Cesspool my hands

October 18. Plot. Views 2119. Comments to record cesspools do it yourself No

To ensure the natural flow of uncleanness on the site, it is necessary to build a cesspool. This design will become an optimal alternative to the centralized sewer system. Sometimes it is a cesspool type pit that septicch is the only option to get rid of wastewater. We learn how to make the device of the cesspool, with your own hands.


Advantages and disadvantages


Significant minuses as such are not. It is quite difficult to implement construction. You will see in the photo how step by step is created by a cesspool with their own hands with small physical and financial costs. It is a simple type of construction to a negative value that can be attributed to the pros.

Key disadvantages:

  • need to regularly pump uncleanness;
  • high risk of soil pollution;
  • long construction period;
  • stable unpleasant smell within a radius of several meters.

Meanwhile, it does not arise about the feasibility of installing a sewage sewage station. In addition to the toilet, bathroom or shower room dirty water enters the kitchen. Plus, the flow of washing and dishwashers, installed now everywhere.


Preparation for construction cesspools at the cottage


With independent construction, it is necessary to carefully prepare. The phased rational distribution of forces and time will simplify the process. In this case, the construction difficulties in which the newcomer always faces, they will bypass you.

1. Primary site examination.

Initially, it is necessary to choose a plot of earth for digging pit. This stage, despite the overall impression, not so simple. For the waste pit will not suit any free territory. It must meet high sanitary requirements and rules. The distance to the cesspool should be:

  • from the residential facility is not less than 12 m;
  • from fence not less than 1 m;
  • from a well from 30 m for clay soil;
  • from the well from 50 m for sandy soil.

2. Determination of the desired shape and sizes.

The most common form of such tanks is considered to be the volume of 2 m³. Constructed rectangular and square cesspools for the toilet. Be sure to consider the design of the access of the associate machine to the reservoir.

Oval form is the most practical, since it makes it equally efficiently to press uncleanness from any side. Experts are not recommended to build a lot of large sizes. First, this design will take a lot of space. Secondly, when cleaning will have to call the Asshenizer Brigade twice.


Drying butt and strengthening walls


This stage provides several operations:

1. Marking of the pit (you can use the services of a small excavator or dig a deep boiler with a shovel).

2. The export of a large amount of land, which appeared after the digging of the pit (leaving a little for the beds).

3. Strengthening the bottoms and walls by cement-sandy solution. The concrete composition provides for the addition of components in quantity:

  • cement - 1;
  • sand - 4;
  • crushed stone - 6.

The volume of water is difficult to determine, since much depends on the degree of sand humidity. Mixing all the components, you should add water and gradually bring the solution to the state of medium density. If the soil is sandy type, it is necessary to put a crushed stone on the bottom.

In fairness it is worth noting that the cruise bag is not always relevant. If the groundwater is at a respectful distance from the surface of the Earth, you can leave the tank without a concrete bottom. Nevertheless, it is better to be renewed, otherwise impurities will be able to get into the water artery.

4. Construction of a concrete solution. As soon as the walls and the bottom are dry, it should be moved to the final stage of the structure of the structure. To collect the lid, you must perform the following operations:

  • knock down the boards in the form of a circle or square (depending on the form of a cesspool tank);
  • put securely attach to the soil. If you wish to buoy;
  • pour the concrete solution, leaving a hole for accessing an asserenitator hose.

The thickness of the plate should not be less than 12 cm. This value guarantees the reliability of the structure. As for the size of the lid, the stove must exceed the diameter of the pit. The hole for the assessing equipment in diameter should be about 60-70 cm. It is advisable to install the built-in hooks to dismantle on the cover.

In addition to concreting, you can use other material to strengthen the walls:

  • brick;
  • plastic tanks;
  • concrete rings.

Less hassle delivered ready-made factory tanks. Plastic cesspools prevent poisonous substances in the ground. Installation of construction takes several hours. As a result, the costs of building materials are reduced. Concrete rings are just as effective. Such structures are reliable, durable and practical. However, the installation is determined by the mandatory use of heavy machinery. Its forces to raise 400-kilogram weight can hardly come out. Nevertheless, cesspools from concrete rings are one of the most popular.

Finally, the third option is brickwork. It is quite difficult to lay out the material, given the design features. However, precisely cesspools from bricks loved to many daches. First, in the chess materials of the masonry, the soil effectively sucks the extra liquid, which affects the periodicity of the discharge of uncleanness. Secondly, brick - available material is relatively concrete rings and septic.


Pipe piping


The final stage of the installation of a cesspool with their own hands will be the piping liner. To this process, it is necessary to approach extremely carefully, since it is the pipeline that every day for many years to move wastewater into a sump.

The most optimal option is polyvinyl chloride pipes. PVC pipes are installed under a slight inclination to provide natural samone. The entire process of laying pipes looks like this:

  1. Digging trenches with a small slope.
  2. Laying the cushion from the gravel in the joints of the joint.
  3. Installing the pipes in the field down.
  4. The connection of all parts of the sewer pipe.
  5. Warming of pipes (in the case of installation above the level of soil freezing).
  6. Trench frustration.


Nuances of construction


You firmly decided to build a cesspool with your own hands, as presented on the video? Defined the place, dimensions and other details? But do you want to minimize the costs of challenges of the assessing brigades? Experts share recommendations on this:

  1. When using potent chemicals (nitrate oxidizing agents, formaldehyde), magical transformations are not occurring. Often only the smell disappears.
  2. With the arrangement of the cesspool from the tires, the design is possible. As a result, penetration of poisonous substances into the ground and the water artery of the site. Of course, this is the most economical option. However, the consequences can be deplorable.
  3. To avoid the appearance of unpleasant odor from the tank, you should close the hatch tightly. Otherwise, with insignificant wind, sall smells will reach the recreational zone of the cottage.




In general, the construction of a cesspool is not a complex technological process. However, requires great efforts, including financial. At the same time, it is impossible to save on construction materials in contact with uncleanness and water. Be careful and scrupulous, do not reject the help of experienced friends. Only in the case of accounting for all subtleties, the tank for uncleanness will be reliable and durable.

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