Masonry technology of foam blocks

August 13th Construction Views 4447 Comments recording technology masonry walls of foam blocks No

Modern building materials market is full of proposals have long been enjoying constant popularity, as well as all new developments. One of the most popular - concrete blocks, the use of which is a very practical solution within the private and low-rise building. To independently evaluate all the advantages of this option and learn the rules of technology stacking blocks, refer to the following proposed article.

The basis of such blocks is foam, which is used for manufacturing:

  • sand;
  • cement;
  • a special foam;
  • water. tolsh_snen

Technical data of this material compares favorably to a number of compelling advantages. Note the most significant factors in favor of the masonry walls of the foam blocks:

  • features of a finely porous structure provide a stable comfortable microclimate indoors, excluding cold penetration in winter and keeping a pleasant coolness in summer heat;
  • similar to wooden houses, structures from foam concrete "Breathe", which prevents the condensate condensation on the surface and provides a natural good circulation of moisture;
  • beautiful sound insulation characteristics;
  • a good indicator of thermal insulation, which allows to significantly save on energy consumption in artificial heating;
  • ease of installation;
  • ease of processing due to the dysfrecy of the material, due to which you quickly cut the parts of the required value by any accessible tool;
  • component composition includes exclusively environmentally friendly components;
  • block sizes, the standard indicators of which are 300 * 200 * 600 mm, allow you to build a house very quickly, while not using load-lifting equipment;
  • a long period of operation when complying with all rules in the construction process. 1331379869_18
    Important! It should be noted that the masonry of the walls of foam blocks, the price of which is significantly lower than any other similar material, is also beneficial in terms of financial and economy.

Methods of masonry foam blocks

There are 2 main technologies for masonry walls from foam blocks, which determines the distinctive nuance of which is the type of solution:

  • glue;
  • cement mix. penoblok.
    Important! Please note that the cost of masonry of walls from foam blocks depends not only on the type of composition, but also on the quality of the initial mixture, as well as the total volume of planned work, that is, the area and configuration of the house.

Advantages and disadvantages of cement mortar

The classic version of such a mixture is the following proportion:

  • 1 part of cement;
  • 4 pieces of sand. stroitelnyy_beton.
    Important! With such a density of the cement mortar, the standard thickness of the layer required for fastening is 1-2 cm. Depending on the subjective requirements of the owner of the future house, it is acceptable to add to the solution of various plasticizers to increase frost-resistant or moisture-repellent properties to accelerate the mixing of the mixture.



  • consumables for the preparation of the solution are always at hand during the construction of the house;
  • it is permissible to use low-quality blocks. rAZNOE-2.


  • preparation of the solution will require time and special tools;
  • the relatively large seam thickness helps to increase the properties of thermal conductivity;
  • be sure to require finishing with plaster. prostoy-Tip-Mansardy

Advantages and flaws of glue

The adhesive for foam blocks is sold mainly in the form of a dry construction mixture. If you prefer exactly this option, when preparing a solution, follow the following proportions:

  • 10 kg of glue;
  • 21-23 liters of water. 111
    Important! In the case of glue, the standard layer thickness indicator is only 2-3 mm.



  • high quality glue;
  • the process of laying foam blocks in this case is preferably entrusted to competent specialists who know all the subtleties of technology. steena1b.

Preparation of the foundation for the creation of walls of foam blocks

To ensure high strength and reliability of the design, prepare the surface of the foundation for the construction of walls in advance.

  1. Check out the level of horizontal with the help level.
  2. Create a layer of waterproofing using any suitable material. dOMSPL0133.

Features of technology

The entire process of laying foam blocks does not differ in difficulty, but some, mandatory, the nuances exist.


Check out them:

  • For registration of window openings and doors, use the special form blocks - U-shaped.
  • Choose such parts in such a way that the width of them coincides with the thickness of the solid wall.
  • To fit the window design sizes, apply the technology of a concrete reinforced jumper, when calculating the parameters of which be sure to consider the thickness of the insulation used. DSCN1867_0.
  • On both sides of the walls in the places of openings, install metal corners, with dimensions of 50-100 mm.
  • To eliminate the subsequent cracking of the structures, it is necessary to increase the masonry by reinforcement.

