Features of vertical heating radiators

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Along with the familiar horizontal batteries, gradual and vertical radiators for heating are gaining great popularity. In some cases, their use is the only correct solution. In order to calculate in advance how profitable the installation of such aggregates is, read carefully with all the characteristics of such elements of the heating system and the distinctive features of the installation.

Constructive features of vertical radiators

tochnee-Pod-Lyuboy-Dizayn-Neslozhno-podobrat-vpisyvayuschiysya-V-Nego-Radiator The main difference between such radiators is that all parts are connected not in the horizontal plane, but height. Due to this, it is possible to significantly diversify the design. One of the unusual solutions is non-standard long radiators that occupy the full height of the wall and at the same time most often have a bizarre geometric shape. vertikal


Browse the video in which the entire process of producing radiators of vertical and horizontal types is clearly shown.

What are the advantages of installing vertical type radiators?

The batteries of this species features a number of indisputable advantages, which provides increasingly popular popularity:

  • Such designs are particularly attractive, thereby harmoniously fit into any picture of the internal arrangement of the room. Therefore, there is no need, in the process of designing the interior design, think about how to hide heating radiators vertical. 74d0db.
  • The surface area of \u200b\u200bheat transfer significantly exceeds the size of more familiar horizontal models. Due to this, heating occurs in accelerated mode.
  • It is advantageously distinguished by vertical batteries and the ability to independently select a specific installation site, while when mounting the horizontal type devices, preference is given most often the wall under the window opening.
  • The small weight of such products does not create difficulties in transportation and installation. 3
  • A variety of fasteners for the installation of vertical battery models is presented on the market a very wide species nearby, which allows you to choose the most suitable to ensure not only the reliability of the connection with the surface of the wall, but also not to reduce the attractiveness of this interior element.
  • Mounting rules are characterized by such simplicity that are quite accessible to self-installing vertical radiators, even in the absence of professional skills to perform construction work. 1388678389_RADIATORI-KERMI-RU-AP50-BIG

Important! Despite such a long list of all the advantages of such elements of the heating system, it is impossible not to note some drawbacks that sometimes contribute to the failure of consumers from their installation in favor of horizontal products:

  • the vertical radiators of heating prices are significantly higher due to more material consumption for their manufacture;
  • in rooms with very high ceilings, most of the heated air is often accumulated at the top, which causes some difficulties in the process of attempts to achieve a suitable microclimate across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room. avtonomnoeteplo_ru_0.

What materials are used for the manufacture of vertical batteries?

In the production of vertical heating radiators, the photos of which are offered below, several types of materials are used. Arbonia68_1 The most popular solutions for the formation of such batteries are represented by the following list:

Distinctive features of radiators from different materials

We note the most significant advantages and disadvantages of vertical radiators, as well as some recommendations on a combination with style directions:

  • The heat transfer indicators are higher in aluminum and cast iron products.
  • Resistance to hydrowards well tolerate vertical radiators from cast iron. 1360388979_stalnye-trubchatye-radiatory-otopleniya
  • Initial attractiveness without the need for additional surface treatment of steel batteries.
  • Bimetallic units favorably distinguishes the design principle in which each material is used to create the part of the device where the entire reliability, strength and functionality of the entire radiator is ensured.
  • Corrosion resistance indicators in cast iron is higher than that of other materials suitable for the production of radiators.
  • Aluminum units have a light weight, which significantly simplifies not only their transportation, but also installation.
  • With regard to the cost of pig-iron and aluminum products are more accessible than steel radiators and combined devices. anb__rrn20x_03_klemmk_di_halter_jpg
  • Modern cast iron radiators with a carvings or another option for decorating the surface are indispensable with apartments in a luxurious classic style.
  • Steel products are harmoniously combined when installing furniture made of glass and chrome metal, for example, in the style of Hi-tech. Radiator Otopleniya Arbonia Entreetherm etsetz - 168790-ENTREETHERM_ETS_ETZ.14464
  • Aluminum, as well as bimetallic, suitable for both modern, and for other modern interior design directions.

Classification of vertical radiators by device type

The main feature of the difference is a way to form parts for the production of a vertical radiator of heating and their compound. 1360421063_Panelnye-Stalnye-Radiatory According to this principle, the following models are distinguished:

  1. Heating radiators Tubular vertical. The principle of the device of such batteries is a compound with curved steel pipes of two collectors. These structures are a solid device that is not intended for disassembly. It is advantageous of this type of opportunity to choose the most suitable cross-section of the profile, depending on personal preferences and features of the design of the entire room. The number of connected pipes regulates the level of heat transfer - than them more, the higher the indicator. 154
  2. Sectional products. This option is one of the most sought-after today. The radiators of this type are bonded separate fragments, each of which is involved in the process of heat transfer. Depending on the number of such elements, the power of the unit changes, but the general dimensions of the design increase. modny-E-Vertikal-NY-E-Radiatory-Otopleniya-V-Inter-Ere-15
  3. Panel batteries. For the manufacture of such devices, they take predominantly sheet steel sheets. Due to this, it is possible to achieve an attractive appearance in combination with a slight weight and good technical characteristics. For example, only panel radiators make it possible to adjust the temperature regime in a room with minimal gradation of indicators. It is noteworthy that in this category there are models with a wide range of all sizes, making it possible to choose the most suitable radiator of this type in the dimensions. 3


The principle of installing vertical radiators is not too different from the rules for mounting horizontal devices, but some nuances are still present. vertik. Check out them to fulfill all the work on the installation of batteries for heating the room competently:

  1. To attach a vertical radiator, select the overhaul of the capital wall so that the large size of the coolant does not cause destruction.
  2. By choosing a compound technology with a pipeline of a technical fluid supply, give preference to the lower or diagonal eyeliner.

    Important! This approach will allow to preserve the attractiveness of the interior and will exclude the overrun of materials for laying pipe line. Heizwand.

  3. In the event that preference to aluminum products, it takes polypropylene or steel pipes to design a coolant supply chain. The use of copper pipeline, despite all the advantages of this material, is excluded.
  4. When installing a polypropylene pipeline, be sure to check the need to control the thermal expansion, which is carried out by the position of the pipe in the form of the letter P, the turn or the setting of the compensator.
  5. On each radiator, install the jumper and the valve to easily adjust the circulation of the coolant, depending on the requirements during operation.
  6. If the pipeline liner to the radiator is below its location, use the crane of Maevsky, which will become an excellent obstacle to the formation of air traffic jams. flora-Black


Review the video in which the entire installation of aluminum radiators or a bimetal of horizontal products is clearly shown, which is not much different from the installation of vertical batteries in order to more clearly imagine the amount of upcoming work.


Given the features of the technical characteristics of vertical radiators of heating and simplicity of their installation, the rational solution will be the installation of such products for the arrangement of the heating system and in its own private house, and in the apartment. The main condition is to carefully take care of the process of choosing a suitable type of structure so that their functionality corresponds to your requirements and features of the room layout.

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