Concrete floor repair do it yourself

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In most cases, the construction of modern houses provides for the presence of a concrete floor. This is due to the excellent specific characteristics of concrete, which is inexpensive, practical and durable material. But over the years and it is destroyed. You have to resort to the repair of concrete floors.


Causes of tie destruction

At the initial stage of repair:

  • the state of concrete coating is estimated;
  • the reasons that led to the appearance of defects on its surface are determined;
  • depending on this, the technology of their elimination is selected.


If there are minor damage (chosel, cracks, irregularities) there will be enough cosmetic repair work. If the share of damaged sites is 30-35% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room, then the concrete floor is overhaul in the apartment.

There are several reasons that cause the destruction of concrete base. Conditionally, they can be divided into three main groups:

  • negative impact of soil;
  • internal factors;
  • external factors.

The destructive influence of the soil is manifested:

  • in poor-quality compaction of bulk soil;
  • in the intake of the Earth in winter in weakly heated premises;
  • in the erosion of the base with groundwater.

The internal factors include the detachment of the upper layer of concrete coating and the appearance of cracks as a result:

  • building shrinkage;
  • poor-quality burden care in the first few hours after pouring the solution.

External factors for the occurrence of defects:

  • thicken surfaces (the effect of heavy furniture and other items);
  • beton wear, accompanied by dusty.

Preparatory work

This stage includes:

  • surface preparation;
  • preparation of the working mixture.

Preparation of concrete floor for repair provides:

  • liberation of the room from furniture and other items;
  • cleaning the selection and cracks of the floor with the help of a vacuum cleaner;
  • removal with a brush for metal mold, rust and old primer;
  • stripping and anti-corrosion processing of reinforcement (if it is);
  • impregnation of fatty spots or paints with special chemicals;
  • cleaning all garbage from the floor;
  • drying concrete surface over several days.


It is possible to prepare a working mixture at home. As materials for the repair of concrete floor they are:

  • pVA glue;
  • water;
  • cement-sandy solution.

PVA glue is divorced with water in a ratio of 1 h. Glue and 4 h. Waters. After that, the mixture is mixed with cement-sandy solution in proportion 1 to 3. The resulting solution is used to eliminate shallow cracks.

To eliminate more serious defects, it is better to use special thixotropic mixtures for repairing concrete floors. The basis of their manufacture is epoxy resin or polyurethane. For the kneading mortar, a building mixer is used. Manually it will be difficult to prepare a high-quality homogeneous mixture.


Making sure that the replacement of the concrete screed will not need, the sequence of actions should be determined to eliminate small defects. Depending on the type of damage, the cosmetic repair involves:

  • sealing cracks;
  • elimination of chosel;
  • grout of deformation cracks;
  • leveling irregularities;
  • cleaning concrete from dust.

Climbing cracks

The work on climbing is carried out immediately. It is impossible to increase cracks, since this process can cause damage to the flooring. The smaller the size of the defects, the easier it is to repair the cracks of the concrete floor.

The main stages of repair work:

  • in a crack, a groove is a depth of 2-5 cm;
  • in the presence of large slots along it, additional channels are cut down on both sides;
  • cracks with a vacuum cleaner are cleaned of dust;
  • the extreme parts of the gap are processed by polyurethane primer;
  • the crash itself is filled with a thixotropic repair mix;
  • after shrinkage of the first layer of the solution, the slit is covered with a second layer;
  • grinding the frozen mixture is carried out.


If you have too wide cracks, you should use metal brackets. For this, grooves are cutting down 2 cm depth and 1.5 cm wide. The step of creation is 25-30 cm. In the recess, the repair mixture and brackets are stacked.

Elimination of chosel

In violation of the technology of creating a concrete floor or with significant mechanical loads during operation, the coating may appear potholes. To prevent the subsequent destruction of the floor, it is necessary to deal with their liquidation.

This technology of repairing concrete floors provides:

  • cutting with a grinder with a diamond disk pyful to a depth of up to 2 cm;
  • removal of old coating, garbage and dust;
  • coating the obtained groove with epoxy primer and repair mixture (consolith-leap or IVSIL Render);
  • floor alignment using the rule;
  • finish surface grinding.

