How to combine wallpapers in the bedroom - design, photo. Interior bedroom with combined wallpaper

April 25. Interior decoration, Walls and partitions Views 736. Comments to record How to combine wallpaper in the bedroom - design, photo. Interior bedroom with combined wallpaper No

Wallpaper wall decoration wallpaper - one of the most popular types of repair work. With relatively low time and time costs, you can update the interior of the room beyond recognition, bringing a highlight to it. A large number of types of wallpaper and a wide palette of colors, textures, drawings - will help make the design of the bedroom individual and unique.

Quite often, designers when finishing the room with wallpaper apply a very original reception - combination. And it concerns not only coloring, but also the textures and type of finishing material. Organic combinations of wallpapers make the interior refined and unique, they help to choose the most optimal drawing of walls under the installed furniture. About how to make the interior of the bedroom with combined wallpaper - further in the article.

For which the wallpaper combines the bedroom

The interior of the bedroom should be not only beautiful, but also positively affect the psychological state of her owner. It should contribute to relaxation and rest after the working day. The tone of the walls of the bedroom should not be "screaming" and too bright in order not to put pressure on the psyche. "Calm" shades can help relax and relax. The combination of light wallpapers in the bedroom will add light room if the windows come out on the north side.

An important role in human well-being plays the aesthetic beauty of the room. It is the combination of various types and colors of the canvas that can create a unique and beautiful interior.

The combination of wallpaper in the bedroom can chase several purposes:

  • Hiding the flaws of the apartment planning. Rooms, especially in the apartments of the old building, have incorrect dimensions that can be visually corrected by combining wallpaper.
  • Selection of one of the zones. Mostly, such a reception is distinguished the headboard bed, although the working area can be divided into the bedroom.
  • Visual expansion of the room. Wallpaper combining for a small bedroom will be able to create an effect of additional space.
  • Implementation of the individual and original design of the room. At the same time, combining wallpapers, you can make various lights of the room in different zones, which will create an unusual and pleasant atmosphere.

The technician combining wallpaper in the bedroom is several and features of their application depend on the specific case and decisions of designers. Combine canvas as follows:

  • With vertical strips.
  • With the help of horizontal strips.
  • With the gluing of limited inserts.
  • With patchwork combination
  • Using the allocation of the structural features of the room (niches, protrusions, corners, etc.).

Bedroom design with vertical wallpaper combination

Thanks to this reception, it becomes possible to achieve interesting visual effects. You can enhance the room and make it more compact. For this designer reception, strips of wallpapers of various patterns and colors are used, but similar textures. The canvases are stuck both in strict order (the bands have the same width and alternate through one) and in chaotic (the bands have different widths and paste there internship).

In color plan, combination variations may be the following:

  • Stripes of one color, but different tones. For example, to create an atmosphere of relaxation in the bedroom, light gray, and dark gray shades can be alternate.
  • Stripes of different colors to create contrast zones.

Vertical combination makes it possible to highlight several zones indoors. A bedside zone is relevant for the bedroom. In the main wall, the headboard is isolated a contrasting strip. To properly use this technique, the width of the wallpaper strip and the headboard must be the same. In some cases, it is possible to continue this strip to enhance the effect on the ceiling for the entire length of the bed. Also, this technique will be very useful for premises with low ceilings. Thanks to the alternation of vertical strips, it is visually used to understand the ceiling.

Wallpaper Wallpapers with different pattern, for example, one band - with geometric patterns, the other - with smooth lines.

With vertical combination, it is necessary to monitor not only the color and textured solution, but also for the full color palette of the room. Curtains, bedspreads, furniture, pillows must be in the same color scheme. Otherwise, one of the details will be the "spot" that will be rushed into the eyes.

How to horizontally combine wallpaper in the bedroom

Horizontal combination is used more often than vertical. If, with vertical combination, in the overwhelming number of cases, wallpapers of one species and texture are used, then such rules for the horizontal method are not required. As a rule, the walls around the entire perimeter are divided horizontally into 2 parts, which differ in both each other as color and texture and manufacturing material. In this case, this technique can be considered in terms of practicality. The lower part of the room is covered with dense and durable wallpaper, because they are more mechanically exposed. As a rule, vinyl or fiberglass wallpapers are used for the lower part. Often, decorative moldings are installed on the border of the upper and lower zones.

