Hozblok do it yourself

November 10. Repair and construction work Views 1593. Comments to the entry of the hozblok do it yourself No

The mandatory attribute of the country house or the cottage is the presence of small buildings in the yard, the so-called Hozblock. The economic unit is auxiliary premises for storing tools, various utility materials, equipment and a large number of all sorts of all sorts of all sorts of place in a residential building. In addition to storing inventory and tools, household buildings are designed for storing the harvest, firewood, mainstalls and birds, shower and toilet arrangement, greenhouses, greenhouses, cozy summer veranda and even a carport for the car. The number and purpose of such buildings depends on the needs and fantasy of the hosts.

Hozblok: Where to start?


  1. The construction technology of the Hozblock is relatively simple, for those who have at least a little experience in such work. Economic bloc, or as it was previously called a shed or the hotel can be built on their own.
  2. First of all, you need to choose a place in the yard. The economic unit is usually located in the depths of the yard or at home, away from the curious eyes.
  3. It is undesirable to choose a place in lowlands, since the moisture accumulating there will quickly lead a simple building into disrepair.
  4. The clay soil is also not very favorable, but if there is no other option, it is important to pre-conduct preparatory work, and then begin to start the foundation. The elementary pillow of sand and rubble will make the foundation more durable.
  5. But the sandy soil is the perfect option for the construction of the Hozblock. In this case, you just need to prepare the soil and you can start construction.

Planning a hozblock


  1. Many separate outbreaks, do not decorate the household plot. In addition, there is a lot of material on their construction, they occupy a significant part of the site and everyone looks outreathetically. It is much more rational to plan one economic building, inside separated by partitions for premises of various purposes.
  2. If the land plot is small and want the main place to take off the garden and the garden, then build a multi-storey room. And in it there is already equipped with an underground floor, the cellar for storing the crop is already equipped, in the attic place the place under greenhouse or seedlings, and even cells for pigeons.
  3. If the construction plan to use and in the winter season, it is necessary to provide insulation of walls. The use of the fuel as a summer kitchen, assumes the plates there.
  4. Planning the construction of the Hozblock, try to provide all possible options. Therefore, the drawing of the site with the planned sizes of the Hozblock is a mandatory preparatory stage.

Construction of the Hozblock: Requirements and Norms


  1. In order to save the area of \u200b\u200bits plot, do not neglect the requirements of SNiP 30-02-97. This document regulates the size of the minimum distances from the construction of an economic type to the walls of a residential building or a neighbor area. Depending on how the planned room will be used, these distances will be different.
  2. If the Hozblock is designed to keep the livestock or there will be a toilet, then it is possible to build it according to standards, it is possible not closer to 12 m to the walls of the residential building, and at least 4 m to the neighbors section.
  3. Equip the shower or bath is allowed no closer than 8 meters from the house, and to neighbors - no member 1 m.
  4. Even 1 m of land between the new construction and the fence can be effectively used. Especially successful is the option if the coils of neighbors are located opposite each other with rear walls. So you hide the rear little careless side of the economic structure.
  5. After you have decided on a place, try to distribute space as efficiently as possible. If the heating is not necessary in the outgel, then without electricity in the Hozclok, it is definitely not to do.
  6. Remember that the construction should be served not one year, so it is necessary to approach construction seriously. First of all, you need to decide on the format of the construction of the foundation.

Hozblok: Types

The buildings under the coats are wooden, combined frame-modular and metal. A typical project presents building a business, with a toilet and summer shower on both sides.

Wooden hozblok do it yourself


The construction of a wooden type always begins with the foundation bookmark at a predetermined and prepared area.

We treat primer

  1. The upper layer of the Earth during preparatory work is necessarily removed.
  2. However, make sure that the excavation depth is not less than 0.5 m.
  3. According to the rules, the depth of the foundation depends on the level of primerization of the soil and should be slightly deeper.

Preparing a pillow under the foundation

  1. The next step under the foundation on the prepared ground is covered with sand, and then layer of rubble. The result is a simple pillow under the foundation.
  2. If the thickness of the layers succeed a little more than 10 cm, not scary, but this level is already quite enough for the further construction of the Hozblock.

Put the foundation

  1. Already on the finished pillow fit fittings in the form of a mesh, then a formwork is made, which is poured with concrete.
  2. During the frosting of the reinforcement, and this is usually about 2 weeks, it is important to regularly moisten the surface of the foundation.
  3. Some builders prefer pile foundation for business buildings. If the frame is fully wooden, then its base is first assembled from wooden bars, and then cooked by facing material. The most suitable for this material is considered inland boards.
  4. So that the bars from the tree serve longer, they are well treated with an antiseptic, and then score.
  5. The best option is the vertical fastening of the boards. In this case, additional transverse strips are provided for mounting to the frame.

Making roof

  1. The construction of the roof of the hozblock can be both single and duplex. It requires:
  • rafters;
  • shap;
  • thermal insulator;
  • waterproofer;
  • roofing materials.
  1. A slate or metal galvanized sheets can also be used as a roof.
  2. An ideal option will be a single roof covered with slate. But in no case do not make the roof of the hozblock flat, accumulating water, quickly destroy the wooden building.
  3. You can also combine wooden walls of construction with brick masonry. To do this, the low base is first laid out, then several brick rows and then the wooden frame is already mounted.

