Garage Roof Repair: Step-by-step instructions

April 28. Roof, Repair and construction work Views 1587. Comments To write roof repair of the garage: Step by step instructions No

The garage is a sufficiently multifunctional room that serves to cover the car from atmospheric precipitation and protection against theft, and is also often the storage location of various utensils, conservation and little sought-after objects. Therefore, for many garage owners, the flowing roof is a real disaster, as a result of which that falls on a car, tool, etc., moisture objects are caused by their damage and expensive repair of the vehicle. For this reason, the roof repair is a fairly serious event that cannot be neglected.

Features of the roof of garage

Roofing materials used to arrange garage roofs are divided into two types:

  • hard varieties;
  • soft.

The category of rigid materials includes metal tile, slate and professional flooring. The soft view of the roof is presented with such materials as rubberoid, only euruberoid. Each of these types has its own technological features of repair. Also, in addition to these materials, it is possible to repair the roof of the garage with a hot bitumen.

Garage roofs are divided into two types:

  • single one;
  • double.

For overlapping, harsh-type roofs are mainly used hard roofing materials. The list of materials used for the bantal roofs is wider. It can be both rigid and soft varieties.

How to determine the cause of the flow

There are several criteria for which the reason for such a problem as the roof is determined:

  1. If this problem is detected during rain rainfall, this indicates damage in the area of \u200b\u200bthe roofing joints.
  2. If the flow does not depend on the weather and occurs even in the absence of precipitation, as a rule, it suggests that moisture penetration into the insulation layer. In most cases, such a problem occurs during the damage to the direct roofing or waterproofing material.
  3. If the characteristic traces of the course are traced on the eaves during the period of thaw or at the beginning of spring, then this indicates a malfunction of the drainage system. As a rule, the drain moves. Also, the cause of such a problem may be clogged by the drainage pipes as a result of the fall of leaves and other garbage.

Roof of the garage. Photo:




Preparatory stage

The roof repair of the garage begins with surface preparation. To do this, make such actions:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove the old coating. To do this, you will need a knife, an ax and chisel. Work should be started from the top of the roof. With the help of the ax, notches are made. Their direction can be one-sided or X-shaped. Further, the material in less complex areas is raised by a knife, at more complex points - chisel.
  2. If the roof of the room proceeds, the problem areas also need to be embedded at the preparation stage. In cases where the width of the slit in the roof exceeds 5 mm, in this case it is possible to close it using a conventional mounting foam. After the frost, the foam should be cut off the surplus and apply a cement screed to the surface.
  3. In a situation where the size of the slit is less than 5 mm blossom to it, the mounting foam will not succeed. In this case, it should be used roofing mastic or cement mortar.
  4. With large-scale destruction of the slab, the problem should also be eliminated by cement composition. It is important to comply with the condition so that the surface of the plate should be smooth. If there are any deformations, they should also be eliminated.
  5. In addition, the surface of the roof is necessary to clean well. This can be done with a vacuum cleaner or a conventional broom. It is also recommended to cover the surface with a soil material.


Repair of soft roof

The soft roof is the most common option of the roof for garage structures in the post-Soviet space. Today, materials such as rubberoid and EuroBeroid, which has a lot of common characteristics with rubberoid roof type, are widely demanded, but at the same time, it has some properties that benefit from its predecessor. The main one includes a longer period of operation and a less labor-intensive way of installation. However, the laying technique is almost the same and comes down to performing such actions:

  1. Before laying a rubberoid flooring on the roof of the garage, the work surface is processed by bitumen or mastic. The styling of the EuroBeroid is made without the use of these materials.
  2. The roofing material you only need to warm up it will acquire the properties required for mounting. Eroruberoid need to just glue to the surface.

Important! When comparing the timing of these materials, the favorable difference of the EuroBeroid is traced, the service period is 10-25 years. Ruberoid will last no more than 5 years, but it costs two times less EuroBeroid. When studying all operational characteristics of these roofing materials, it is possible to conclude that the most optimal choice will be the use of an innovative composition. Despite the fact that it is more expensive than the traditional runner in the process of operation, the material fully justifies its value.

