How to prepare a solution for plaster

September 10. Repair and construction work Views 2553. Comments to write how to make a solution for plaster No

The solution is necessary almost at any stage of construction and repair work, whether it is filling the foundation, the construction of the walls, the elimination of the construction errors or internal finishing works. In this case, each type of solution has its own specifics of preparation and scope of application. How to prepare a high-quality solution for plaster? Let's talk about this in this article.


Components used

The composition of the conventional solution includes fillers, a variety of binders and water. Depending on the components used, lime, cement, clay and combined lime-clay, lime-cement mixtures are distinguished. Consider more each of the components used.

  • The most common filler contained in the composition of plaster is considered sand. He, in turn, is river, quartz, ambition, mountain and sea. The highest quality of them is considered river quartz sand. In plaster mixtures, sand with medium grains is usually used. Less often apply a coarse material. Fillers must be clean, without land and dirt. The method of sifting depends on the type of work. Thus, with a small amount of work, a cellular sieve is usually used, in other cases - inclined sieve.
  • One of the components of the plaster mortar is lime. Today it is distinguished from gray, white, haired, carbide, ground, left lime. Each of them is distinguished by its strength, poor water resistance and weak resistance to moisture.
  • It is much stronger than the lime of such a filler as cement. Its fulfillment of it lasts up to four weeks. In addition, it has resistance to moisture and various atmospheric phenomena. Cement mortar can withstand strong overload.
  • As for the plaster, it has low strength, quickly hardens, poorly tolerates moisture effect and has a weak resistance to the external environment. Gypsum should not be mixed with cement. Usually this filler is used for small plaster works. Sometimes it is added to the lime for rapid grasp.
  • Another popular plaster filler is clay, which, when mixed with water, gives a viscous dough. In the raw form, it is very plastic, so it can take any shape that is preserved even after drying. Clay becomes very durable after firing.


General rules for cooking for plaster

  • The plaster should be chosen depending on the type of room, and in particular, taking into account its humidity. Thus, cement-lime solutions or lime-gypsum are used for indoor wedges for interior decoration. If an outer finish or finishing of rooms with high humidity is required, then cement-based materials are chosen. If you need to close potholes or cracks, you should use gypsum mixtures.
  • The process of preparing the solution, often flows into two stages. At the first stage, a dry mixture is prepared, and water is added on the second. In order to prepare the necessary solution, a box with dimensions with dimensions are often used as a container with a capacity of about 1 by 0.5 by 0.2 meters. Such a box must have a smooth bottom. In the process of preparation in the corners there should be no filler and poorly mixed binder.
  • When manually making a mixture, the binder in a dry form should be mixed thoroughly, observing some important rules. In particular, at the bottom of the tank, it is necessary to pour out a solid layer of sand. Moreover, the bottom of the container must be smooth and clean. It is also important that the binding substances are evenly distributed in sand piles. The mixture must be flipped, mix and ram with robbles. If the mixture is mixed bad, then this can be understood by its appearance. In particular, the color of such a mixture is usually non-uniform.
  • It is much faster and more efficient to use for kneading a special nozzle on a drill. For the mixture, you will need a bucket or other similar container. This container is covered with the necessary components and, using the same nozzle, mixed until a homogeneous mass turn out.
  • To obtain a qualitative solution in a dry mixture, a certain amount of water is added. It should be added by parts, after which it is thoroughly mixed. Stirring, often, is carried out using a special nozzle. Ready solution should have normal fatty. In disruption of proportions for one or another solution, the properties of the plaster will not be as they should be. In particular, so-called, skinny and fatty solutions can be obtained. Solutions are obtained in which a lot of filler is added, and a bit of binding agent. These mixtures have bad strength. Bolds are called solutions in which there is a lot of binder. After drying, such mixtures are often cracking.
  • To prepare a high-quality solution for plaster, the proportions of the mixture components must be supplemented correctly. In order not to make a mistake with them, it is easier to buy ready to sleep. These mixes need only to be diluted with water.


How to make a solution for plaster

The varieties of plaster solutions there are many. Tell them about them.


