Japanese garden of stones on the country area - features of the design, photo. How to make a garden stones with your own hands

April 25. Plot. Views 636. Comments To the record of the Japanese garden of stones on the country area - features of the design, photo. How to make a garden stones with your own hands No

Japanese garden - truly beautiful corner of natural nature containing the totality of canons, traditions, symbols and testers of the oldest wise men. Certainly, the style of the garden, its artistic content, decorative design, is striking how scrupulously and accurately well thought out. Here, many elements are successfully combined - vegetable world, small landscape forms, reservoirs. The undisputed highlight is a slide of stones in the garden. The composition of stones of even the smallest size can symbolize the entire essence and the inviolability of being, to reflect the culture of the Japanese people its originality and deep wisdom. Japanese garden stones - a business card of this rich country, the cultural traditions of which came far beyond its limits. After all, today, many owners of private houses in Russia are trying to equip their homeland territory on the same principles and rules for which the most beautiful Japanese gardens are being created. Next, we will tell you more about how you can arrange a garden of stones with your own hands in your country.

Garden philosophy stones

The existing trends in the design of the Japanese garden stones combine the ancient traditions and new trends of garden-park design. This skillful corner symbolizes a reduced copy of the world, in which the elements of the garden (stones, sand, moss, plants) displays separate elements of the speculation of the universe. The main purpose of the garden of the gardens is the creation of a place to relax, pacification, meditation. For the first time, he was created by the Saown Master in the Buddhist Temple Röandi. To this day, the main task of the garden remains unchanged - being in it, the person must relax and the body and soul.

The atmosphere of recreation in the garden creates the lack of raminity of various elements and compositions. Each element of the decor should be placed on "its place" and at the same time the area of \u200b\u200bthe whole garden should not be as filled as possible. However, given the fact that there are no such abundance of free territory on our household sites, as in Japanese gardens, it is necessary to consider the garden of the garden of the garden in the country so that it is necessary to place everything you need to place everything in a small platform, and not overdo it.

The main characteristics of the garden of stones:

  • Asymmetry. Do not buy stones for standard size garden, having the same shape and color. After all, the design of a Japanese-style garden does not imply parallel placement of garden elements. They must be placed on the sevendent lines, it does not matter whether the figure will be the right form.
  • The presence of free space. The area of \u200b\u200bthe plot should not be as filled as possible. It will be better if there are many free zones.
  • The atmosphere of the garden should have rest, solitude, reflections.
  • The garden of stones should be viewed completely from one particular point, which is called the "Point of Contemplation". If a garden is erected by large stones, the contemplation point should be located on the hill so that the entire holistic painting of the plot design is opened.
  • Proximity to nature. The entire garden decor should be close to natural. Therefore, when designing, it is necessary to be used in combination of both artificial stone stones and natural unprocessed.

Specificity of the design of the garden of stones in a complex area

Was it lucky if you got a smooth land plot with rich fertile soil? Undoubtedly. It will be difficult to equip it easier, but it will be difficult to do unique. Was you lucky if you got a plot on the slope, lowline or, in general, in a swamp? It is difficult to say, because thanks to your efforts, even on such a terrain, you can equip a beautiful and original garden of stones. It is only necessary to show fantasy, because the usual ways of design are not suitable here.

The specificity of the decoration of the garden of stones in the complex area is as follows:

  • Plot on the slope. If your dissing area is located on the slope, then think about placing here a stream or a cascade - the noise of the murmur water will create a pleasant noise effect. But first of all, you need to strengthen the slope. In addition, you need to create a drainage system. It is necessary so that the water does not blur the land. It will also be useful to plant on the plant area with a well-developed root system. Their roots will keep the slope. The coolest drops of terrain are strengthened with the help of geogrids in which plants disembark. For the design of such a Japanese-style garden, large stones located across the slope should be applied.
  • Plot on the swamp. If there is an excessively moistage soil on your household territory, then you should not give up the idea of \u200b\u200bthe garden decoration with Japanese styles. First of all, you need to correctly pick up plants for such a plot. It may be alder, apple tree, honeysuckle, snowy year. Due to this plantation, the composition of the swampy soil will gradually change, in particular, its acidity will decrease. Over time, almost any plants can grow here.
  • On clay soils, stagnation of water often occurs. Therefore, such a terrain can deliver additional problems. They can be solved by building a pond on the site. By the way, you can withdraw the drainage system. Moreover, the reservoir will perfectly complement the composition of ornamental rocks for the garden.
  • On dry or sandy areas, the plants of the steppes and the mountains will feel good. By the way, in our climatic conditions, cultural data in the design of the Japanese garden will look very exotic. It will make your plot unlike all others.

