Installing a welded grid on the site

July 14. Plot. Views 4152. Comments To record setting the fence from a welded grid on the plot No

Today, the market of building materials is pledged with solid variety. This also applies to such structures as fences. In addition to protective functions, they are meant for decorating a country area. As a material for the manufacture of fences, a profiled sheet, metal, brick, concrete, wood, plastic are used. We will talk about the features of creating a fence from a welded grid.


Characteristics and types of structures

In essence, the welded mesh is a metal wire, which is intertwined and bonded with spot welding. The welded mesh is sold in rolls, the height of which is 2 m, and the length is 15-35 m. The main criterion for buying a mesh is the size of the cells (there are rectangular, square, rhombid or trapezoidal) and wire thickness.

It should be noted that the wire made of metal under the influence of negative natural factors begins to quickly rust. To increase the operating period, it is covered by a special protective layer. In its capacity, various polymers or varnishes can be.

There are five varieties of welded grid:

  • with PVC coated;
  • non-zinc;
  • galvanized;
  • galvanized with polymer coating;
  • to create a 3D fence.

The fence from the welded grid PVC is usually green (under the order you can make fencing and other colors). The application of the polymer coating is carried out after creating a grid from the wire connection. This work is carried out in one of two ways:

  • with powder paint;
  • by foaming the grid into the polymer.


The neoscake mesh is a steel wire that has a thickness of 1-10 mm. This is the cheapest material for the fence. It is used to install fencing in places where it is inappropriate to engage in the installation of PVC or galvanized grid.

The fence from the welded galvanized grid differs from the previous version of the fact that zinc is applied to the metal wire. Circuit coating technique is used different. The canvas can first be connected, and then covered with zinc. The roll can also be created immediately from galvanized metal.

The most durable option is the use of a welded grid, which includes galvanized and polymer coating. According to the strength indicators, this is the best option. But there is one nuance - the high cost of the grid. Not every owner of the country area will be able to afford it to buy.

It is worth mentioning about such an innovative product as a 3D fence from a welded grid. The manufacture of such a mesh provides a special type of wire bending, which leads to the appearance of the volume effect.

Benefit advantages

The construction of fences from a high-quality welded grid has its advantages. In particular, such structures have:

  • increased anti-corrosion qualities;
  • preservation of the initial type and operational properties over a long period of time;
  • the simplicity and speed of installation work;
  • magnificent rigidity (the grid does not sag and never bend);
  • absolute environmental friendliness;
  • minimal care;
  • a wide choice of color solutions;
  • various cell sizes.


The fence from the welded grid has the most optimal ratio of price and quality indicators. Especially fit the fence from this material for those who prefer an open area with a picturesque view.

The design of the welded grid has a low weight and does not give shadows, which is the most acceptable option for the fencing of the territory that is replete with green plantings.

Mounting work

The installation of a welded grid consists of the following steps:

  • marking work;
  • digging pit;
  • installation of support pillars;
  • main mounting.

For the markup of the site where the grid will be placed, the rope, pegs and tape measure are used. After determining the location of the fence, lines are applied around the perimeter. One sheet of welded grid should fit between two columns. Immediately make a stock at 10-20 cm on the thickness of the pillar and the size of the foundation.


When king, the pits are taken into account:

  • pillars size;
  • depth of soil freezing.

Taking into account the established base, the diameter of the PM should exceed the diameter of the columns by 2-3 cm. Usually, their digging is carried out using a bora. In the depth of the pit should be at the level of the length of the column, their size is 50-70 cm.

The following stage provides for the following actions:

  • the pits are filled with concrete solution (1 hour cement, 3 hours of sand);
  • poles are inserted into the pit and align;
  • for their reliable fixation, struts are used;
  • the concrete base is frozen.

After 2-3 days, it is possible to make the final installation of the fence from the welded grid. This procedure involves using:

  • special fasteners (clips, brackets, etc.);
  • or clamps of the P-shaped form.

Reliable fastening of the structure occurs when the mesh fixation is carried out in 2-3 places. If the mounted mesh is carried out using rolls, brackets are used. In most cases, the strength and durability of the fence depends on the quality of the fasteners.


There are several nuances when carrying out installation work. The main ones are:

  • as reference elements, it is best to use metal pillars;
  • when using a roll grid, it should be deployed and left for 1-2 days;
  • preparation of cement mortar is made to install one pillar;
  • mounting work is better to perform in the spring when the land is loose.

Installation of the fence from a welded grid will not cause great difficulties. And in the end, it turns out a beautiful, practical and convenient fence.

Video on the device for a welded grid:

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