Cable for wiring. Features of choice

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In order to create an electrical circuit in the room, you need a cable. It is for him that the current is summed up to any place in the apartment. Today there are many types of wires. They are usually divided by the elements of which it consists, but in all cables there are conductive veins and isolation.


Cable device


Depending on the number of veins, the electrocabels differ:

  1. Single-core.
  2. Stranded.

Veins of products can be:

  1. Single-string or solid.
  2. Multi-breeds - consist of a variety of thin wires.

In the manufacture of wire, most often use materials such as copper and aluminum. For a home power grid, usually apply only copper wires. Aluminum is not used, because it is faster oxidized, it is capable of breaking on bends and has a lower level of thermal conductivity. The shelf life of the aluminum cable is 25 years.

The electrocable insulation can be made of the following materials:

  1. Rubber.
  2. Polyethylene.
  3. PVC plastic.

As a cable for wiring in the apartment, devices are usually used at least two layers of insulation. The first of which protects all internal veins, and the second surrounds only one living. On the labeling of the cable, you can learn a lot about it. So, for example, it is possible to find out which material is an insulating layer.

Wiring marking


Marking consists of three letters. The first of these is the type of material of the upper layer of isolation. It can be one of the following:

  1. B - layer of insulation from PVC.
  2. N is a nip-shell.
  3. P - insulation from polyethylene.
  4. PV - Sheath from vulcanizing polyethylene.
  5. PS - layer of insulation of self-turning polyethylene.
  6. C is a lead insulation.

The material of the insulating layer of the vein itself in the marking is marked with the second letter. It can be one of the following:

  1. P - PVC plastic.
  2. P - Rubber.

On the third letter, you can find out if the cable is booking:

  1. B - armored.
  2. G - unarnown.

There are still wires that are denoted by four letters, for example, AVRG - in this case, the first and indicates that the veins are made of aluminum. If this letter is not, then copper is used for the wire.

How to choose a cable for wiring in the house

views cables

How to choose a wire of suitable quality and what to pay attention to? Which cable to buy for wiring?

  1. Initially pay attention to the presence of labeling. Its value we described above.
  2. A brand, manufacturer and GOST or the one that corresponds to the cable must be indicated on the cable.
  3. The value of the size of the section and the brand must be indicated along the entire length of the outer shell. There is usually no low quality cable of such marks. This is one of the signs that must be taken into account.
  4. When choosing a cable for wiring, the price plays the last role. In poor-quality fake, it is usually low. And the cost is undeveloped due to the fact that there was a smaller amount of insulation during production than the standard. In addition, this cable has less section.
  5. Choosing a cable for wiring, be sure to pay attention to its manufacturer. If it is indicated that the cable is manufactured in China, it is likely to be saved on materials. In addition, such manufacturers often instead of copper conductors insert low-quality aluminum with copper coating. At first glance, they are very similar to copper, but their performance characteristics are very different. Now you know which cable is needed for wiring.

Cable varieties and their characteristics

Cable VVG.


  1. It is commonly used for wiring, in which a distribution box is present.
  2. This type of cable on the form of the profile can be round, square, triangular and flat.
    The number of CTA may vary from 1 to 5.
  3. For household needs, it is desirable to use VG with cross-section from 1.5 to 5 square millimeters. In general, the maximum value of the VG section is 16 square millimeters.
  4. The VG cable is characterized by quite high tensile strength. At the same time, it can operate at temperatures from -50 and up to +50 degrees Celsius.
  5. The bending radius of this cable should not be less than the value of the equal size of the cross section multiplied by ten.
  6. On this cable may be the designation NG, P and Z:
  • NG - insulation prevents the spread of burning;
  • N - has a flat type of cross section;
  • W - Between the insulation of the TPZ and the common shell there are PVC harvesters or a rubber mixture. In other types of wires of the WEG, this space is usually not filled.

NYM cable


  1. This wiring cable is made according to the requirements of the German Quality Standard DIN 57250, but unfortunately, not all manufacturers today are observed.
  2. NYM cable typically has double insulation. Each lived covered PVC. The inner shell is also made of this material. But such a cable is not flammable.
  3. As a filler of the inner space, a coated rubber is used. These properties make the product very durable and resistant to high temperatures. It can work at such a border of temperatures - from -40 to +70 degrees Celsius.
  4. Veins in such cables are always made of copper. And often they are multi-way. In total, NYM cables can be from two to five lived.
  5. The cross section varies from 1.5 to 16 square millimeters. Such products, for example, are used as a cable for hidden wiring.
  6. It is best if financial opportunities allow for wiring to apply NYM, and not a VVG. You can save and use NYM products only for connecting billboards placed in the apartment and on the floor. For other needs, in this case, the VVG cable is applied. And in some places it is placed together with television.
  7. The main drawback of NYM is a damage under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, if you use it outdoors, you should take care of the protection of the sun. The easiest way to cover it.
  8. The cross section of this cable is usually only round, and the magnitude of the bend radius is about four diameters. These shortcomings do not change the fact that it is one of the best cables for wiring.

Cable PUNP


  1. It is sometimes used for laying a home power grid. It usually has a flat profile.
  2. The amount of lived may vary from two to three. Each of them is single-run and performed from copper. As for the insulation of the veins, it is usually manufactured from polyvinyl chloride, and its upper shell is from PVC plastic.
  3. PUNP is one of the cheapest wires. His cores can be painted in different colors. When using this product in lighting networks, it is recommended to take the smallest wires.
  4. For open wiring, a flat wire of the PPV brand with copper veins and high-quality polyvinyl chloride insulation is best suited. For the same purpose, it is possible to use PPP products with polyethylene insulation.
  5. PUNP though a high-quality cable, but it is extremely recommended for wiring it. After all, the insulation of this wire is a very cheap material that collapses quickly when heated, which makes it fire hazard. In order to avoid the emergence of a fire due to poor-quality wiring, it is still better to choose NYM or VVG cable.



  1. This wire is usually used to arrange lighting on the area adjacent to the home. Therefore, it is used as a cable for external wiring.
  2. He is armored.
  3. In each cable can be from one to five lived from copper, each of which consists of one or a variety of wires.
  4. The cross section of this cable varies from 1.5 to 250 square millimeters.
  5. For its proper installation in private homes, the cable underground is sometimes required.

Cable PV


  1. It has copper core and isolation from high-quality polyvinyl chloride.
  2. PV wires can consist of from one wire and from the set. They are usually produced with different color of isolation.
  3. The following types of PV cable are distinguished:
  • PV 1 is a single-core wire that is usually yellow-green. In the wiring of apartment and private houses is used exclusively for the potential equation (otherwise in the DSUP system);
  • PV2, PV3, PV4 - are used to arrange wiring in electrical panels. Moreover, the last two have a more flexible shell, and therefore, they are more expensive than PV1 and PV2. Thanks to these properties, the products are used where the curves are needed. In any case, each itself decides which cable to use for wiring.

Cable SIP


  1. The full name is "self-supporting isolated".
  2. Today there is quite a lot of his varieties. For example, SIP-2A, SIP-3 and SIP-4 are used for wiring. Their veins are made of alloy steel and aluminum, which has great strength.
  3. A special light-stabilized atmospheric polyethylene is used as an insulation of the veins, which is not worried outdoor air.
  4. One of the uses of SIP is air branch. Previously, AVVG wires were used for this purpose, which are insulated from ordinary polyvinyl chloride. This material under the influence of the environment quickly collapsed. SIP cables do not have such a shortage. Therefore, they began to use them as a replacement AVVG, i.e. As cables for open wiring.

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