Selection of gardens

Selecting gardens should be made according to the rules:

  • Inspect the stones from all sides. It is important that there are no defects. Please note that the composition should be collected from one, but from a group of stones, so you will appreciate how the stones will be combined with each other.
  • It is recommended to choose those stones that have a natural view or approximate to natural. For the design of the composition, gentle and rounded stones are better suitable than those that have sharp faces and chips.
  • In order not to disturb the atmosphere of rest and contemplation, try not to pick up stones with too sharp and contrasting. It is better to use those of them that have a similar color gamut.

Stone garden design scheme

There are several schemes for garden design schemes:

  • Seven-degree design. 7 basic stones should participate in the creation of such a composition. They are located at the intersection points of the "Seven Star". Here, all basic elements intersect together, so they can be conventionally connected using direct lines. When creating a garden of this type, the direction and angle of falling the shade of stones at different times of the day should be taken into account. It should not close the basic elements of the design, which are viewed from the "Contemplation Points".

  • Garden of four elements. It should be combined together with 4 main elements - fire, water, air and land. In such a composition, symbolize the element of the Earth will be stones. Wavy lines drawn on gravel embankment personify the element of fire. Water surface will be represented by artificial reservoir. The element of air will present an abundant space between the stones and the reservoir. In addition, in such a garden, it is necessary to plant plants that will symbolize life successfully occurring in the interaction of all four main elements.

  • Roccarius, alpine slide. The most popular ice garden design option. It combines stones with water and green plants. But unlike the usual structure of the Alpine slide, strict and even lines should not be present in the Japanese composition. It is better to use asymmetric and a variety of composition elements. In the center of the scheme should be stones. They should be placed in chaotic order. Vertically arranged stones will symbolically display the celestially, and horizontal - the Earth. On the whole gardening composition should well fall sunlight.

Stone garden design order

The order of the garden of the garden in the country area is as follows:

  1. First of all, you should clean the selected area from garbage and unnecessary elements. If there are old snags and stumps, they need to emerge, and then lay the soil with a shovel. It is best if the cleared area of \u200b\u200bthe site will have a rectangular shape.
  2. Next, on the cleared area, you should remove the upper part of the soil. To do this, "cuts off" about 12-16 cm of the Earth.
  3. The resulting trench should be strengthened on the sides using wooden hundred.
  4. Place the sand layer on the bottom of the trench. Its thickness should be no more than 8-10 cm.
  5. From above sand must be filled with a shallow crushed stone. It is covered with gravel from above, which will be the main base for creating a garden composition.
  6. Plot should be sealing. For this sand, gravel and crushed stone flooded with a small amount of water, and then thoroughly tamper.
  7. On a dense basis, basic stones are installed, which will create the "heart" of the composition. Stones are well deepened in crushed stone and fixed on the sides. They must take a steady position.
  8. Next, according to the scheme and the garden plan, additional elements of the composition are placed. These can be reservoirs, plants, fruit trees, etc.

Plants for Garden Stones

Recently, among the homeowners, it became very popular to decorate their indentioned areas with fruit trees. And this is done not only to enjoy tasty fruits of its own garden. Many fruit trees have more decorative meaning. They are planted in order to enjoy flowering, beautiful shape of the crown, charming palette of flowers of leaves. You should not retreat from this tradition and at the design of the Garden of the Japanese-style stones. Despite the fact that for the original source, Sakura is the main tree in the garden, in our latitudes, other trees can be replaced with her bloom:

  • The dwarf apple tree practically does not bring fruits, but its beautiful bloom, resembling bright red garlands, can "delight eyes" as the owner of the site and its guests. In the fall, the dwarf apple tree is sleeping with many little yellow and orange apples. They are not edible, but create a beautiful composition for your garden.
  • An excellent supplement for the decorative garden of stones will be a pear of the punchy, which spring blooms with beautiful pink buds and a pear of an iron, blooming with white flowers. These trees do not bring edible fruits, so they can only deliver aesthetic pleasure. Not to be limited to only two rocks of trees, there are still many plants that are specifically derived for our climatic conditions.

Roccaria in the garden stones must be supplemented with such plants:

  • saxifrage,
  • fern,
  • decorative moss
  • molded (stone rose),
  • edelweiss.

Garden stones: photo


Garden of stones at the cottage: video

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