  1. This solution is made of one part of the limestone test and several parts of the sand (from one to five - directly depends on the fatty dough). Limestone dough, in turn, consists of one part of the negated lime and two parts of water. To make the mixture in the dough, you should add sand, water and then mix thoroughly to eliminate lumps. The sand is added to small uniform portions and each time it is well mixed until normal fatty will be achieved. By their consistency, the mixture should be similar to the dough. Prepare it should be directly on the day of use.
  2. Harding construction lime occurs only in the open air. The mixtures are distinguished by the degree of readiness. In particular, there is a negaring, hammer and harated lime. For the preparation of solutions, only hated lime is usually used. If you use a negated type, then the reaction will occur with water. As a result, small outstanding particles will remain in the mixture, which, after they apply to work surfaces, will react with water particles in the air. This, in turn, leads to the fact that the plaster will swell.
  3. It should be quenched in a special container. Depending on the amount of quenching, the lime can be fascinating, the generating and slow-on. For quenching the fascinating type of material, it is necessary to fall asleep it into the container with water. Moreover, water should completely cover lime. When pairs start appear, then you need to add more water. After that, mix well. To quenit a secondary type of material, you need to fall asleep it into a tank capacity and pour to half to half. When the pair appears, mix the material and add water. It is necessary to fall asleep it in a box or barrel and a little moisturized with water.
  4. When interacting with water, the slices of the mixture are destroyed. It increases its temperature, and it increases three times in volume. So that all heavy impurities are downtown to the bottom, after the appearance of cracks, gradually add other water and mix.
  5. After such a quenching, any type of lime should be diluted with water until it turns out, the so-called lime milk. This milk should be strained with sieve and merge into a special pit. After about 24 hours on top, it is necessary to pour saint sand, and from above a bit of the ground with a layer of 0.5 millimeters. In the pit, lime needs to hold at least 15-12 days. During this time, the material should finally frank. Milk will become similar to the dough, and according to the consistency - to sour cream. Before preparing a solution for plaster, lime is gained a bucket of the pit.


Lime-clay solution

It contains one part of the clay test, 0.4 parts of the lime mixture, clean water and several sand parts (from 3 to 6). This solution is suitable for plastering walls, high-quality floors of floors and ceilings.


This solution consists of three to four parts of the lime mixture, one part of the gypsum and water. To prepare it, you need to pour into the water capacity, then add gypsum with a thin layer. After that, you need to mix everything while there is a gypsum dough. It, in turn, should be mixed with a limestone test and mix well until the solution of the desired consistency is formed. This mixture is prepared in small quantities, because it is quickly grasped and hardening. If too much water is added, then the liquid solution is obtained, which is slowly sealing and as a result - it turns out a loose plaster. If the water is not enough, then it turns out a thick composition, which is too quickly grasped.


Cement mortar for plaster

This solution includes one part of cement, two or three pieces of sand and water. First you need to take a dry mixture, then you need to pour it with water and mix everything. This solution is prepared in a small amount, because it is seized already for 40-50 minutes, and then loses properties.

Cement-lime solution

Includes: one part of cement, three or five parts of pure sand, one piece of lime mixture (test) and water. During the preparation, the dry mixture of sand and cement is taken first. After that, it is added to the limestone dough, which should be divorced to milk density.



As part of this mixture, only clay and sand. When cooking clay, you must first soak for several hours in the water, and after that adding more water and mix until a mixture of the state is similar to sour cream. Then add sand, mix again until the desired viscosity is obtained.

A rather specific area of \u200b\u200bapplication of plaster is plastering the oven. For this problem, a special solution is usually used. As for the composition of such a mixture, it may be different. For example, one volume of cement and two parts of the sand is added to one volumetric part of the clay. There is also 0.1 part of the asbestos. The process of cooking is practically no different from the usual one. It is also necessary to first make a dry mixture, then add clay milk to it, mix everything and the solution is ready.

Designation of solutions

By the name of the solution, you can recognize the binder and filler, which are available in its composition. The designation usually there is a ratio of filler and a binder in digital terms. In this case, the share of the binder material is adopted per unit.

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