Wall insulation from inside Minvata. How to insulate walls

August 12. Repair and construction work, Walls and partitions Views 6752. Comments To write the insulation of walls from the inside of Minvata. How to insulate walls No

In the cold, the walls of the house are a reliable protection against wind and frost. However, naked walls are able to lose up to 30% of the heat of your home. Due to this, there is a significant waste of energy resources designed to create a coziness in the house of wasted. For this reason, additional thermal insulation is a mandatory process with the arrangement of residential premises. One of the effective ways of insulation of walls is the insulation of mineral wool. About how to do it correctly, find out in this article.

Features of the structure of mineral wool

Mineral wool - is a synthetic fiber material. It is made of basalt minerals, on this reason, mineral wool is often called a stone. Its main purpose - heat and sound insulation of premises of various configurations. When implementing projects of modern buildings, mostly carried out with mineral wool insulation inside the walls.


Important! Particular ease of use of such material is that the length, thickness and width of the material is different, and the packaging is carried out in a special compact bales. Also, it reduces the structural solution spraying during operation. Wall insulation with mineral wool, the price of which is significantly lower than any other option, so this method will be the best option to solve any problems for thermal insulation of buildings.


Types of mineral wool

To correctly perform the insulation of a brick wall inside with mineral wool or any other design type initially defined with a suitable material type. Heaters in this category, depending on the manufacturer and the component composition divided into the following types:

  1. Light mineral wool having a density of 10 to 90 kg / m3. They use them mostly for thermal insulation constructions in the frame.
  2. Heavy, with a density index of more than 90kg / m3. These materials can withstand high loads, so they insulated contours of structures and buildings.
  3. Technical. This embodiment is suitable primarily for industrial finishing equipment with large temperature range of up to + 700C -180S .798

Important! One type of mineral wool - cloth, reinforced with foil on one side. This embodiment is advantageously used for installation in the ceiling, but it is also acceptable to use walls.

And mineral wool are divided into groups according to type of production:

  • wool - made from a glass melt;
  • rockwool - made from melt igneous rocks;
  • slag wool, which is made from molten blast-furnace slag. 1287942
    Important! The cost of insulation of walls with mineral wool largely depends precisely on the type of material.

Advantages and disadvantages of mineral wool

High constant demand for mineral wool provides a number of advantages, described below.



  • well foliated;
  • it has a low thermal conductivity;
  • resistant to extreme temperatures;
  • it refers to a class of non-combustible materials;
  • resistant to mechanical stress;
  • not deformed by compression;
  • it is not broken;
  • water-repellent;
  • has a high level of absorption of noise;
  • biologically stable;
  • does not affect chemicals;
    Important! Thanks to the non-combustible mineral wool is relevant not only in the construction and insulation of residential buildings, but also technical and storage facilities.

Disadvantages of mineral wool

  • contains carcinogenic fractions;
  • contains a phenol formaldehyde resin;
  • distinguishes harmful substances into the air;
  • dust from watts is harmful to the organs of the respiratory system. uTEP-STEN1-UTEPLENIE-VNUTRI.
    Important! The allocation of listed hazardous substances occurs only when exposed to sufficiently high temperatures. Under normal conditions, working with mineral wool is not more dangerous than other insulation and building materials.

Safety Instructions for Mineral Wool Mounting

In connection with the above disadvantages of mineral wool in working with it, you must strictly observe precautions. The main safety measure with such a job is to minimize direct and indirect contact with a person.


In order to eliminate pollution of the room with dust and pieces of cotton, do the following:

  1. Be sure to separate the place of work from the residential premises by the partition.
  2. Use as partitions:
    • phaneru
    • plasterboard,
    • stretched film.
  3. Avoid drafts passing through the work zone. uteplenie-Doma-Mineralnoj-Vatoj

Protective products

In the course of work on the warming of walls from the inside mineral wool, use the following protection tools:

  • respirator;
  • rubber gloves;
  • long sleeve clothing;
  • at the request of the hair protection hat;
  • protective glasses. SIZ.

Safety regulations

  1. Near the place of work, do not keep open food and water for drinking.
  2. Do not allow contact with the material of children and domestic animals.
  3. Upon completion of working with mineral wool, immediately remove the work room from the residues of the fibers.
  4. After leaving the workplace, change in clean clothes and shoes. 1363034995_21

Important! Proceeding from the aforesaid mineral wool, although it is an attractive material for insulation, but the danger of her health may be deterred. To dispel doubts about working with mineral wool, please note the following comparisons. Electric current is much more dangerous carcinogens and phenol formaldehyde, but at the same time, few people refuse from the use of electricity and the damage is not discussed. At the same time, remember that even a little dust from mineral wool on the open, exposed skin and mucous cause itching and irritation. Therefore, do not defeat the safety measures.