  1. Ruberoid before laying is recommended to prepare in a certain way. During the day before the work, the material should be rolled and left in this form. If it is not possible to do it, rolls need to rewind in the opposite direction.
  2. Laying begins at the bottom of the roof. A melted bitumen or roof mastic is pre-applied to the surface.

It should be noted that the bitumen has recently loses its popularity. Increasingly, the owners of garages stop their choice on mastic. This is explained by the fact that bituminous material is inferior to mastic in terms of quality indicators. The bitumen does not have resistant to temperature effects, it has the properties to dispel and crack. While mastic is shown more stable performance.

  1. Before applying, mastic should be heated to 200 ° C, then apply to the surface. Ruberoid stacked immediately after applying mastic. The material must be positioned so that each subsequent canvas walked. Seams After completing the laying, you need to cover with mastic.
  2. EuroBeroid is stacked as follows. An injaliated side of the canvas must be heated with a burner. It is also necessary to warm up the surface to which laying will be carried out.
  3. Next, the roll is rolled to one twist with a metal hook. The canvas that are stacked at the edges should go beyond the roof of 50 mm. This location will help prevent the flow.
  4. The method of location of the canvas is similar to the stamping method of the runneroid, the material needs to be placed on the Van.


Roof repair hard-type

To repair the roof of the garage with their own hands from the professional flooring, you will need to prepare such tools:

  • roulette;
  • electrolovka or disk saw;
  • screwdriver.

Since the garage, as a rule, is a structure having small sizes, its roofs can be covered with solid sheets. Further material laying technique occurs in such a sequence:

  1. Work begins with mounting in the top corner of the first sheet. The mount is carried out using one self-press.
  2. Next, two next sheet are stacked.
  3. After that, it is necessary to make sure the coincidence of the ends of the material and the line of the skate. If necessary, sheets should be aligned.
  4. In the upper and lower part, the mount is performed through the wave. In the middle, the material is located according to chess order. Self-tapping screws need to be attached at the bottom.
  5. The standard parameters of the length of the garage structure are 6 m, the width of the sheet of professional flooring slightly exceeds 1 m. Thus, 12 sheets will be required to repair the bartal roof.


Features of the use of hot bitumen

The use of bitumen has its own characteristics and rules, compliance with which will allow roofing as safe as possible and carefully, which will be positively affected by the performance characteristics of the garage room. So, the fill process looks like this:

  1. First you need to warm up bitumen. To do this, it will be necessary to build some kind of mangaal, ignite a fire and put a bucket filled with bitumen on it.
  2. It is possible to determine the readiness of the material by its state, the bitumen must be plastic enough.
  3. Next, the bucket should be lifted to the roof and pour the hot mass of problem areas.
  4. To distribute bitumen in the desired direction, you can use a wooden board.
  5. Using this method, you can perform local repairs or handle the entire roof.


Repair of the slate roof of the garage

Today, the roof made of slate is somewhat less common than the roof with the front coated coating. However, many owners of garage structures prefer such material due to its durability, endurance to atmospheric influences and accessibility. Indeed, such a design, as a rule, serves without repair work for 10-15 years. However, after this period, preventive measures should be carried out or partial replacement.

The roof repair of this species is carried out by closeing the problem areas. To do this, you will need to prepare a special composition designed for reliable sealing of cracks in slate material or slots between roofing sheets. The solution is prepared from such components:

  • pVA glue;
  • cement;
  • loose asbestos.

Application occurs with a spatula or ordinary painting brush. It should be applied a thin layer of the composition on the crack, and then wait for its hardening. The recommended layer thickness is 3 cm.

To produce repair work as less as possible, it is also recommended to periodically examine the surface of the slate sheets for the appearance of cracks, gaps, chips and the appearance of moss between the roof fragments. Damage must be neglected immediately, and unauthorized items and clogging.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Repair of the roof of the garage. Video:

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