Paul in the kitchen. Determine coating

December 13. Repair and construction work Views 1973. Comments To the entry floor in the kitchen. Determine coating No

To choose the floor covering should be approached very responsibly. The floor does not necessarily have the effect of moisture and fat, but it should be sufficiently stable to random damage. It is also important that it can be easily washed. In any case, each itself decides to make the floor in the kitchen.

Basics of choice of coating


  1. When choosing a floor, it is often thinking that the style of the very interior is played here. It is true only in part. The coating should be chosen in such a way that it is suitable for the base, and not only under the overall design of the room. For example, if it is planned to lay a warm floor, then the flooring should be suitable for this purpose. Knowing it, you can make the floor in the kitchen with your own hands.
  2. It should also be known that the service life of the floor depends largely on how the work surface will be prepared. Therefore, before the start of any installation work, it is recommended to obtain a consultation of a specialist.
  3. The floor in the kitchen plays a different role in the interior. So, it can be both just a background for decoration and kitchen furniture, and one of the main elements of the decor. For the last goal, stone and mosaic coatings are suitable. Also good, especially in the kitchen, the combined floor will look. In this case, several types of floor coatings will usually use immediately. Moreover, each of them is used in its functional zone.

Requirements for flooring in the kitchen


Some requirements already casually mentioned. Consider now their little more. The kitchen, like the bathroom, is the premises where the floor is often exposed to moisture. Humidity appears here for various reasons:

  1. Evaporation when cooking.
  2. Splashes when washing products and dishes.
  3. Frequent floor washing.

Therefore, the floor covering in the kitchen room should be sufficiently waterproof.


  1. An important requirement for kitchen coatings is shockproof. After all, the dishes, which is used in this room, often heavy. These are different pans, caulders, pan, which by negligence can fall to the floor. Paul coating should be ready for this.
  2. In addition, the flooring should withstand the scraper cleaning process. We still have no need to forget that in the kitchen the hostess when cooking is often moving. Therefore, the floor should be wear-resistant, which gives him durability and reliability.
  3. The kitchen is, above all, the place where food is preparing. Therefore, hygiene should be observed here. To facilitate washing and cleaning the floor in the kitchen from dirt, a special coating should be used, which should withstand the effects of abrasive powders. In order for cleaning agents to use less often, it is recommended to use floors in the kitchen, which are resistant to the formation of a fatty film.

Types of flooring for the kitchen


The following types of flooring are popular:

  1. Parquet.
  2. Cork.
  3. Stone tile or ceramics.
  4. Laminate.
  5. Linoleum.
  6. Carpet.

Consider these coating options.



  1. Parquet flooring from natural wood is a fairly reliable flooring and looks very respectable. Today, the industry has learned to make special moisture-resistant parquet options, which, as it is impossible, is suitable for kitchen premises.
  2. When choosing a parquet floor, it is important to choose the properly of the tree, from which it will be manufactured. It is best if it is wood hardwood. Such wooden floors in the kitchen have greater wear resistance and hardness than others.
  3. A parquet board must necessarily be processed by a special composition extending the service life of the coating.
  4. If the parquet floor is in the kitchen - your choice, it is recommended to regularly wipe it slightly wet mop.



Pretty popular floors from traffic jams. This material is pleasant to the touch, it is warm and slightly soft.

The following advantages can be noted:

  1. It is believed that walking on this floor is useful for the spine.
  2. Natural traffic jam is not scary exposure to moisture.
  3. It is easily cleaned by dirt.
  4. Cork floors have antistatic properties, thanks to which dust does not accumulate on them.
  5. If something hot and heavy, the trace will be almost imperceptible to such a surface. Over time, he can completely disappear.

Cork floors in the kitchen have their drawbacks:

  1. Pretty high cost.
  2. Such a coating is poorly tolerating hot fat, sharp objects and water. That is why many refuse the floor from the traffic jam in favor of coatings with a special lacquer surface that gives the floor additional protective properties.


