Andulinovaya Roof: Photo, Installation Instructions

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Roofing material, which introduced the French French company Onduline, rapidly gained popularity in the construction sector due to exceptional performance. Such a roof is durable, it is reliable, waterproof and durable to atmospheric precipitation. In addition, Andulin is available to a wide circle of buyers who can mount it without the help of specialists. About how the Andulinovaya roof is stacked with their own hands, we will tell you in this article.

Characteristics of Andulina

At first glance, the roofing material is similar to Slate, but this is the only similarity of products. Production technology, operational parameters, raw materials - everything is completely different. In the manufacture of Andulin, asbestos is not activated. Instead of the material are mineral components, cellulosic fibers and bitumen composition. Thus andulina sheet has a weight of 6 kg against 25 kg slate fragment.

Andulinovaya roof has the distinguishing characteristics:

  1. Resistance to fire and the impact of fuel and lubricants.
  2. Reliable protection against moisture. Due to the unique chemical structure of Andulin and its wave-like form, the material does not let water.
  3. Resistance to temperature differences. Andulinovaya roof preserves the stated operational parameters at temperatures from -25 ° C to + 55 ° C, which is a significant advantage for buildings in our area.
  4. The small weight of the material does not create a load on the supporting structures of the building. It also facilitates the installation of the roof.
  5. Andulin has a high resistance rate to the occurrence of fungus, ultraviolet study, the effects of the acid and alkaline medium.
  6. Excellent soundproofing blood quality, which make it possible to significantly suppress noise level with intensive precipitation or bad weather.
  7. Universality of the material. Andulin is very multifunctional, because It is used for partial repair, roofing of residential and non-residential premises. In addition, this material is suitable for styling over the existing roof, because Lightweight sheets will not create loads. Such products are used for taking balconies.
  8. Good anti-corrosion resistance indicators that are provided by bitumen impregnation. As a result, the roof is not susceptible to the destructive effect of rust, corrosion and rotting.
  9. The strength of Andulina allows you to withstand heavy loads in winter, provoked by the accumulation of snow masses. However, it is worth considering that with a strong frost, the material becomes more fragile, so when building a building in a cold climatic belt, a more frequent crate should be made.
  10. Environmental Safety. The Andulin structure contains organic components that are impregnated with bitumen. This makes the material non-toxic, and, accordingly, safe for human health and the environment.
  11. Durability. Andulinovaya roofing can last until 55 years old with proper installation.
  12. Design variability. The surface of the anduulin sheets is performed in a wide color scheme, which will allow you to choose the optimal option for each particular building.
  13. Low cost. The material is available in the average price segment, while has the operational characteristics of expensive roofing coatings.

Andulinovaya roof. Photo:




Blood varieties

Specialists allocate two types of roofs from the presented material:

  • slate;
  • tile.

Both presented options are intended for long-term operation and are able to withstand intense loads, among which should be allocated: the impact of ultraviolet, the wind gusts up to 180 km / h, heavy snowfall, precipitation, etc. Both types of roof are distinguished by a high coefficient of resistance to temperature drops, ease of installation and Low weight.

Also manufacturers provide 10-15 years warranty both on slate and tiled. Moreover, the average service life of the roof, as noted above, ranges from 30 to 55 years.

Features of Andulinovoy Schifer

When the roof is relatively simple designs (flat, scope) applies, as a rule, a slate and island roof. The dimensions of the fragments are 200h100 cm. In the manufacture of such a type of material, bitumen-fibrous inclusions are used, which provides greater rigidity and strength.

The roofs made in more complex structures (hip, three-tight, four-tight, attic, tent) are covered with tiles from the anduulinov material.


Features of Andulinova Tiles

This material is a type of roofing material, the size of which is 100x35 cm. Such sheets are distinguished by high elasticity and are excellent for installation on relief and complex structures.

This type of coating is also called "shingle", "Schingls". Regarding the characteristics of the tiles, it should be noted that it is represented by soft tiles, due to which during installation there is practically no waste. This gives an advantage in economy.

Production technology is carried out according to the following principle: fiberglass raw materials are processed by an oxidized bitumen solution on both sides of the sheet. After that, the lower part of the tiled sheets is covered with a ledge film consisting of the same bitumen, which gives the material protective properties and can be dismantled as needed. Mineral crumb is embanked over the sheet in various shades.

Today, the material in the construction market is presented in a wide variety of colors and textures, which makes it more valuable when decorative roofing. In addition, the lower fragments of the tiles are performed in various forms and outlines to give completeness and aesthetics.


