Connecting a gas boiler yourself

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Each owner of a private house or apartment wondered about connecting gas heating. Many just dream about it because it is one of the cheapest options from the point of view of installation and operation. Thanks to the installation of gas heating, a comfortable temperature is regularly maintained in the residential room, and the means to pay for its work is to spend much less compared to the prices for the central city heating.

Installing a gas boiler: Why and why


  1. Connecting the gas boiler itself is not a simple task. This case requires great responsibility, certain skills and, of course, knowledge. In order to proceed to the installation itself, it is necessary to make a special permission to make changes to the housing.
  2. The physical location of the gas boiler with its own hands, for example, in the kitchen, will not make any sense in the absence of other important elements that are not suiced. For a fully operating system of heating, the apartment will need to be purchased in addition to the source of the heat and the whole set of automation.
  3. Before making a decide on the installation, you need to check your apartment, because the living space should be suitable and meet all conditions for such a design. Perhaps you will have to make some adjustments according to the requirements of fire and gas safety.
  4. Installation of the boiler in the house may be required with the complete absence of hot water supply to the room and the desire to save money during the transition to the heating of a central type.
  5. Such a situation will allow installing a single-circuit type boiler. In this case, it will be enough to get hot water for washing dishes and taking the soul. This option is one of the simplest and budget on the market.
  6. As if from the side it looks the same, but the cost of the gas boiler is always greater than the price of electrical boilers of comparative functionality. This is because it is necessary to take into account the mandatory requirement of the additional installation of the gas meter. However, given the electricity tariffs, and they are now rather big, its cost will pay off during the first 1.5 years of operation.
  7. In addition, an important role in the decision of the installation of a gas system in the apartment will play itself the place of residence of a person. The main thing is the presence of conditions for housing or house for the location of a rather big boiler and the lack of discomfort in front of frequent visits to the relevant instances. If it is all right, then you can safely be taken for the purchase and installation.

Gas heating systems: types and differences


  1. To take a weighted decision to purchase a boiler below, consider the options that are the most popular and in demand today on the market. At least at first glance, you will not say, but there is a huge difference between models and stamps. Some are most accessible to montage manually, others are obliged to be installed exclusively by professionals in this case, no matter how the master for all hands you are.
  2. Today there is a sufficient number of firms involved in the installation of individual electrical and gas heating systems. It is important that they automatically take responsibility for preparing the place to install and design the necessary documentation on the system being installed.
  3. But when installing manually about these nuances, you will have to take care of the owner of the house, which is not always easy and fast. That is why people who decided to establish a gas boiler themselves better choose from two options that differ significantly among themselves.

Option of the gas boiler 1: simple

  1. Elementary boiler for water heating has a completely understandable and simple design.
  2. It consists of heat exchanger and burner on gas.
  3. For its correct functioning, it will only be necessary to connect water to the heat exchanger to the apartment or house, and ensure the exit for the chimney.
  4. The last step remains to issue all the necessary paper and the design can be used.

Option of the gas boiler 2: two-level

  1. Connecting a two-integted gas boiler is also fully implemented. Without a doubt, the presence of automation greatly simplifies the process of subsequent operation of the device.
  2. In addition, automatic sensors are also capable of adjusting the temperature, and the gas consumption using a boiler of this type is not so large.
  3. Even in the conditions of the coldest winter, it is possible to save on heating about 50% of cash compared with paying central heating. The diagram of connecting a two-integral gas boiler has almost no special details, except that it takes a slightly more free space than in the first version.
  4. There is also a minus of this choice, and it concerns the boiler room. Subject to the violation of the process of supplying the house with electricity, it begins to work in the simplest mode. Because of this, additional funds may be required to install an additional power supply system with a warranty.

Rules for installing a gas boiler yourself


The gas boiler connection system has its own nuances. It is important for them to draw attention to even before buying the device itself and additional systems to it.

Connecting a gas boiler to the heating system should be based on the following rules.

  1. For the boiler, it is necessary to highlight a separate room. Its area should be at least 4 square meters. m, or even more. In height, the room can reach from 2.5 m, the volume is needed from 8 cubic meters. m.
  2. The room must have a door. Its width can be from 80 cm. The presence of the window in the boiler room is also necessary.
  3. The decoration of the room in which the boiler will be, should not consist of materials, easily subjected to ignition and burning. This is important and allows you to prevent hazardous cases of electrical wiring.
  4. It is important to take care of the desired amount of air in the boiler room. It is necessary to have an extension with a cross section of 8 square meters. See if the boiler has a power of 1 kW.
  5. Exit to the gas pipe. It is impossible to use ventilation channels for this purpose: substances formed as a result of combustion will be able to penetrate into the rest of residential rooms at home or apartment of the neighbors.
  6. The gas duct can not have angular parts of more than 3. Length is enough to 3 m. It must be necessarily equipped with a vertical output and towers above the roof from 1 m.
  7. Pipe materials providing gas and steam output of the heating system should wear a high temperature and exposure to chemicals. It is not worth saving on this, otherwise there will be a threat of an explosion.

If you wish and install a double-circuit boiler for heating in a private house, there are no problems at all. Connecting a gas boiler in a private house involves only the presence of the required place. The flue room is not necessary to have a living house, which is supposed to be damaging, you can perform a small extension to it. In this situation, it is very easy to install any kind of boiler.

With private housing with medium characteristics, everything is a little more difficult. It is best to stay on the connection of a wall gas boiler. In this case, no additional installations will be required. The fuel room may well take the attic. But only subject to the presence of a sufficient space within it.

