Warm glazed balcony

June 19th Repair and construction work Views 2029 1 comment recording warm glazed balcony

Any owner of an apartment with a balcony or loggia is faced with the need to install windows. And here comes the next question - what kind of glass to choose? Many prefer the warm method, as it allows to create the most comfortable atmosphere on the balcony at any time of the year. For more details about what a warm glazed balcony, and as it happens, read our article.

glazing techniques

More and more owners of apartments in high-rise buildings prefer osteklyat balconies. The reasons for this may be many, but the main is the ability to increase the usable living space - who do not want to get hold of another room or extend the old?

Some arrange on the balcony of a magnificent winter garden, while others turn it into an office or a place to enjoy leisure activities. But in order to implement its plans, it is necessary to determine the method of glazing. It was from him will depend on whether you will be able to use the balcony as a separate room in the winter and summer.

cold glazed

Cold glazing is called the installation on the balcony or loggia frames of aluminum profiles. They are light, durable and stand relatively inexpensively. Thick glasses are inserted into the frame frames (single or double) at least 5 mm thick.


The designs can be sliding or with a remote window sill, which allows you to save a lot of free space.

Benefits of cold glazing:

  • low cost of profiles and installation work;
  • aluminum designs of refractory, durable and durable;
  • the method is applicable for any balconies and loggias due to a small weight of profiles;
  • with cold glazing, you can install additional heaters or organize the laying of heat insulation;
  • cold glazing will protect the balcony from dust and street noise.

From the disadvantages of this method, you can allocate the fact that in the winter on such a balcony will be, to put it mildly, cool. It can not be used as an additional living space or grow flowers in the cold time. But it will become an ideal place for storing conservation, and in the summer on the balcony you can arrange friendly sites or organize an additional bedroom for guests.

Another significant lack of cold glazing is the impossibility of installing double-glazed windows, so many with time still resort to a warm method. About how to do it, we will tell a little later.

Warm glazing

The glazing is carried out with a warm way through PVC profiles, as a result of which the customer receives a full-fledged warm room. At first, the workers prepare the base, set windows and insulate the simpleness under the window frames. Next, the heat-insulating material and the finishing finish of the outer and inner walls occurs.


The advantages of warm glazing:

  • minimum heat loss in winter;
  • heat protection in summer;
  • high noise insulation;
  • long service life;
  • the possibility of installing multi-chamber double-glazed windows, including frameless.

The disadvantages of warm glazing are not so much. Thus, the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room slightly decreases, massive frames and double-glazed windows have a greater load on the balcony slab, therefore this method can be applied far from all cases. In addition, the warm glazing of balconies and loggias stands much more than cold.

Alteration of a balcony from cold - in warm

Earlier we promised to tell you how cold from the balcony you can make an extra warm room. Many people mistakenly believe that the work will require more time and effort, but in fact in the alteration of the balcony there is nothing difficult. In fact, the need to replace the glass glazing and, if necessary, install additional insulation.


Stages rework cold balcony:

  1. Removal of old windows and frames.
  2. Installing double-glazed windows.
  3. Warming of walls, floors, eliminating the "cold bridges" at the corners.
  4. Installation accessories, window sealing joints, etc.

As a result, you get an additional living area, improve heat and shumoziolyatsiyu his apartment, and forget that such drafts.

What type of glazing to choose

All this does not mean that the cold glass around worse than a warm and completely useless. In some cases, to glaze the balcony warm way not possible - the house is too old, the balcony slab is not strong enough, the financial situation does not allow, etc.

By and large, the choice depends on the purpose for which you need a balcony. If you have a spacious living area and use the balcony for drying clothes or as a mini-garden, it makes no sense to invest money in it, time, effort and warm "in full".


On the contrary, if your apartment is too small, and you just need to expand the space, a warm balcony will be the only opportunity to implement its plans. He will either extend one of the rooms, for example, to make the kitchen a little more, or create another small room (office, dressing room).

