed with wood coating with paint or varnish. Do not use glossy paintwork materials. Brilliant ceiling tires vision. And he looks like "tasteless."

After applying and drying out the first layer of varnish, the surface is pretty fine-grained emery paper. So the fine pile and air bubbles are removed. This procedure is repeated 2-3 times.

If you need to change the shade of a wooden ceiling, you should use a special dye. This material will provide wood saturated natural shades of pine, nut or oak. The use of the coloring substance does not stretch the process of interior ceilings. Dye dries in a short period of time.

Ceiling beams

When decorated in the country style, a fairly original solution will be the creation of a ceiling of beams. This surface has a decorative purpose. The main thing is the exact definition of the location of the beams.

There are the following options for their location:

  1. Along the long side of the room. Visually extends the room.
  2. Transverse. Makes a visually wider room.
  3. Conducting. The size of the room is visually increasing.
  4. Running beams on the walls. Particularly increases the height of the room.


The ceiling decoration beams can be carried out using various materials. The most popular:

  • wood;
  • plasterboard;
  • polyurethane.

Wooden beams

When creating beams of wood, only well-dry material is used. Otherwise, the warm air rising to the ceiling will cause a well-noticeable junction between the boards.

Ceiling cladding with wooden beams consists of the following steps:

  • for dense adjacent to the lower and side parts, the ends of the panels are customized with emery paper or branch;
  • bruks are screwed to the side panels using selflessness;
  • step of their mounting 15-20 cm;
  • to fix the bottom of the beams in the bars, holes are drilled;
  • the holes should be perpendicular to the screwed screws that connect the side part and the bar;
  • the locations of the junction of the beams are sampled and fixed by self-drawing.

Gypsum beams

To simulate the beam surface using drywall, you will need a smooth ceiling. By the way, the base can be made from the same plasterboard. If this option is selected, then the beams will act as the second ceiling tier consisting of two levels.

The device on the ceiling of plasterboard false beams provides:

  • the markup of the lines where the beams are located;
  • fastening to the ceiling of suspensions;
  • assembly of crates from a metal profile;
  • creation of billets of plasterboard beams;
  • fixation of plasterboard elements to the frame;
  • printing and putty surface.

Polyurethane beams

This method of finishing the ceiling is the easiest and fast. Polyurethane structures are characterized by a slight weight, ease of installation and lack of additional work on finishing. In the false beams from polyurethane, as well as in the drywall, you can hide telephone and electrical wires.

Installation of beams is carried out in such a sequence:

  • the lines of their location are placed on the ceiling;
  • on the markup with long screws with dowels, wedge-bars are installed;
  • the distance between them is 0.9-1 m;
  • in the center of Wedge-Bruzyev, holes for 2-3 mm are less than, rather than the diameter of the screws;
  • wedges are lubricated with special glue and connect to the lower part of the beam;
  • with the help of screws, wedge-bars are attached to beams;
  • longitudinal cuts are made to attach a cable in wedge-bars;
  • to improve the aesthetic qualities, polyurethane consoles are mounted under beams.

Wallpaper on the ceiling

The traditional type of ceiling finishes is the sticking of wallpaper. That this process is the easiest and convenient, wallpaper should:

  • smoothly slide on the surface;
  • without unnecessary efforts to hold one person under the ceiling;
  • instantly stick to the surface.

Fliselinova wallpaper

All listed characteristics have flieslinic wallpapers. They greatly slide on any reason and are not lubricated with glue (it is enough to apply only on the ceiling). Yes, and when contacting the surface, flieslinic wallpaper immediately stick to the ceiling.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Although the ceiling finishes with Flizelin wallpaper and will not cause special difficulties, there are several nuances that need to be adhered. The basic requirement is presented to the glue composition. It must be sufficiently thick. If you use Quelyd glue, then the bucket will have to pour out all the packaging. As a consistency should be similar to thick sour cream.

Before applying the glue, the surface is necessarily subjected to primer processing. Otherwise, the glue will be absorbed too quickly into the ceiling. And this will lead to the fact that it will have to constantly engage in re-applying.

An important point is the correct sticking of the first canvas. It must be placed smoothly. There should be no curvature, since the following canvas will not be impossible to stick up high quality. Therefore, the direction of placement of wallpaper is immediately set.

Fliseline wallpaper finishing technology includes such actions:

  • glue is applied to the ceiling;
  • one end is applied to it;
  • the roll is unwound and smoothed by a spatula;
  • near the wall, wallpapers are cut with a slight margin;
  • subsequent canvases are stacked and rolled with a plastic roller.

The liquid wallpaper

An original version of the decorative ceiling decoration includes the use of liquid wallpaper. The material includes:

  • natural fibers of cotton, cellulose and silk;
  • environmentally friendly dye on water based;
  • binding component (acrylic dispersion or CMC adhesive).

Some liquid wallpapers contain:

  • slyudy shine;
  • quartz and marble crumb;
  • colored flocks.

With liquid wallpaper, it is very nice to work:

  • they do not smell and do not attract dust;
  • applied without junctions;
  • fill all the slots.

The technology of applying liquid wallpapers involves thorough preparation of the base, which:

  • cleared from old coating;
  • swelling and ground;
  • with the help of quartz dust is made a little rough.

For high-quality finishing material, it is necessary to properly prepare a working solution. For this:

  • the package with a dry mixture shakes and poured into a plastic bucket;
  • water is poured into the bucket;
  • water with a dry mixture is thoroughly mixed;
  • there should be a homogeneous mass similar to thick cream.


To finish the ceiling with liquid wallpaper, a spatula with a smooth surface is used. The applied solution should be loose. Strongly pressing the spatula is not recommended. Liquid wallpaper will be compressed. What causes the lack of a embossed surface and increase the consumption of material.

In order not to appear joints and seams, the application of liquid wallpaper occurs immediately to the entire ceiling. In the process of work, it is necessary to ensure that there are no breaks, bugars and influx on the surface. New coating should not be shifted.

The final step is to apply to the surface of the wallpaper of acrylic varnish. It will increase the moisture resistance and strength of the finishing material.

Decorative plaster

Excellent aesthetic and practical properties, stability resistance and scratches are inherent in decorative plaster. This material is used for cladding of various types of base:

  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • tree;
  • plasterboard;
  • metal.

Finishing decorative plaster ceiling begins with preparatory work:

  • old cladding is removed;
  • if you have fungus, the ceiling is processed by copper vitrios;
  • the surface is grounded with deep penetration;
  • according to the instructions, the plaster mixture is mixed.

The process of cladding the ceiling by decorative plaster resembles the surface closeing with putty. The movement of the hand is made first from the bottom up, and then the solution is aligned. Decorative stucco is applied in several layers.

Creating a textured surface occurs with a decorative roller. After drying, the plaster ceiling is treated with sandpaper and ground. Paint and surface coating and surface glazing are completed with decorative plaster.

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