Tile for kitchen on the floor: Photo


The most practical material for the floor of the kitchen is perhaps a ceramic tile. It is quite popular today and has a thousand-year history. Tile manufacturers are trying to improve their product every year. She has quite a lot of competitors in the market, but for kitchen floor there is still relevant glazed ceramic tile. Today, you can find such a material stylized "under the tuff" or "under parquet".

The advantages of the floor tiles include the following:

  1. It is most suitable for kitchen microclimate.
  2. Not deformed.
  3. Dirting does not appear.
  4. Easy wash.
  5. Low cost.
  6. A variety of forms, colors and textures.
  7. It is not afraid of moisture, fire and detergents.

From the disadvantages you can allocate:

  1. The tile on the kitchen floor is almost always cold. Therefore, people who walk on her barefoot are discomfort. Although, you can lay a moisture-resistant rug or install a warm floor system. It is recommended to "hide" the heating pipes in the screed. If the room has a small area, the floors from the tile in this case will be quite warm.
  2. Increased fragility. That is, such a coating may not transfer the drop in a heavy item. This shortage does not have the floor from the stone slab, but it is much more expensive for the price. Therefore, as an alternative, you can, for example, use cuisine floor stonework.
  3. Before laying this material, it is necessary to pre-align the base, and these are additional costs.
  4. If you have chosen a ceramic floor tile in the kitchen, it is better to choose not a very slippery option. Otherwise, such a coating when moisture gets into it will turn into a rink, which, in turn, can lead to injuries.



Another option for flooring in the kitchen - laminate. The photo above demonstrates how it looks. Some types of laminate floor externally look like a wooden parquet. Although the material itself is synthetic. Moisture-resistant laminate is well suitable for the kitchen floor. It is stable not only to the effects of moisture, but also to abrasion.

Benefits include the fact that this material allows you to create many variants of the combined floor. For example, in the working area you can put a laminate, stylized "under the tile", and in the dining area, the material that imitates the parquet. Then the floor across the area will be warm.

From the disadvantages it should be noted that the coating from the laminate cannot be renovated. Even despite the relatively low price, the floors from this material are very difficult to repair.



As for another choice of sex in the kitchen - Linoleum, he has deserved confidence over long years. This material has a number of advantages:

  1. Resistance to abrasion.
  2. Moisture buildings.
  3. It does not remain traces after the fall of the heavy item.
  4. This is a soft and warm material.
  5. Easy wash.
  6. He is not scared by the impact of household chemicals, scrapers, abrasive elements and fat.
  7. The appearance of the linoleum can be stylized "under the tile" or under the "Wooden Parquet".

The disadvantages include the following:

  1. It easily remains traces from hot items.
  2. It can be deformed in places where moisture often accumulates.
  3. Cleaning the floor with aggressive cleaning agents can cause the deterioration of its appearance.
  4. Linoleum, not having an antistatic coating, attracts dust particles.



The carpet in the kitchen usually prefers people who choose comfort, and not practicality. It is best to lay it in the zone of the dining room.

The advantages of this material are as follows:

  1. It is nice to walk.
  2. Low price.
  3. It is optional to glued to the floor.
  4. The material that came into disrepair is easy to replace.

The disadvantages should include the following:

  1. Nonregienicity.
  2. It is difficult to clean the adhered particles of food and fat.
  3. No moisture consistency. Therefore, wipe water from such a coating is quite problematic.

Combining Materials

If you do not know what kind of kitchen flooring to give preference, then you can think about the use of combined options. In this way, visually the space of the room on the zone can be divided. Combined floors are the optimal combination of practicality and comfort. They allow them to realize their creative potential. For example, you can combine contrasting shades or select the coatings are the same color. However, note that sharp transitions should not be present at the joints of different coatings.

Self-leveling floors


They have several advantages:

  1. For example, the right flooded floor is a smooth surface without seams.
  2. In addition, in its design you can easily mix different colors.
  3. Such a floor will last long enough. In addition, it is not afraid of damage.
  4. Self-leveling floor in the kitchen can be done truly unique. After all, it is possible to use almost any decorative inserts.
  5. Pour such a floor can be even independently.

We looked at a few flooring options for the kitchen. What better - everyone decides for himself.

Floor in the kitchen: Photo


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