Warm balcony with his hands

Make warm the balcony with his hands is very difficult even experienced workers, not to mention the non-professionals. At the same time to work alone is strongly discouraged due to the nature of technology (at the height of the work).

Before we go for building materials or employ a team of workers, it is necessary to clarify whether the balcony slab capable of withstanding the weight of windows and insulation structure. To do this, you must contact the BTI, ECD or call consultant from one of the company where you will be ordered glazing.

In the case of the glazing of the loggia, everything is much easier - you will not need to carry out a lot of measurements and consultations. In most cases, loggias easily withstand the weight of any PVC profiles, window sills and thermal insulation materials. If the building is built relatively recently and is in an acceptable condition, you can safely insulate the loggia.



In addition to building materials for warm glazing of the balcony, you will need safety equipment. It is better to use a sports belt to work - according to the characteristics it is almost the same as construction, but much cheaper.

Choose a belt with a wave of about 2.5 m. If the panel is too short, then work will become significantly complicated, too long - jerk with a random drop can be very injured. The belt and carbine should be able to withstand the load from 400 kg and more. If this data is not listed in the certificate, it is better to abandon such a purchase and search for certified products.


To reliably fasten the safety pala into the bearing wall, you should drive the anchor spire with an iron column to a depth of at least 15 cm. The end of the spire is a ring with a thickness of at least 8 mm, the diameter of the pin itself should be at least 16 mm. Tighten the spire into the collet until it stops with the mounting of the ring or thick screwdriver. After completion of the work, the spire is not taken out, they simply cut the headband with a grinder, even with a wall.

Specificity glazing

The main thing at the arrangement of the warm balcony is to prevent the dew point shifted inside the room. If this is not done, condensate will be formed, which will reduce all the heat insulation and the cause of mold and fungus. If you build a warm balcony with a removal, it is more difficult to organize it.


To be sure that the dew point is located outside, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Provide high-quality hydro and thermal insulation.
  2. Eliminate all "Cold Bridges".
  3. Install double glazed windows with seals. When using wooden frames, double rubber seals should be inserted for swing windows and tightly close with sealant or mastic deaf window.
  4. Make natural adjustable ventilation - for metal-plastic windows to install a vent plate, an outer ventilation valve should be installed.
  5. Organize ventilation between the balcony and adjacent room (put an exhaust fan or ventilation grille at the bottom of the door.

Types of glazing

There are several types of glazing depending on the profiles used. Each of them allows to achieve the desired result, ensure the best lighting of the balcony or make it more comfortable and look like a room.

Panoramas on the balcony

Panoramic windows look very beautiful and stylish, so they are usually used in elite houses, glazing over the entire height of the balcony. Frameless glazing involves the use of guides with fasteners, which hold the glass.


Constructions can consist of sliding, folding, swing or deaf sections. With all its apparent "weightlessness", such glazing is quite difficult, so not every balcony plate is able to withstand it. Panoramic glasses are very durable and thick, they can be transparent or tonned, as well as reflect ultraviolet radiation.

Independently carry out panoramic glazing is not recommended, since work requires professionalism and skill.

Metalplastic for balcony

Metal-plastic window frames are often mounted on hanging balconies.


Mounting specificity:

  1. Metal-plastic glazing is attached to the parapet before mounting the windowsill.
  2. First install wooden racks from a bar with a cross section of 60 mm or a solid metal-plastic profile.
  3. The racks are screwed to the parapet and the upper overlap with the help of self-samples. The outer side is facing the PVC strip.
  4. Double-glazed windows get out of windows so that they do not split when removing the frames. To easily remove the glass, it needs to push the screwdriver and pull the strokes. At the same time it is recommended to immediately collect all the locksters to then install them in place.
  5. Then remove the window sash, removing the valve of the upper loop.
  6. The bottom profile is attached to the lower part of the frame, and the anchor plates insert into the grooves.
  7. The frames are placed in the openings and regulate the position with the help of a construction level and a plumb.
  8. Fixation of frames is carried out by self-drawing, which is screwed into the assembly openings of anchors.
  9. Then it remains only to put double-glazed windows and sash, set the mechanisms and check the operation of windows.
  10. The openings between the frames and the parapet are blown by mounting foam, after which the windowsill is installed and proceed to the finishing of the balcony.


