Pros and cons of fabric seamless ceilings. Installation of fabric ceiling with your own hands

May 8. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work Views 694. Comments To records pluses and cons of fabric seamless ceilings. Installation of fabric ceiling with your own hands No

The ceiling decoration is a rather time consuming. After all, its surface must be perfectly even smooth. You can solve this problem with the help of tissue seamless ceilings.

Characteristics of fabric seamless ceilings

A seamless fabric ceiling is a polyester canvases that are impregnated with polyurethane. So the maximum waterproof material is achieved.

For the manufacture of tissue ceilings, special machines are used, where the synthetic tissue becomes a solid web of any size. Therefore, you can easily purchase material for large rooms whose width is 5 m.

The main plus of the ceiling of fabric is practicality. Most manufacturers handle products with antistatic impregnation. For this reason, the material does not need regular care (dust and dirt do not stick), while maintaining the initial appearance over a long period of time.

There are more advantages of the tissue ceiling:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety;
  • resistance to mechanical loads (stronger film from vinyl 13-15 times);
  • low weight;
  • simplicity of transportation;
  • the urgency of the preparation of the foundation;
  • the ability to hide communication lines (pipes and cables) and fastening lighting schemes with any power of elements;
  • a variety of design solutions;
  • the probability of dismantling and re-installing the ceiling;
  • improving thermal insulation and noise absorbing qualities;
  • long operational period;
  • some canvases have bactericidal qualities;
  • easy and speed of installation work.

Disadvantages of fabric ceilings:

  • ability to absorb condensate;
  • mounting with the presence of a seam with the width of the room above 5 m;
  • the impossibility of replacing a small area of \u200b\u200bthe canvas during damage;
  • high price.

Selection of fabric seamless ceilings

Among the diversity of tension ceilings from the fabric should be distinguished the products of three companies:

  • CLIPSO (Switzerland);
  • Descor (Germany);
  • Cherutti (Italy).

Model range of fabric seamless ceilings

The products of the Swiss company CLIPSO have a uniform pattern. And on both sides: facial and internal. The pattern is a knitted weaving with the same loop density in the vertical and horizontal plane.

Clipso canvas consist of large cells (compared with the products of the main competitor - Descor). Thanks to this, the Swiss ceiling is capable of visually increasing the height of the room. The material is sold in rolls with a width of 2-5 m.

Depending on the texture and color, the seamless ceilings of the CLIPSO are:

  • similar to the skin, silk, suede, other natural materials;
  • standard (canvas with monophonic black, white and beige colors);
  • multicolored (of 25 shades of red, blue, green, blue, yellow, orange and purple flowers);
  • translucent (bandwidth of light 40-60%);
  • brilliant (the presence of sequins on multi-colored canvases embezzle the room with a monophonic interior).

CLIPSO products are acoustic. Such canvas are able to absorb up to 85% noise. The peculiarity of these stretch ceilings is the possibility of artistic painting and photo printing on them.

Fissure ceilings in the apartment, made by Descor, are distinguished by small pores. This is due to the use of a thinner thread and a minimum step of weaving. The canvas possess a blue tint. The material is sold in rolls with a width of 3-5 m.

Descor seamless ceiling fastening is carried out through a wedge or clips technology. According to specialists for the installation of this finishing material, you can use baguettes of domestic production.

The most popular Descor Trevira model is made from high-quality materials, which include the adapt safe to human health. The main "plus" of the stretch ceiling is lower cost.

CERUTTI products have distinctive features. The main component of the polyester is reinforced with a nylon thread and is covered on both sides by a double layer of polyurethane. As a result, the canvases become heavier and not too suitable for wide rooms (will be saved).

The tissue ceiling CERUTTI is characterized by increased strength and waterproof, resistant to dirt and ease of care. A lacquer is applied to the canvas (both internal and outside).

The main advantage of Cherutti is environmental friendliness (ceilings can be mounted in hospitals and kindergartens), disadvantages - a small number of colors (white and several pastel tones) and special installation technology (used P-shaped baguette with a cord and clothespin, which holds the canvas).

