How to make a flowerbed with your own hands

April 6. Plot. Views 3080. 5 comments to record how to make a flowerbed with your own hands

Simple, inexpensive and affordable option for designing the country area is the creation of flower. Each gardener can show their design talents, playing not only with the shape, size and structure of the flower garden, but also with the selection of plants, their color range, combination of the size of buds and height of the stems. In this article we will tell you in detail how you can get a flowerbed with your own hands.

The rules for the arrangement of a beautiful flower garden

If in the process of creating flower beds to exercise fantasy, avoid mistakes and guided by some rules, you can achieve unsurpassed results. Consider the basic recommendations regarding how to issue a flowerbed near the house:

  1. The flower garden should harmoniously fit into the overall style of the garden, creating a holistic picture with him. Each detail of landscape design should be in its place, completing the overall landscape. Selecting a variety of plants in all corners of the household plot, you are unlikely to achieve the desired results. Do not take for landscaping the whole garden immediately. Start with a small area, applying a maximum of effort and making it a look beautiful and completed.
  2. Color range of plants for the design of flower beds should be selected correctly. Shades of various crops should be well combined with each other. Excessive restrut looks tasteless, much better when there are no more than 3 prevailing shades in the flower bed.
  3. Huting cultures on the site, you need to take into account their combination of each other. It is no secret that some plants are able to coal by their presence certain species growing in the neighborhood.
  4. Planning a flower garden, prefer the varieties of cultures that you love and with the cultivation of which you have already encountered earlier.
  5. Thinking about how to make a bed, do not forget about the principle of multi-tie. Flowers with high stems worth landing in the background, mid-grade cultures are located in the middle, and on the fore plan to carry out sharpening and lowered plants.
  6. Before making a flower garden, draw its exemplary plan and think that you put on it. Different colors are produced by buds in different periods, given this feature, you can make a floweruba, which will delight you with multi-colored paints for many months. If you correctly calculate the periods of flowering of certain crops, then others will immediately bloom on the site of the creaked buds.
  7. Before issuing a flower leaf at the cottage, think about its architecture. Here, an important role is played by the size of the household plot, its shape and type of landscape. On the vertical plane it is more convenient to create flat compositions, the alpine slide will look at the slope. Volumetric and vertical flowerbeds can be made independently, inventing an unusual original form.


How beautiful to arrange a flowerbed: varieties of flower beds

The creation of flower beds is a kind of art that, however, is available not only to professionals, but also beginners. Having a good fantasy and designer taste, you can decorate your site with a magnificent landscaped element. An interesting flowerbed can become a garden highlight, his business card, which will not only please the owners, but also cause admiration for the guests. The main varieties of flowes we will consider below:

  1. Parter is a complex flower garden having a large area. Parter, as a rule, consists of many flower beds and lawns, which look like symmetrically arranged geometric shapes. Various architectural elements may also be present in the parter: fountains, sculptures, etc. Create a similar flower garden on an ordinary household plot is quite difficult, since this landscape element takes a very large space. Such flower beds can be seen in parks or in palace-park complexes.
  2. Rabatka is a narrow rectangular flower leaf, which most often has along the garden tracks, fences, walls of buildings. Rabatki look beautiful even if there are only one grade of plants. But there are also compositions decorated in several types of colors. The width of the Rabatka can range from 0.5 m to 1.5-2 m. Often the flowers in the Rabatka are planted in several tiers: tall cultures are located in the center, along the edges are lower. Sometimes there can be a beautiful ornament from colors of different shades inside such a strip.
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  3. The border of something resembles the Rabata, but such a flower garden is more compact and simple. The width of the border is rarely more than 60 cm, it is usually 1-3 species from plants. The purpose of borders is to zoning the site, allocating the boundaries of paths, flower, lawns, etc. Instead of colors in the curbs, herbs or low shrubs can be used.
  4. Another interesting way to design flower beds is the creation of a vase - a flower bed, located in a beautiful container. This container can serve as a decorative or ancient vase, a pot, a wooden barrel and even a small cart. Such a flower garden is an ideal solution for small sites, as well as territories where there is practically no open soil. Vase can decorate a veranda, a terrace adjacent to the courtyard house.
  5. The decorative garden is distinguished by the fact that rustic crops are in a par with flowers. Fortunately, there are now a large number of garden plants, which in their decorative qualities are not inferior to flowers. Competently combining colorful plants, you can create a beautiful picturesque flowerbed.
  6. Flowerbed is one of the simplest and most popular trees. Most often, the flower bed is performed in the form of a geometric shape, and it is located on a small hill. Such a flower garden can be additionally decorated with small lamps, figures of garden dwarfs and animals. Gardening-novice can be practiced in the skill, breaking on its plot the flower bed monochlochk. Plants of one species are planted on its territory, but with proper design, the effect is wonderful. Bright buds can additionally emphasize beautifully outlined borders, which are made of stone, bricks, small hemp, low wicker fence, etc.
  7. Country flower bed will probably enjoy people who love simplicity and naturalness. A similar flower garden is drawn up in the so-called "rural" style. Simple field plants will look spectacularly, if you put them in the old wooden cart, a small boat, an unnecessary car body.
  8. Mixboro is a rather complicated element of landscape design. It is an arbitrary flower garden made of a wide variety of plants. Making a mixture, you should take care of how all cultures have come across and did not displace each other. It is desirable to select flowering periods in such a way that the flower bed looked attractive from early spring and before the start of frost.
  9. Vertical flowerbed is quite complicated, but a very attractive element of garden design. Such flower beds are most often made from several volumetric pots installed on each other like the pyramid. In each container, you can land the flowers of various varieties that will be well combined with each other by shade and size of buds.
  10. The parisader is a flower garden located between the wall of the house and the dear or sidewalk. The parisader is usually chopped by a beautiful decorative fence. The size of a similar flower garden directly depends on the length of the wall of the building to which it is adjacent.
  11. Another simple, but the spectacular version of the design of the flower is considered to be a rocque breakdown. The central element of this flower garden is a large boulder or a group of stones around which unpretentious and easy-to-lenses are planted. Plus Rokary is that it can be placed on rather poor soils, where capricious cultures simply do not fit.
    Olympus Digital Camera.
  12. Rosary - spectacular, bright element of landscape design. It is a flowerbed, decorated with many roses of various shades and varieties. It will be careful to care for the rosary, but as a result you will have an impressive pictorial composition on its site.
  13. Arabesca is the original design option. The most popular Arabesque version is the watch dial made from various low-tone plants. In addition to the clock, you can create flower beds in the form of inscriptions or simple images.
  14. Modular flower garden is a modern parquet species. This flower garden is based on a certain figure, which has clearly defined boundaries and repeated several times in a certain sequence. Modules look very effectively and unusual, moreover, they are suitable even for small areas. An ideal option for registration of such clubs will be lowered plants with bright colors.