Procedure for work:

  • With a horizontal combination, the first part of the wall is first worse, and then go to the bottom. In order to draw the border between the upper and lower zones, you can use the level.
  • There is another option to stick wallpaper when horizontal combination. In order not to cut the upper stripes with an accuracy of a millimeter, you can stick them, then wait until they dry and trim the woven knife under the level.
  • The bedroom design with combined wallpaper for 2 species will be interesting to look if the top of the canvas extend the adhesion to the ceiling above the bed.

How to combine wallpaper in the bedroom. Selection of color wallpaper solutions for the bedroom

When choosing a color solution and combination of two shades of the bedroom wallpaper, it is necessary to follow some rules:

  • If the design takes place in the bedroom of young spouses, then a few passionate notes can be made in the interior of the room. You can do this with the following combinations of color shades: red - orange or red - pink.
  • If the bedroom is used exclusively for rest and sleep, it is recommended to make it possible in pastel colors. The following color combinations are relevant here: white - light brown or white - beige.
  • If the bedroom is used additionally as a working office, then it is recommended to use the following color solutions: blue - blue, gray - green.

When combining the colors of wallpaper in the design of the bedroom, use the following palette:

If used in the interior design of more than two color shades, then see the possible combinations of shades in the picture:

How to combine wallpaper in the bedroom. Sticker inserts from wallpaper or design of niche

Quite often not only in old, but also in new apartments there are additional corners, niches, storage rooms, erkers. Usually they hide passing inside communication. This lack of planning can be turned into a design highlight of the bedroom, if you select it from other wallpaper inserts. Usually, niche is isolated by contrast.

You can use the following designer techniques:

  • So, if the bedroom is made in white, the niche can be highlighted with black or dark blue. If this section of the room is used as a separate zone, for example, to install the ottoman or desktop, then the highlighting of its other wallpaper will create an impression of a separate room and will give an additional merry in its secluded corner. When working in this part of the room will easily concentrate on performing the task.
  • Often the niches make the owners themselves from drywall themselves to give the room an additional originality. The arches of the round and rectangular shape at the head of the bed are particularly popular.
  • When using such a reception, the niche is covered at the last moment when all other wallpapers are already stuck.
  • If in the room the main part of it is placed in monophonic wallpaper, niche should not be distinguished by canvas with a pronounced ornament. Photo walls This rule does not concern.

Patchwork wallpaper combination in the bedroom

This technique is used relatively recently, but already deserved recognition from the designers. Thanks to the chaotic sticking of segments of wallpaper of various colors, textures and patterns, it is possible to achieve a warm and cozy situation in the bedroom. With this combination, you should not use screaming colors. A big contrast will not give in the room to relax and relax, namely, for this bedroom and is intended. You can select individual zones in the bedroom. It can be a wall of the head and side wall.

Although the patchwork combination and does not constitute an unreserved task, since all the flaps are gluing brass. However, with the selection of colors and textures, it is necessary to be very neat, so as not to make a unfortunate set from the wall, which will spoil the whole picture. It is desirable that the drawings on different wallpaper be the same subject.

How to combine wallpaper in the bedroom. Selection of walls with photo wallpaper

Wall murals have long been successfully used in the design of bedrooms. Thanks to them, you can make a thematic interior, highlighting its basic notes.

In this case, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Basically, various kinds of landscapes are used as the main topic of photo wallpaper. For example, a forest theme with bright colors is perfect for green wallpaper, a marine theme can be used for blue walls. A distinctive feature of the photo version is that they can visually significantly expand the room.
  • Wall mural is better combined with monophonic cloths without drawing. Otherwise, they will not have the desired effect. The best place for photo wallpapers in the bedroom is the headboard bed.
  • When using this technique, it is very important to carefully plan the design of the room: the arrangement of lighting devices, furniture, a common color concept so that various items complemented the designer motive, and not crushed it into small pieces.
  • When combining wallpapers in the bedroom it is advisable to make purchasing of all materials centrally. So it will be possible to most accurately pick up various patterns of cloths so that they are harmonized with each other. Yes, and with a wholesale purchase, it will be possible to ask the seller a discount, and, given the cost of photo wallpaper, it will be odd. When buying it is better to give preference to one manufacturer, then the quality of the entire material will be approximately the same.

Bedroom wallpapers Combined: Photo


Bedroom wallpapers, how to combine 2 colors: video

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