Frame modular hozblok do it yourself

If a wooden oppiege can be painlessly to build without a foundation, then it is necessary for the frame structure. It is such a building that will comply with all the requirements of the construction of this type of building, and its operation will be calculated by decades.

Location and prepare the soil

  1. The construction of a frame-modular hozblock begins with the markup of the perimeter of the future foundation.
  2. After the area is defined and marked strictly parallel lines, proceed to the preparation of the Earth. Remove 20 cm of the upper layer and pour 10 cm of sand. All tightly fit.

Layout Foundation


  1. In the corners and in the center of the long wall, we prepare the pits of a small diameter for the columns with a depth of about 1 m and 2 m.
  2. On the bottom of the gravel in small fraction or sand.
  3. In each workpiece, we place the column of the corresponding length.
  4. Pipes must be installed strictly vertically and fixed in the pit, covered in the remaining free space.
  5. Inside the pipes pour a concrete or cement solution about a third of the height, and then slightly lift the pipe. Thus, we obtain a solid foundation for the foundation pillars.
  6. The next step is fill in the cavity of the pipes with concrete solution to the very top.
  7. For additionally, the strength of the pillars in the holes is usually additionally mounted by the reinforcement, the ends of which should be performed above the pipe levels at least 20 cm. Pulling the solution, control the air ingress. Formed bubbles affect the strength of cement.

Install the framework

  1. After the foundation hardens, you can start fastening the frame. Depending on the construction of the Hozblock, it can be both wooden and combined with carrier metal profiles.
  2. First, we install the bearing profiles with a cross section of at least 10 cm, and then the rafted rafter to them with the help of screws. It is important to prepare the holes for fasteners before that in the process of mounting the wooden planks did not crack.

Mount the roof

  1. Optimal, from the point of sight of the cost of material and the complexity of installation, is a single-sided roof with a frame of different lengths. In this case, horizontal and vertical racks set at an equal gaps in the range of 50 to 60 cm.
  2. The roof is usually covered with bitumen or profiled sheets. It is more convenient to collect on Earth, and then installed on the frame at the ready form. Control that its tilt angle in the end was obtained no more than 10 ° C.

We make facing and inner trim

  1. After graduating from the build carcass assembly, it is possible to start fastening the inner trim. It usually makes from the plates.
  2. From the outside, we are placing the heat insulating material, and on top of it it is fettered by cladding.
  3. As an outdoor material, you can choose both cladding and a professional sheet or any other facing material at an affordable price.

Mount the walls and lay the floor


  1. Now you can proceed to the construction of walls. Their quantity will be directly dependent on the planned rooms, the bathroom, shower and other premises.
  2. It is important not to forget about the windows and doorways. To do this, you can use ready-made window structures or make special attachments from the bars under the necessary openings of windows and doors, which will later serve sleep.
  3. At the end of the wall and the roof we are wearing sheet gland.
  4. Floors in the Hozclok are made of planed boards. If you still choose the material from the raw board, it will still need to pre-trim and is better to cover with a linoleum from above.

Making souls


  1. If in the Hozbok, you planned the summer shower necessarily provide the installation of a roof tank. Circle it black. So the capacity with water in the summer will attract more sunny rays and will disappear to further warm the water.
  2. If you decide to make a hot water supply in a year-round outfig, you need to install a special device consisting of an iron container with a lid, at the bottom of which the drain hole is made, and the heating element is installed inside. The supply of electricity in such a hosblock is measured by itself.

Design a bathroom


  1. The most elementary bathroom can be built using a solid board, fixed above the cesspool.
  2. It can also be provided for the installation of a dry content or installation of full sewage drain.

Warm walls and make wiring

  1. At the request of the owner, the construction can be insulated with thermal insulation materials. It is important to treat the outside of the walls of disinsection impregnation from pests. It will make the hosbler more durable. The use of moisture insulation facilities will protect it from the destructive effects of moisture, and the flame retardant impregnation is from fire.
  2. Wiring can be paved both outdoor and internal way. Typically, wired lines are hiding in special insulating boxes according to mandatory standards for protecting the construction of fire.

Metal hozblok do it yourself


  1. The simplest, economical and popular version of the economic unit is a metal design. Such structures have gained widespread due to the cheapness, simplicity, durability, easy operation and minimum time for installation.
  2. There is a wide variety of similar designs. For them there is no need to flood the foundation, they are mounted on any flat surface, including directly to the ground. There are also variants of metal structures in which rooms under shower and toilet are already provided and equipped.
  3. Welded structures in contrast to metal boxes are of greater durability and durability. The reliability of such structures is higher, but they are quite complex in production. For their manufacture, it takes strict adherence to the accuracy of the size of structural elements. The only drawback is that the subsequent disassembly of the Hozblocks of this type is practically impossible, and, accordingly, moving to another place is extremely difficult.
  4. There are options for small prefabricated household buildings from ready-made monolithic blocks. Blocks are sold separately, but shipped to the buyer in the already assembled form, which makes it easier and time to assem. The only drawback is to establish such a construction without special equipment it is impossible.

Such a small but universal structure, as an economic unit is a necessary element of any country area and a country house. This construction usually appears on the site even before the appearance of the house, accompanies the construction process, and in the future and all life on this site. In the era of modern technologies in construction, ready-made hosbeck can be easily bought or hire a team of professionals for its construction, and you can make it with your own hands. In addition, the owner's soul will be invested in this structure, the independently constructed fluege for different trifles will cost at least twice cheaper.

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