Installation of Andulinova Roofing

Laying Andunulina is a fairly simple process that even novice craftsmen is just carefully studying the installation technology and the peculiarities of the process. As a rule, there is enough hacksaw, hammer and pencil, because All other materials are attached to the Andulin Roof kit. However, for self-installation you will need to prepare the following:

  • fragments of an anduulin roof (sheet dimensions need to be counted taking into account the allen in 1-2 ridge);
  • mounting foam or sealant;
  • wooden bars or boards for the construction of the crate;
  • bulgarian;
  • metal corners for fixing the frame under the roof;
  • hacksaw;
  • material for the bump (metallic tape of galvanized 10-20 cm wide);
  • bolts;
  • pergamine;
  • hats for screws;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • anchor.

Construction of the crate

Preparatory stage with the roof of Andulin is the installation of the support structure. The crate must be made of wooden bars in such a way that the frame is not pulled to the glazing frame. We give the basic requirements that need to be taken into account before starting work on the construction:

  1. If the roof of the building has a slope (up to 10 °), then a solid crate should be mounted. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that at the ends there must be a small backstage, which will be 30 cm. Two waves should also be provided on the sides of the frame.
  2. If the roof has a slope within 10 ° -15 °, then the support structure must be built at an interval of 45 cm. Regarding the adhesive intervals, they should be placed in this order: 20 cm Andulin, then one wave.
  3. For a roof with a steep slope, which is above 15 ° it is necessary to increase the interval of frame planks up to 60 cm. Also, you should also be made on the sides of one wave, and at the end to foresee it is 17 cm.

Consider the detail of the sequence of actions on the construction of the structure under the roof:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to cut off from the sheets of Andulina the required length of the corners. For this, the usual Bulgarian will fit.
  2. Then you need to make sections so that it is possible to fix fragments into a triangular design.
  3. After that, contend and secure the frame brackets. It is important to observe one rule: the distance between the brackets should be less as the expected load on the roof increases, but at least 70 cm.
  4. Then it is necessary to drill in the bars of the grooves under the tape and fix the elements of the crate.
  5. On the perimeter of the walls you should kill bumps.
  6. In the next, you need to pave Parchment to the crate.
  7. On this, the installation of the support frame is completed and you can start styling Andduul.

Important! If the roof has a low tilt, experts are recommended to pave an additional lining carpet under the anduuline material.


Mount Andulina

For high-quality installation of the Andulin Roof, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for using the material. It is also worth considering that for work, the ambient temperature should be at least -5 ° C, and in the ideal embodiment, with a positive indicator, but not higher than +30 ° C. Otherwise, the material loses elasticity and the difficulties arise in laying hard sheets.

Important! When laying fragments, it is strictly forbidden to walk between the waves of Andulino roofs. To move on the roof, put the leg on the crest of the wave.

Work on the laying of Andulinov sheets occur in such a sequence of actions:

  1. Fragments of the material must be cut in accordance with the required format and adjust with the help of a hacksaw. It is worth considering that the tool will be more efficient to grind sheets if it is pre-lubricated.
  2. Then proceed to the mounting of Andulina. The process is carried out in a checker, starting with a leeward side.
  3. An important rule: Each even number of material should begin with ½ sheet. In this case, the junction is formed not from 4, but from 3 fragments, which will significantly simplify the installation process.
  4. The Andulin laying is made in a clear accordance with the line of the bar, while the material is fixed and the places of adhesion and at the end of each wave.
  5. For greater accuracy and correct geometry, it is recommended to pull the line to not be mistaken. Also, sheets should be thoroughly aligned before fixing to the crate to avoid further problems with dismantling and damage to fragments.
  6. You need to navigate the Andulin sheet on both sides with a step in 1 wave. To do this, it is necessary to apply special nails with a protective hat. For each fragment, approximately 20 pcs fasteners. This is necessary for the fact that the material was not damaged and did not break down with intense gusts of the wind.
  7. The width of the carnice plumb should not exceed 5 cm.
  8. On this work on the installation of Andulin, completed and it is necessary to make final actions on sealing.


Finishing stage

For this purpose, the Andulinovaya roofing light years and has not been subjected to the destructive effects of corrosion, fungus, rust, etc. Factors of external influence, it must be carefully sealed in fixation places. For these purposes, all interpanel seams sealant should be treated on the upper edge of the chipper. Internal processing is also necessary to improve the performance of the material. Works are performed using mounting foam around the perimeter of the entire roof.

To ensure high-quality air intake under the anduulin coating, you can install a special fan, which is fixed by a similar principle, like roofing windows. To do this, the ventilation pipe is mounted to all the joints of the sheets of roofing material, observing reliable mounting of the structure. The top leaf of Andulin is laid by the brass to the base of the outlet.

Andulinovaya roof. Video:

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