Color Cloth Tissue Seamless Ceilings

As for the choice of the color of the fabric ceiling, it all depends on the type and size of the room:

  1. In the bathroom and the bathroom it is better to use the material that is neutral or cold.
  2. For the bedroom, on the contrary, preference is given to warm pastel shades of green, purple, pink or orange.
  3. For the living room you can use blue, red or chocolate ceilings.
  4. Green, red or orange products are suitable in the kitchen. The latter option contributes to an increase in appetite.
  5. In the office it is better to install yellow seamless ceilings. Such color improves performance. It is impossible to use relaxing colors: purple and blue.
  6. In small rooms (or with low ceiling) in most cases, white products are installed, which visually increases the space. From cold colors, you can use blue or blue shades that resemble the sky or seabed.

For the correct device of the tissue ceiling, special attention is paid to the lighting. In the absence of natural light in the room it is better to use warm shades of yellow, orange or red. When sunlight enters the room, you can choose cold shades.

Ceiling shades may vary if when illuminated the room to use incandescent lamps. Blue colors are becoming similar to green, red - yellow, brown (blue) - black. For this reason, it is better to use LED, halogen or luminescent lighting sources.

And the last thing you need to consider when choosing a color of the fabric ceiling is its absolute combination with a room atmosphere (walls, furniture, gender).

Fissure seamless ceiling installation technology

Now directly about how fabric ceilings are attached with their own hands. There are the following methods for mounting the finishing material:

  • cord;
  • klin;
  • clip.

Cord Mounting Fabric Seamless Ceilings

Used to attach CERUTTI crafts. In essence, this technology is the property of this Italian company:

  • a baguette is attached to the wall, which has special clips;
  • clips clings and stretching the canvas (at the corners);
  • the thin cord of the canvas around the perimeter is shred in baguette;
  • the thin cord is replaced with thick.

Beddow Mounting Fabric Seamless Ceilings

This technology is a handicraft species. It is also called a stroke method of installing fabric ceilings:

  • a P-shaped profile is attached to the wall of the dowel-nail;
  • the cloth is inserted into the profile;
  • for its fixation, a plastic stapper is used;
  • cuts off the excess part of the canvase;
  • the gap closes with a plug.

The lack of a wedge method is the absence of a clearly pronounced border between the wall and tissue material. This can lead to small linen drops when performing installation work.

Clipstream Mounting Fabric Seamless Ceilings

This method of mounting the tissue ceiling is the most common. This is illustrated by its following "pluses";

  • fast mount;
  • reliability of fixation of the canvas;
  • the minimum distance between the material and the old ceiling;
  • maximum attractive appearance.

To work, you will need a rounded ordering spatula. The process itself consists of two main stages:

  • mounting baguette;
  • fasteners of the canvas.

The main rule of the installation of the baguette is to create an ideal plane. For this reason, the horizontal plane of the ceiling created on the initial stage is set. The lowest point of the old ceiling is determined. It is retreating from it to the distance required for laying communication systems and installation of lamps.

The location of the baguette is noted using a laser level and twin material. After that, the baguette is fixed to the wall of a dowel-nail. The step of screwing fasteners is 10-15 cm. To improve the aesthetic designs of the design, the cutting of the baguette is carried out at an angle.

Fastening the canvas is carried out with an assistant. He will keep the fabric ceiling on the weight until you refuel it into the baguette. The web is straightened along the short wall, temporarily fixed in the middle of the baguette and gradually refuel into the profile. Be sure to leave the tissue supply to 5-6 cm, which is subsequently cut.

Do not get into panic if small "waves" arose. To eliminate this defect, the field of the canvas is heated by the usual hairdryer with circular motions. The cloth should be aligned.

At the final stage:

  • excess fabric is trimmed with a sharp knife (a wide spatula is substituted for a neat cut under the knife);
  • decorative plugs are installed;
  • lighting devices are mounted (additional mortgage and heat-resistant thermocole are attached to connect the massive chandelier, intended for connecting the extreme parts of the opening and holding the lamp).

Video about fabric ceilings in the interior:

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