Methods of mineral wool mounting

There are three common heater installation technology in the room:

  1. Mounting of mineral wool on a wooden or metal frame.
  2. Installation of insulation, using brackets.
  3. insulation technology using the ground eaves. montazh-obreshetki-dlja-uteplitelja

Important! Moistureproof characteristics are greatly reduced at regular condensate accumulation on the walls, because of which necessarily requires an additional paroizoliruyuschy layer, regardless of the mounting method.

Apparatus wall construction with mineral wool insulation


Regardless of the chosen technology wall insulation of mineral wool produced in accordance with the following sequence of layers:

  1. Internal wall finish.
  2. A small ventilation gap.
  3. The membrane is a vapor barrier.
  4. Heattel.
  5. Plasterboard. 1_25222

Tools for work

You will need the following tools:

  • saw;
  • construction knife;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • marker;
  • dowels, screws, nails;
  • screwdriver;
  • staple gun;
  • metallized tape. dyubel-zontik

Prepare wall surface

For mineral wool insulation walls is not necessarily align. In order to bring the surface into proper for perform a number of actions:

  1. Clean the walls of the building materials and exfoliating particles.
  2. Eliminate projections.
  3. Spend a fungicide treatment against mildew. MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA

    Important! Small bumps you can disguise in thermal insulation and finishing works.

Mounting of mineral wool on a wooden or metal frame

Before starting the installation, collect the crates structure for drywall, using such materials:

  • metallic profile;
  • wooden slats. uteplenie-karkasnogo-doma-9
    Important! When selecting a material for the carcass, note that the tree susceptible to shrinkage and deformation when a large difference between the humidity and air temperature. Metal structure without proper protective treatment surface exposed to corrode.

Setting the frame

Complete the following steps:

  1. Mount frame made of aluminum profiles at a small distance from the wall of 5-10 cm.
  2. Secure the profile in a vertical direction with a pitch of 60-100 cm.
  3. Make sure that the thickness and the frame size match the insulation. 391638

installation of the vapor barrier


When installing this layer, follow these guidelines:

  1. As paroizolyatora use foil tape.
  2. Make sure that the vapor barrier facing the room with the shiny side.
  3. Secure sheets overlapped film.
  4. Glue the joint space of the film metallized tape for the best effect. 941e11f6e024e4b4b9d9d4b1c91026cf

Mounting mineral wool

The procedure for the immediate placement of mineral wool is very simple and will require the following:

  1. Place the wool between the carcass rivers.
  2. Sew skeleton sheets of plasterboard.
  3. Proshpatlyuyte surface.
  4. Proceed with finishing. 1371464300_66
    Important! With this method of warming restrictions in the choice of finishing and decorative materials there.


Watch a video on the wall insulation with mineral wool in this manner in order to properly organize the process for self-fulfillment.

Installation of a heater using brackets

To make the inside wall insulation of mineral wool of this technology follow the following sequence:

  1. Install the wall brackets for special sections of drywall.
  2. Screw them vertically in increments of 50-60 cm from each other.
  3. Give bolted brackets shaped P.
    Important! Such fastening completely reliable as to set the profile and for fixing the mineral wool.
  4. Extract roll or bale of mineral wool slabs.
  5. Measure and cut off the necessary length of wool with a margin of at least 10 cm. 1389810269_uteplenie_sten_iznutri_minvatoj_2
    Important! If we do not take stock of length, with a slight deformation of mineral wool it simply may not be enough to insulate the entire height of the wall.
  6. Put a measured strip wool brackets.
  7. Place the next strip slightly accordion.
    Important! Mineral wool is easily punctured with a bracket, so it will hang vertically without problems. The harmonica is needed in order that the insulation covers the entire wall tightly and without breaks.
  8. Mount the profile for drywall. 34
  9. Secure the profile on the fastening brackets.
  10. Install the hydrobaric film using multiple self-tapping screws screwed to the profile.
    Important! This action is necessary if the heat insulation was used without foil. The film prevents the adverse effects of mineral wool to the room.
  11. Install plasterboard on profile. dF589D5FD-D-DPOODF58DS
  12. Scrap joints.

Warming technology using the ground cornice

This technology is most simple and will require much less time to execute:

  1. Install the base eaves made of metal.
  2. Secure it with the help of screws and dowels at the bottom of the wall. 1401887096_Profil.
  3. Arrange cotton or wind it if it is in a roll.
  4. Attach the insulation:
    • with the help of glue for mineral plates;
    • scores when laying rolled mineral wool.
  5. Use 3-4 layers of heat insulator. uteplenie-Mansardnoi-Kriwi-3
    Important! Thanks to the base eternity and several layers of mineral wool, the room will be protected from rodents, and the insulation installation itself will be produced as soon as possible. This option will be the optimal solution to enhance the facade. It will help to easily sort out how to make the insulation of the walls of mineral wool, the video proposed below.


Mineral wool is an excellent material for the thermal insulation of the premises. It not only keeps warm in your home, but also perfectly absorbs external noise. It is worth noting that the ease of installation of such insulation, as well as a small number of necessary tools and skills, significantly saves your time and is stacked even in small budget frames.

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