Additional moments: pay attention

  1. The boiler must be suspended at an altitude of more than 80 cm relative to the floor and cannot be located lower than the upper part of the sink of the sink.
  2. Can not be placed under the boiler any things.
  3. Paul under it need to be protected using a non-splashing sheet. It will be enough 1x1 m.
  4. The room is unacceptable in the presence of places for accumulation of gas mixtures. This is also a precaution from the occurrence of explosive situations.

Heating System: Features

  1. Be sure to have an air crane and a special tank for heated water.
  2. Horizontal parts of the pipes must be installed under a positive bias.
  3. Mandatory for the system for extracting crimping with a pressure of 1.8 atm.

What is better not to do

In the presence of one of these conditions, you can generally forget about the boiler and its installation personally:

  • lack of gas in the house;
  • the presence in the kitchen of the mezzanine and the false-brake of course, they can be easily removed, but not everyone wants to do it;
  • no privatization of housing, since in this case only the option of the boiler for heating water is possible.

Device Power System: Nuances

  1. Designs equipped with automation needed a small amount of electricity. But it is also important to have another line of wiring. For her, the machine needs this type as for a boiler.
  2. Computer UPS can be a spare option for electrical power.
  3. Boiler power is the basis of the selection of the desired section, which has a gas-order.
  4. The minimum diameter of the gas plant should be 110 mm.

How to choose the right gas boiler



  1. For productive work and high-quality boiler effect, the device must be sufficient power. Savings on this will lead to difficulty exploitation and, therefore, to dissatisfaction with the buyer. This will especially be felt if the heat exchanger material is cast iron.
  2. Excessively powerful designs very quickly warm up the system, after which they immediately go to the duty mode until the system is completely cooling. In this case, there is a risk of acid-type dew.
  3. In the case of the correctly selected power, the combustion chamber temperature cannot be higher than 90 ° C.
  4. To determine the required power in accordance with the room, simple calculations will be required.
  5. Power dependence on housing area:
  • apartment with one room, subject to location in the middle of the house - 8/14 kW;
  • apartment angular location with an area of \u200b\u200b60 square meters. m. At the top of the house - 20/28 kW;
  • private house - 24/38 kW.
  1. The data is taken at the temperature of the outside from -25 ° C to -40 ° C. The first digit in the value indicates the power in the mean conditions, and the second is to heat the water. While buying, you need to pay special attention to them.


  1. The boiler is working on accumulating hot water to use it in everyday life. When the vessel is emptying the boiler, some time does not heat the heating system, but switches to water heating. Gas this time is spent at maximum indicators.
  2. Connecting the boiler to the gas boiler is easy. Therefore, in the absence of its absence, the choice and the installation of the boiler will not be brought.
  3. If the water from the boiler borrow in small quantities, then the heating will be held in normal mode.
  4. To clearly understand the capabilities of the boiler, you need to pay attention to the capacity of this device:
  • for washing hands and bringing into normal cuisine, boilers with a capacity of 2 to 10 liters are designed;
  • for the rapid shower, devices from 30 to 50 liters are calculated by volume;
  • to take a shower in real time, not one person will allow boilers with a capacity of 100 liters;
  • to turn on the machine for washing and making a long soul, you need boilers much greater capacity - from 150 liters.

Necessary documentation

Before buying a device, it is important to collect all the required documentation.

  1. A contract for the supply of gas is required when choosing a heating boiler.
  2. All documentation associated with the gas meter. In the case of its absence, it is necessary to make installing this device. Its presence during the connection of the boiler is required. Without it, the installation of the heating system will not be able to move.


After collecting documentation, you can start buying a boiler. Before installing it, you need:

  • take care of the introduction of new data to the mainstream housing;
  • submit a statement about the project to the Gaza Service, you will need another technical support for the purchased boiler;
  • perform the installation of only the boiler itself to the room, which must first be approved by the gas service;
  • agree with a specialist about gas strapping;
  • apply in the gas service for the operation of the boiler operation;
  • invite an employee service for approval and permission to use.

Rules of installation of the gas boiler do it yourself

  1. The scheme of connecting the gas boiler is not very complex, but without the instruction and the specialist completely complete it will not work independently.
  2. The boiler body cannot firmly fit into any wall. Upon completion of the installation in the right place you need to make a strapping. It includes connecting the following systems:
  • electrical;
  • hydraulic;
  • gas.
  1. Only an employee with an appropriate specialization can do this work. This process is performed only after connecting all other system components.
  2. The first two systems from the list can be tied with their own hands. You will also need a boiler and a detailed instruction that is attached to the device.
  3. The main thing is not to forget about the following conditions:
  • in order to avoid the explosion of the boiler, water and gases must pass by countercurrent;
  • it is very important to accidentally not confuse the pipes with hot and cold water;
  • after completion of the installation, everything must be carefully checked at least two times, so you can prevent many problems;
  • the presence in the heating system of antifreeze is not allowed, an explosion may occur if it is inserted into the heat exchanger:
  • if you discovered the incoming fluid to enter the system, you need to drain and flush everything with cold water several times;
  • it is better to use different filters for water purification, the most successful location is at the lowest points;
  • it is impossible to collect garbage in the edges of the heat exchanger itself, because from time to time it is necessary to clean the system and merge the removals at the end of the heating seasons;
  • to use structures with an expansion tank and a system for monitoring, it is necessary to eliminate the old capacity, for this it will be necessary to overlap the air crane, since excess air may result in dangerous situations;

Predit it is possible to connect different types of boilers. To warm the floors can be connected by the floor gas boiler. An option is possible to install something similar, but the help of professionals in this case will be needed.



  1. You can install only the simplest boilers for heating water or boilers, but the second option will cost much more expensive. Although it is very convenient, due to the presence of an automatic system.
  2. Connect the boiler to the gas feed system itself is absolutely prohibited. To do this, you will need to invite a specialist. In inexperienced hands, such a connection is unlikely to end well.

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