In the presence of a deepening, the size of which exceeds 5 cm, the laying of the repair solution is carried out by several layers.

Grouting deformation slots

This variety of cracks is the most dangerous. In some cases, it may indicate the emergence of an emergency, which can cause the overhaul of the entire residential premises.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to determine the growth dynamics of the deformation crack. A couple of months before the repair work, strips made from paper are pasted on it. Interval of placement - 0.5-0.6 m. If the strips are broken, the slot increases. It should be done immediately to eliminate this problem.

The following works are carried out:

  • with the help of a grinder with a diamond disk, the seams are expanded;
  • the extreme part of the seams should be perpendicular to the floor;
  • from the embroidered crack, the construction trash is removed and dust is considered;
  • the inner surface of the seam is covered with a primer made of epoxy resin;
  • along the cracks and in the places of crossing the seams in a step of 3 m, steel rods markers are installed;
  • cracks are filled with the repair mixture (concrete solution with polymer additives);
  • after the polymerization of the solution, the treated areas are grained;
  • there is a marker rods, on the site of which new deformation seams are created;
  • dust removes from new seams;
  • cracks are closed with waterproofing cord cord to Vilaterm;
  • the finishing sealing of seams with silicone sealant is performed.


Alignment of irregularities

In new homes, it is often possible to face such a problem as the occurrence of irregularities on the concrete floor. In order not to damage the floor covering, the floor must be aligned.

This process involves the following actions:

  • a certain portion is processed by a milling machine;
  • it is made of recesses of 10 mm in size;
  • the surface is cleared of garbage and dust;
  • the floor is impregnated with epoxy primer diluted with solvent in a ratio of 1 to 10;
  • the area is filled with a solution and is leveled by the rule;
  • after grappling concrete, floor grinding is performed.

Cleaning concrete from dust

During operation, various loads are in the concrete floor. As a result, the formation of cement dust, which negatively affects the health of any person. But wet cleaning will not solve this problem.

To avoid diseases, cleaning the surface of the floor from dust and applying paintwork material. This method of repairing a concrete floor with their own hands is the easiest and fast.

For premises, where the load on the floor is insignificant, the following thin layer coatings (up to 150 microns) are used:

  • Ashford Formula;
  • Neeomer-LP;
  • Elakor Pu.

For residential rooms it is better to take advantage of products, which are based on polymers. The protective layer of such coatings has a thickness of 250 μm. The most popular products are:

  • Elacor ED;
  • Retroplate;
  • Solalast Pu.

Concrete sex technology includes:

  • cleaning the surface from garbage and dust;
  • applying primer;
  • floor coating with paint and varnish material.

Due to the deep penetration of the dustless means, the concrete screed is characterized by excellent resistance to:

  • frost;
  • the appearance of dust;
  • aggressive environment;
  • wear.


In case of strong damage to the concrete base and in the case of the installation of a warm floor, an overhaul surface is carried out. In essence, this process is a replacement of a screed. Of course, the overhaul of the concrete floor is the occupation of time consuming and more expensive. But in some cases, his conduct is not questioned.

In the implementation of major repairs of concrete floor, various materials are used. For this criterion, the repair is divided into:

  • wet tie (used concrete solution);
  • semi-dry tie (self-leveling mixtures, which include plasticizers and fibrovocol);
  • dry tie (dry backfill and dry-fiber sheets).

The wet screed device includes:

  • preparation of the surface of the floor (cleaning from garbage, climbing the cracks);
  • laying waterproofing material;
  • installation of lighthouses;
  • preparation and fill of the concrete solution;
  • drying the solution for 30 days.

The technology for laying a semi-dry concrete coating is largely similar to the wet screed device. The only difference is the implementation of continuous control over the thickness of the screed created. It should not be less than 5 mm.

Dry screed in most cases involves the use of clay. The technology of its creation consists of such steps:

  • preparation of the foundation;
  • floorproofing material and damping tape;
  • installation of beacons;
  • failure and leveling of clay;
  • laying of gypsum or other sheet material.

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