Repair of marble floors. How to restore the floor from marble

October 19. Interior decoration Views 2490. 1 comment To record repair of marble floors. How to restore the floor from marble

Marble floor looks quite beautiful and effectively. But such aesthetic pleasure has the opposite direction - the marble coating is able to deform as a result of the impact on it solid items. Since the main component of this material is calcium carbonate, even the effect of hot water is dangerous for it. However, damage to the floor cover does not at all mean its replacement, since the marble floor is quite well a restoration.

Causes of marble destruction

Among the main factors that carry a negative impact on the state of marble can be distinguished by such:

  1. The destructive effect on the marble material has ordinary sand. Each sandbank is a silica crystalline, which is a rather solid material, and the particles have sharp edges. If you get to the marble surface, the sand scratches the coating. In addition, under the weight of steps, this action is only enhanced. The size of the scratches is the smallest, however, if there is a damage to a significant coating area, marble fades.
  2. Another factor provoking the fusion of marble coating is dust. Dust affects the same way, but its crystals are very small. The fading of marble can be tracked if you cover the floor of the carpet. Under it usually flooring has a more dull appearance. This occurs due to the accumulation of dust particles, the destructive effect of which is intensified under the steps of a person. For this reason, it is not recommended to lower the carpet on the marble tile.
  3. Also, mechanical effects also affect the safety of marble coating. For example, careless rearrangement of furniture or randomly spilled drink. Marble has a property to absorb moisture well, therefore, with careless handling, it is enough to leave the indelible stain.

Marble floors Photo:


Marble Recovery Process

If the degree of degree of coating is insignificant, for example, polished only slightly swept, then you can do the treatment of polyrollas. Grinding in this case will not need. But if on the surface of the coating there are soased incommable stains or deep scratches, the restoration process will require more serious interference. In such cases, marble repair is carried out in such a sequence of actions:

  1. The surface of the coating must be carefully cleaned of contamination, especially dust. Special attention should be paid to the seams between marble tiles. They must be cleaned with special care, and if necessary, degrease the alcohol composition.
  2. Then all the available damage and seams must be embedded using a special putty. For this purpose, it is necessary to use the composition on adhesive basis, the color of the identical shade of marble. The desired color of the composition can be toned independently or purchase a finished putty.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to use the grinding machine with the presence of coarse abrasive. This will allow deep grinding, as a result of which the damaged coating layer is removed. As a rule, the thickness is 1-2 mm. Also, the absorbing spots and mechanical damage on the surface are eliminated.
  4. Next, you should apply a marble floor in the form of liquid glue. This will increase the strength characteristics of marble and fill the pores of the material. And also in the process of further operation will prevent the absorption fluid into the coating.
  5. After performing several passages by the machine, you need to see the result. If deep damage on the surface is not eliminated, they must be eliminated using epoxy resin. The resin should be applied to the appropriate color and with the content of marble pieces.
  6. Then you need to walk the grinding machine several times. After each passage should be replaced with grinding wheels into smaller.
  7. Next, we install polishing circles on the car, which handle marble to give it the brilliance.
  8. Then crystallization is performed. As a result of this procedure, the surface of the marble floor becomes more durable, as well as brilliant and smooth.


Crystallization is a thermochemical procedure occurring between a material containing calcium and a crystallizer.

The crystallizer is a weakness of a substance that is found in two types: liquid and powdered. Contains chemical and abrasive-type substances. Due to the presence of these components, the effect of glitter is achieved, as well as moisture resistance. Thus, crystallization can be called mechanical processing at the last stage of polishing the floor covering. Consider the process of its execution in more detail.


Crystallization sequence

  1. From the floor surface you need to remove all the existing garbage. It is better to use a vacuum cleaner for a wet cleaning. The cleaner should be a neutral property.
  2. It is not recommended to use an alkaline cleaner. In the case of the use of this detergent composition, the floor before performing crystallization is mandatory need to be neutralized and thoroughly washed.
  3. If the work is performed using a powder crystallizer, we stir the components to the state of the sour cream-like consistency using a single-scale machine for this.
  4. Then cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe floor with the resulting composition. After drying, the crystallizer forms a film.
  5. Make re-processing with a vacuum cleaner and polish the surface.
  6. If the liquid crystallizer is used, the composition must be applied by means of a manual sprayer.
  7. After that, it is necessary to perform polishing with a rotor machine to drying the surface.

Important! It is worth taking into account that we need to process the coating with liquid substance only after preliminary preparation. To do this, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the marble coating using detergents and dry.


Application of protective coating

Restoration of marble flooring through the use of protective composition is the final stage of the floor restoration. This coating contributes to greater stability of marble to the formation of spots, mechanical exposure, as well as to abrasion. Consider the main features of the marble processing process by such a composition:

  1. The protective layer is formed as a result of the use of various impregnations and film-forming mixtures on a polymer basis.
  2. The protection of the marble gender by using wax mastic and impregnation makes it possible to give the surface of the effect of wet stone. But in this case, one important feature of the composition should be taken into account - with a significant increase in the temperature indicators, the wax will be melted. As a result, the surface of the floor will be easily polluted.
  3. Film protective mixtures on a polymer basis help prevent marble destruction. These compositions are aqueous emulsions or solutions in an organic solvent.
    The flooring treated with such a substance becomes resistant to aggressive chemical exposure, as well as abrasive loads.


Soft and hard protective emulsions

In physical characteristics, protective formulations are divided into:

  • hard;
  • soft.

Each has its own positive and negative performance. Soft emulsions in the process of restoration of marble floor have the property compact. Thereby increasing the service life of the coating. If there is a need for such impregnation you can easily remove with alkali.

In addition to this, the essential advantage of such compositions is their absolute environmental safety. But with all the obvious advantages, soft protective emulsions have one drawback - a relatively low resistance to abrasion. After a short period of time on the surface of the marble, traces of shoes can be noted.

Hard emulsions have high wear resistance. They are divided into two types: containing metal ions and not containing. In mixtures with metal ions, zinc is used. This ensures the adhesion of polymer chains, due to which the coating acquires high strength and durability.

As a lack of hard coating, it is possible to distinguish the fact that it will be pretty problematic. Even with special means.

Methodology for the restoration of marble floor is presented on video:

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One answer to the repair of marble floors. How to restore the floor from marble

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