Important! Such an approach will evenly distribute the load from horizontal overlaps.


  • The standard armpoix height ranges from 10 to 20 cm, the appropriate option is determined by the subsequent alleged load.
  • Such a strengthening is carried out every 4 row of foam blocks with a rod by cross section from 8 mm.

Important! For the corners, use a special, smoothly rounded rod.


  • For the maximum dense installation of the reinforcement, pre-cut the shoes with dimensions 40 * 40 mm.
  • Immediately before installing rods, fill the groove groove.
  • If necessary, screw the screwdriver to the stamps of the foam block, use dowels-screws to ensure high performance permissible on them.
  • All rows of foam blocks necessarily install with the dressing of the seams with the disintegration of the joints of the neighboring rows at least 10 cm.
  • When cladding with panel decorative material, be sure to create a ventilation gap between the foam wall and the finish finish. 55-38vid

Laying foam blocks for cement mortar

When using this type of solution, the technology of masonry walls from foam blocks will look like this:

  1. Clean all parts of block material from dirt and dust.
  2. Apply the cement mortar to the waterproofing top layer using a toothed spatula-bucket for this. pervyj_rjad_penoblokov.
  3. Place the first row of foam blocks.
    Important! To prevent heat leaks, using a cement mortar for fastening foam blocks, form 2x-layer rows with overlapping vertical seams. 21F7174F8D7A.
  4. Corner elements in mo in water.
    Important! If during the construction of the wall there was a need to install a block of non-standard sizes, cut the extra part with a foam concrete with the largest teeth. 27398256
  5. Check the density of the filled with a solution of all seams.
  6. Check out the desiccity of the horizontal level.
  7. In each 4 row, install the armpyas height of 20 cm. kladka-Penoblokov.
  8. Regularly check the levels of lines.
  9. To achieve the desired height of all walls, put the slabs of overlaps.
    Important! In hot weather, foam blocks regularly water with water, and after laying part of the wall, overnight, close the polyethylene film. 503_82_0

Laying foam blocks on glue solution

If your preference has been given to the use of special adhesive for foam blocks, and you decide to complete the material of the material with your own hands, follow the following recommendations:

  1. Thoroughly pick up blocks by checking their evenness.
    Important! The maximum permissible deviation of indicators of foam blocks in this case is 1 mm. Samsung.
  2. For the formation of the first row of the wall, use cement mortar.
    Important! To create walls of foam blocks with glue, build the material only in 1 row.
  3. Place the next rows, applying a totted spatula on the surface of the glue with a thin layer. 453_0
  4. Each element is cutting carefully with a color to set the desired height of the row.
    Important! If we revealed the irregularity of the masonry, immediately correct with the help of a grater. sTA704561
  5. As the work performed, check the periodically evenness of the horizontal level.
  6. In places of alleged openings, install blocks specially prepared for this purpose and secure them with jumpers. Olympus Digital Camera.

Completion of finishing the surface of foam blocks

When building a house of foam blocks, the finish decorative trim of the facade will certainly be required.


For this purpose, use one of the most attractive and reliable materials in your opinion:

  • mounted siding;
  • decorative panels from any non-heavy material;
  • fake diamond;
  • plaster;
  • vapor-permeable silicone paint;
  • facing brick. pB-305_595705B9C4195913ED1D759F433A6AAB
    Important! Regardless of how the option you give preference, be sure to follow the rules of the installation technology to eliminate the destruction of the coverage after the short period of operation.


View video masonry walls from foam concrete to make sure that the speed of such work and its ease.

The cost of masonry foam blocks

An independent execution of masonry of walls from foam blocks will significantly save - the price range for such construction services varies in the range of 1000-3000 rubles / m3.


If you decide that your own skills to fulfill this work is still not enough, take into account the main criteria for pricing the value of the foam block masonry:

  • the qualification level of selected craftsmen;
  • project scale;
  • the complexity of the configuration of the architecture of the building;
  • location of the construction site. 4941E9479A67.


The construction of walls from foam blocks is the optimal option in the construction of its own country house or a country cottage. The ease and minor financial spending of such an event will allow you, even with the independent fulfillment of the entire amount of work, to complete the project for one season. Further - it remains only to enjoy the result of the work performed and evaluate their quality in the process of long-term operation.

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