Installation of the roof of the composite tile do it yourself

December 27. Roof Views 2213. Comments To write the installation of the roof from the composite tile do it yourself No

The roofing material of the new generation is made today to call the composite tile, which appeared on the market not so long ago, but has already managed to conquer great popularity.

What is composite tile?

It represents a multi-layer coating for the roof, the basis of which serves as a thin steel sheet with a thickness of up to 0.5 mm. A special alloy from zinc and aluminum is applied on top of it for anti-corrosion protection, then a layer of acrylic coating and natural stone crumb, which gives greater resistance to various mechanical damage. With its attractive appearance, the composite tile is obliged to technology special profiling, due to which its sheets resemble natural tile.


Thus, in the composite tile, manufacturers managed to combine all the best from other roofing materials.

Advantages of composite tile

Composite tile has a lot of advantages that beneficially isolated among species of existing materials for the roof.

  • Reliability and durability. Composite tile is distinguished by a long service life, which is about 50 years.
  • Soundproofing;
  • Refractory;
  • Resistance to corrosion, mechanical damage, sharp drops of temperatures, ultraviolet radiation;
  • Ease. Composite tile has a small weight, therefore suitable for buildings, the walls of which are not able to withstand heavy loads on themselves;
  • Unpretentious care;


  • Beautiful appearance. Thanks to the rich color scheme and a variety of forms with the help of composite tile, any even most complex architectural designs can be realized. It is also very often used to reconstruct structures that they carry historical and cultural value.


This material is suitable for different types of roofs, while it is very easy to install, which can be held all year round and even on top of the old coating, without removing it. Composite tile is easily slit, it is cut and if desired, it is capable of taking almost any shape. The permissible minimum angle of the composite roofing angle must be 12 degrees. With a smaller slope, a complete waterproofing of the roof surface is required.

Basic composite tile manufacturers.

When choosing a suitable composite tile, it is important to take into account not only its external data, but also the reputation of the manufacturer. The tile of such brands such as Gerard, Metrotile, Roser and others are most popular today.


GERARD composite tile from New Zealand. This is a global leader in the production of this roofing material, including its inventor. The company has more than 50 years of experience in this area and its own patented technologies. Each batch of products is a thorough quality control, and also has the most diverse selection of profiles, shapes and colors. In this case, the GERARD composite tile sheets have a compact size that simplifies the transport process.



Products of the Belgian company Metrotile features high quality and reliability. It is designed specifically for operation in complex natural conditions and is made of high-quality steel. When installing such a tile, the lock is formed, which ensures the ideal tightness of the coating. Composite tile Metrotile has 6 types of profiles and 10 standard and 10 additional colors, including colors with a tint. Manufacturers have installed a 30-year warranty on their products.



Roser tile is produced for more than 20 years in South Korea. It has 20 different colors and 7 types of profiles. This product has excellent performance and compact profile sizes, which makes it possible to avoid large material waste during its installation.


Installation of composite tile and main stages of work


At this stage, we carry out the calculation of the required amount of composite tile. It is made on the basis of the roof area, taking into account the consumption of the material for the adolescents, challenges, as well as architectural difficulties in the roof structure. In order to more accurately make the calculation of the composite tile. Experts recommend to make a schematic drawing of the roof with the exact dimensions of all parts of the roof: endands, skates, ridges, frontones, ends, adjoins and eaves.


In addition, it is worth prepare not only the tile itself, but also other consumables and tools, as well as get a soft rubberized shoe. It will be needed in order not to damage individual fragments of the finished roof.

Making a wooden crate and a counterbalax

Before you start laying the composite tile, it is necessary to make a wooden crate, which will serve as the base for the tile. This is a very important stage of work, the errors on which can lead to sufficiently serious problems subsequently, in particular when the tile sheets are kept. Therefore, the crate for accuracy and acceleration of the process itself is often made according to special templates right at the work site. To do this, you will need a wooden bar with a cross-section of 50 by 50 mm at a step of a rafted on the roof no more than 1 meter.

Installation of crates

  • Finished crate by mounting from the bottom up all the surface of the roof.
  • On top of it, we labeled the canvas of waterproofing material with adhesives horizontally at least 100 millimeters and vertically at least 150 millimeters, moving from the cornice.
  • From above of waterproofing, nail with nails to the rafters a counterclaim. It is needed for ventilation under the subcoase.



Staying composite tile

This is the main stage of the work, which involves the installation of sheets of roofing material directly to the shap.

  • The sheets of the composite tile are brapping from top to bottom, ranging from the skate and neatly the bottom sheets under the top, slightly raising them. Thus, we will get a nest.
  • The place of the joint of two rows is reliably fixing nails to the crate. For fasteners, we use the anodized nails, which are clogged with the usual mounting hammer or a pneumatic gun at an angle of 45 degrees. Such a type of fastening will provide more adjuncing, prevent the roof leakage, makes it more sealed, and also reliably protect the roof from sharp impacts of the wind.
  • On top of the nails we apply a special paint and sprinkle with a stone or basalt chips for masking and imparting the roof of a more homogeneous appearance.

Fastening of good elements

After that, we turn to the fastening of good roofing elements - skates and endands.


  • The skates are attached to the top bars of the crates with the help of nails, thereby forming the so-called roofing castle.
  • In the gap between the skate bar and the skate element, we also put a universal seal, which will prevent the snow and moisture ingress.
  • The ends of the skate disguise specially intended for these purposes plugs.


  • Bind elements are installed with an adhesive on the bars of the endand from the bottom up from the cornice. To do this, flex the edge of the roofing sheet.
  • Each upper element insert into the lower, securely fixing it with nails every 3 cm.
  • Along the fifth install the seal.


More details about the installation of composite tile with your own hands can be viewed on the video.

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