How to make a flowerbed with your own hands

Step One - Preparation of Place

Before breaking the flower beds, first of all, it is necessary to determine the location of its location. It is important here to take into account how well the plants come true where you plan to plant them. Pay attention to the illumination of the selected area, its injection, the composition of the soil, the type of landscape. When the place is found, you can perform the following actions:

  • note the boundaries of your future flower beds;
  • inside the markup, remove the soil layer with a thickness of 15-20 cm;
  • thick the ground there, where the flower garden will be located;
  • cover the bottom of the drainage material: rubble, brick fragments or clay;
  • start the design of the borders of the flower beds, choose the material on your own, based on the possibilities and the stylistic focus of the lawn;
  • pass on the place of the future flower garden is a sufficient layer of soil, suitable for the growth of your chosen cultures;
  • leave the land for 2 weeks, so that it "rested."


Step second - selection of plants

The choice of cultures for the flower beds you have the right to choose yourself, the main thing that you liked the plants and so that you will find time and desire to care for them. But we still give for you some recommendations for the selection of plants:

  1. Take into account the compatibility of the colors with each other. "Unwanted" neighbors are chrysanthemums, sunflowers and valley lines - they are practically unable to get along with other flowers. The roses and carnations are badly combined.
  2. The main decorative effect creates the shades of buds and foliage of the selected plants. Often the colors of the cold range play the role of the background, white petals help smooth contrasts, and with the help of bright inflorescences, it is best to make remarkable accents.
  3. Landing density also need to pay due attention. It is impossible to plant cultures too close to each other, otherwise after some time it will become closely, and they will begin to wake and fad. At the same time, if the colors are too far from each other, the decorative effect will be lost, especially if the plants make up some particular picture.
  4. That the flowerbed was beautiful throughout the warm season, pick up cultures with different flowering time.

Processed by: Helicon Filter; Olympus Digital Camera.

Step Three - Club Care

The flower garden will not lose its type only if paying due attention to the care of plants. Cultures must be regularly picked up by the necessary fertilizers, weeds should be removed immediately after their appearance. Depending on the moisture content of plants, it is necessary to properly organize them with watering, it does not prevent periodically to loosen the land in the roots of colors, to give access to fresh air and do not allow moisture to be stated in the soil. At the very first frost, the flower leaf must be hiding at night under the layer of polyethylene, so that the flowers do not frozen.

How to arrange a flowerbed, photo:



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How to make a flowerbed. Video

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5 answers on how to make a flowerbed with your own hands

  1. Romanova.:

    The beauty! We, too, will soon have to equip the territory of the country area. Part of the territory I will definitely want to hold flowers, by type of such flower

  2. Irina:

    Yes, there are a lot of options on the topic of how beautifully decorate your country area and make your hands unusual and beautiful flower beds. I would also like to note that plastic pallets in Moscow can be ordered as a container, by type of such options. And already subsequently make the decor at its discretion

  3. Anastasia Vladimirovna:

    I can not even believe that such beauty can be created with your own hands without having experience. Just looking at the photo it seems that all this was done by landscape design master

  4. rassa.:

    To a greater extent, it's all on an amateur. Those who have never made the flower beds do it yourself, perhaps the process itself will be quite difficult

  5. Igor:

    I have a cottage near Kiev, I can't wait for a quarantine, so I want to go there and embody a couple of your ideas with flower beds. I liked the ideas with a rosary, especially where the arch is decorated with plenty roses, a stunning photo. I so inspired this idea that I decided to even order myself by mail the seedlings of the plenty roses here

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