A significant drawback of metal-plastic glazing is that it is not completely windy. Also above the balcony will need to make a visor, which will give an additional load on the balcony plate and parapet. If the parapet is not designed for such pressure, it will have to replace brickwork, which also gives a greater massiveness of the design.

Remote glazing

Making a warm glazing of a balcony with a removal, you get an additional useful space. In the case of a small apartment, this is the only option for increasing the living space without moving and redevelopment. At the same time glazing does not turn a small balcony in an inconvenient narrow "penalty".


The main advantage of the remote glazing of balconies is the installation of a wide window sill that does not occupy a useful area and is a convenient functional element. From it you can make a small table, put flowers or technique.

Stages of glazing balcony with removal:

  1. Setting the base, attaching to the parapet of durable iron brackets that will keep the entire design.
  2. Installation of the window sill.
  3. Installing window profiles, sings and protective elements.

Recently, there are increasingly examples of remote glazing on the windowsill when the glass windows are attached to a special frame fixed on Parapete. At the same time, the base area remains the same, and the windows are displaced outward. There are options for front removal or glazing in all 3 sides.


Less common, but also quite popular method of glazing balconies with removal called "Butterfly". The area is expanding due to the fact that the double-glazed windows are installed at an angle of both sides of the balcony. The glazing is fixed on a triangular farm attached to the sidewall of the balcony and the wall of the house.


With frameless remote glazing, you acquire a stylish and functional balcony. This type looks great on any facade and does not spoil it, the windows give a wonderful panoramic overview and are very convenient to use. However, there are a couple of minuses - this design is rather heavy, and if you live in the house of the old building with fragile balconies, it is unlikely to organize such glazing. In addition, the cost of such a venture beats all records and is far from the pocket.


According to experts, the remote glazing of balconies should be carried out using the highest quality building materials, pre-consulted with experienced specialists who will be able to make thorough calculations. Only in the case of technically competent installation, the balcony will comply with all the necessary requirements and can be used as a comfortable and full-fledged living space.

On the video - a warm balcony with remote glazing:

Carrier frame

This method of glazing was popular in the times of the Soviet Union, but now interest is growing towards him again. The most important drawback is a big weight (about 80 kg per messenger meter). Previously, during installation, angular tubes were used, which were instantly covered with rust and spoiled the appearance of the house. Today, inexpensive welded steel frames are used for this, which are characterized by high strength and durability. The frames cover the enamel protecting the metal from corrosion and giving a well-kept appearance.


The frame is connected to the upper overlooking or the visor of the balcony, as a result of which the load is distributed as uniform as possible. Therefore, even despite the high weight, such glazing can give a load on the slab less than metal-plastic.

The problem of fragile parapet disappears automatically, since it is cut and installed the carrying structure. The composite frame of 2 parts allows you to lower the edge below the parapet, and then the balcony will look almost as stylish as panoramic.

The lower opening is insulated with sheets of polystyrene, after which they are trimmed with drywall or chipboard, so you can forget about labor-intensive thermal insulation events.


We hope this article helped you figure out how to make a warm balcony, and most importantly - made it clear that it is absolutely necessary and not such a troublesome event. A qualitatively glazed balcony or loggia can serve without overhaul from 15 to 25 years.

Warm balcony, photo

bezamnoe_ostekltenie. panoramnoe-Ostkl-3 balkon-Panoramnyy.



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One answer to the warm glazing of the balcony

  1. Marina:

    It is necessary to glall with warm glazing - PVC or metalplastic. Heat will be in winter, and in the summer comfortable - does not let the heat. I ordered an anchorokna in St. Petersburg - made in 2 days at the window of the window and installed. Very satisfied with such glazing.

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