Alpine slide care - Basic rules

April 16. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 3242. Comments To write the care of the alpine slide - the basic rules of care No

Among all forms of landscape design, alpine slides are most popular. Their design not only allows to significantly diversify the landscape of the local area, but also makes it possible to show their artistic abilities. After all, a properly organized alpine slide is a true work of art.

To preserve its attractive look for a long time, it is not enough to properly design and execute landing. Mandatory condition, despite the unpretentiousness of all the vegetation of the Alpine slide - proper care.

Alpine Gorki Device


To more clearly imagine the amount of future work, initially read the features of the formation of the Alpine Gorka. Only with this approach, preventive care for this part does not take a lot of time and time.


Particulars of the Alpine hills is to artificially recreate the mound of stones of various shapes and plants that will exactly replicate the natural landscape of the Alps in miniature.


The regeneration of the hill, follow these guidelines:

  1. Prefer the area with a natural hilly relief or the possibility of creating an embankment without much effort when choosing a site.
  2. Pay attention to the quality of the soil - the sandy soil is more suitable for the design of a wildlife corner. lanscape5-500x361

    Important! Avoid plots in the shade of spray trees, better open space with direct access to sun rays.

  3. Before starting work, browse the schemes and photos of the Alpine slides of ready-made projects. SHEMA-ALPIJSKOJ-GORKI-IZ-PRJNYH-CVETOV
  4. Create your location plan for stones and plants on the hill. Unname-6807
  5. Show your fantasy when combining all the elements of the slide, but follow the basic rules of the combination of forms, colors and plant species.

    Important! Avoid excessive riots of paints and forms, it will only emphasize the artificiality of the landscape. 535821680

  6. In the process of arranging the hill, carefully treat the preparation of the drainage system and soil so that the plants develop properly.

    Important! Remember that the price of the Alpine slide is determined not only by species diversity, but also by high-quality organized systems that ensure the full development of all plants. Olympus Digital Camera.

How to care for the alpine slide at different times of the year?

A distinctive feature of the process of updating the landscaped zone is seasonality of work. This form, like an alpine slide in the country or near your own cottage is no exception. Therefore, pay attention to the recommendations below for the amount of necessary work for every time of the year. 1337807390_7

The basic rules for the design of the alpine slide in the spring

The entire scope of work during this period will significantly exceed the scale of the necessary care during the period, since the winter cold will certainly have their own impact.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Store the following recommendations:

  1. Carefully remove the winter shelter and check how significant damage is. If destruction is significant, then to the next cold season, give preference to another type of protection.
  2. Perform mulching with special paper to prevent the soil erosion during the thawing snow.
  3. Install re-stones that were squeezed over the winter to the surface of the Earth. 531_105_0
  4. Inspect all the plants carefully.
  5. Remove those of them that drove or started.
  6. Prepare the soil, mixing part of the soil with peat, manure and wood sawdust.
  7. Restore the soil and plant new plants, instead of the dead, or annual species that planned in the Alpine Slide Scheme. 1338615495_alpiyskaya-Gorka2.

How to care for alpine slide in the summer?

Among the peculiarities of the alpine slide in the warm season we note the following work:

  1. Play the irrigation system correctly, especially if the summer was sultry. Despite the fact that many plants are unpretentious rocks by depriving them so necessary for the full development of moisture, you will soon discover the decline in the attractiveness of the Alpine slide. Its foundation will be lifeless, burnt, dried stems without flowers. Excessive liquid, on the contrary, provokes the appearance by no means an unsightly mold and the growth of fungi. 00005291100282F55
  2. Completely make a weed from emerging weed plants. Otherwise, they will pick up the nutrients from the soil, which will manifest itself in a disadvantage for cultural species. 0A118299D57D725F152E30E401899726.
  3. Mulching as needed with the help of wood bark, peat and sawdust in the season of pouring short-term rains in order to prevent the soil cracking during the rapid evaporation of moisture.

    Important! Browse the video in which the entire process of performing this work is clearly shown.

  4. Watch out for the possible advent of unwanted animals and insects. The best solution is to organize pre-organize preventive systems, but if not installed, only timely detection of the problem and the use of suitable means to remove individual pests can prevent the destruction of this landscape form and plant disease.

    Important! Browse the video, which shows the principle of operation and the main characteristics of one of the most popular methods of protecting the purchase area from pests - ultrasonic repel.

  5. Periodically, but not too often feed the plants with fertilizers of a suitable composition.

    Important! Do not use fertilizers too often and in large volume, otherwise the plants will develop hardly, displacing each other. Make any composition, mixing with water, under root only those species that are not sufficiently attractive or fell. illu_article_content

How to prepare mound to winter?

In the autumn period, pay attention to the preparatory process to wintering and updating the flora:

  1. Plant the bulbous plants according to the scheme designed in advance.
  2. Drop those plants that are not adapted to winter cold and place them in greenhouse or home conditions.
  3. With the appearance of the first colds, pull the branches of high coniferous trees and prescribe them with boulders to the ground. By this, you will not allow their breakdown under the gusts of the winter winds. kG3.
  4. When the temperature is reduced, form the flooring from fallen foliage or wood sawdust.
  5. After snow dropping out, build a small fence in a slope with a slide height.
  6. Tension the polyethylene film over plants to exclude their freezing.

    Important! Do not do it very early, as the premature packaging of the Alpine slide for the winter will lead to peating and winking plants in the rainy season.

  7. Put the straw mat on an artificial lake, if the Alpine slide with a reservoir. stone-1.

What do you need to do in winter to keep the attractiveness of the alpine slide?

The care works for the alpine slide during the cold season are mainly aimed at keeping the integrity of its structure before thaw.


Therefore, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Provide thick snow cover on the surface of the hill, inside the fencing area.
  2. Check to decrease the degree of purgeness, especially if the slide is located in the open area.
  3. Do not allow icy iclands and blocks from the roof of the house if the Alpine slide is installed in close proximity.
  4. Develop the drainage, if freezes alternate with a sharp increase in temperature, in order to prevent excessive moisture accumulation under the cover of the created shelter. 12344783


Despite the fact that the rules for the care of the alpine slide are very simple, missing one of the components of the work complex, you will quickly see adverse effects. Therefore, to avoid such a result, organize your time correctly by creating a schedule for the necessary procedures. In this case, the efforts spent will be minimal, it does not have to update the species row every season to preserve the beauty of the landscape due to the constant death of the plants.

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