Groundwater. Setting the level of location

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The determination of groundwater occurrence is a rather serious question, because it is faced with it when studying the existing site. So, for dacrooms is a way to obtain water supply, and builders - the first step when designing the structure.


The owners of the plots are important to find a source of drinking water supply, so they equip the wells or cavity. For its correct construction, you need to choose a suitable place, which in turn depends on groundwater. They are located in the first aquifer, therefore are the most affordable source of liquid. In addition, this information is used when planting crops, because the chemical composition of the soil may vary from groundwater.

The value of groundwater

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It is important to determine the level of underground sources on time, because they are fraught with serious problems. If we consider the question from the point of view of dacnis, then the exempted water has an unknown composition, respectively, can adversely affect plants. In addition to the fact that cultures are dying from the oversaturation of moisture and impurities in the liquid worsen the state of the root system.

Problems with a well may begin, because water is seeping even through the smallest gaps. If there is a cesspool or toilet nearby, then drink this water will be impossible. Even for use on economic purposes, it is not useful, because some types of groundwater are characterized by an increased salt content. Accordingly, it is impossible to eat animals or apply for washing. 1-Gidroizoljtsij-Fundamenta

As for the buildings, the disastrous influence of moisture on the foundation is known, therefore it is often a decrease in the level of groundwater. In addition, the high occurrence of underground sources leads to the problems of the settlement of the cellar or basement, the observation pit in the garage or sewage. But all questions are solved, there are many ways to remove extra moisture.

It is impossible to speak exclusively about the dangers of underground sources, because the low level of groundwater also has its negative sides. The main problem occurs if you wish to equip water supply on the site, always have to contact the specialists.

Separation by layers


Before the construction of any design, the plot is investigated, determine the relief, the composition of the soil and the level of groundwater. The design of the building depends on this, more precisely - the calculation of the foundation. Thus, the amount of moisture in the soil varies depending on the season and location near lakes or rivers, so in the process all the features of the terrain are important.

Before determining the level of groundwater, it is worth considering the types of underground sources, there is a division:

  • ripper, which isged due to precipitation and talom snow. It refers to superficial soil waters. As a rule, this layer goes at the level of 1-2 m below the surface of the Earth. Their volume is small and fully corresponds to the amount of precipitation fell. At the same time, the use of this fluid without prior processing is impossible due to its chemical composition and impurities;
  • non-free water is a mixture of surface type with a liquid from lakes and rivers. They do not have a pressure due to natural filtration through loam and soup. According to sanitary standards, it is practically safe, while possesses good organoleptic characteristics;
  • artesian is the cleanest and safe water characterized by the optimal composition. This species is valued due to the useful properties and preparedness of use without any processing. This layer is located between two stubborn formations.

To improve the well, you need to break through the top layer, then water under pressure will rise up.

Indicators of location sources


The level of groundwater is determined by the non-pressure layer, because it is he who delivers the most trouble to builders. You can determine the proximity of water without attracting specialists, it is enough to inspect the terrain carefully. Usually, groundwater mirror goes at a depth of 2-20 m from the surface, so the wetland speaks about the location of water at a level not lower than 1 m. The flooded fine depressions indicate the level of water above the surface of the Earth.

Natural signs

In nature, there will be a number that you should pay attention to:

  • plants on the plot can not only tell about the presence, but also about the depth of groundwater. The proximity of the aquifer is characterized by the presence of moisthed cultures. For example, if the groundwater is located at a depth of about 3 m, it is possible to meet horse sorrel, boligols, a mother and mazehu, to the site. On the territory with the depth of the occurrence of the aquifer of 5 m is wormwood and licorice. If you judge by trees, then the above-tonished willow, birch or alder testify to the presence of aquatic vein. At the same time, lilac, the caticker, grapes and juniper do not tolerate the convergence, respectively, in appearance determine the distance to the liquid;
  • according to animal behavior, it is also possible to judge the depth of groundwater. For example, cats love scene over aquatic cues, while dogs prefer dry soil. Everyone knows that the midges and mosquitoes attract moisture, whole pillars of insects can be found after sunset in areas with high water reservoir. Redhead ants and mice also prefer dry soil, so if they are lacking, it can be argued that the aquifer is located close to the surface of the Earth;
  • if we consider folk signs, it is worth paying attention to the morning dew, its abundance speaks of the close location of the water. Evening fog is also an indicator of high groundwater, but only in the absence of a reservoir nearby.

Methods of definition

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To detect groundwater, at the level of 3-5 m, it is necessary to drill a well-diameter well. To do this, refer to specialists or are engaged in the arrangement on their own, using a garden bur. After a day after drilling, the water level in the well is checked if it does not change for several days, it is taken for the mirror of underground groundwater.

Focus on the ground helps topographic survey, which will reveal the highest and low relief marks. As is well known, in the most sublime zones there is a high level of groundwater, respectively, in the depressions and lowlands, the indicator is reduced. Specialists are engaged in creating a topographic map, although it is possible to do everything on their own, for this you will need a remedy. But she will not give a complete picture on the waters.

You can accurately determine the depth of groundwater can only with wells, but seasonal oscillations can be estimated by marks in wells. On concrete, traces of water always remain noticeable - they will find out the level indicators at the moment, the highest and lowest indicators.

People's way

There are also folk remedies for solving the issue for which our great-grandfather relied. For this method they took a bundle of low-fat wool, a fresh egg and a clay pot. In a place where it was necessary to determine the level of groundwater, filmed a layer of turf. Next, the wool was screwed on the purified land, the egg was put on top and covered the pot. Everyone was assested with a turf, and at sunrise inspected the result. If the egg was wet, then the aquifer is located close. With wet wool, but dry egg it is worth considering that water is deep. In the absence of underground sources, the components of the experiment remain without moisture. This method refers to reliable and proven, so far popular.

If, in the study of the territory, the groundwater is not found at a depth of 3-5 m, then they are not dangerous when building the foundation of structures. But if the site is planned to improve the well or well, then know the surface level of underground sources is necessary. It is worth considering the type and composition of the soil, for which they turn to geologists.

In the next video, you can view a sufficient effective way to determine the level of groundwater:

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